......狄寶賽先生的女兒Indira和Lee-Tai也應邀致詞。Indira指出,美援是一段曾經與自己以及臺灣人的生活有所交會的歷史,面對經過極大的努力所重現的這一切,雖然為其父母因年邁與身體狀況而不克親自前來感到遺憾,卻也因能夠代表其父母出席而深感榮耀。狄寶賽夫婦透過Lee-Tai帶來的致詞中,充滿對過去在臺灣生活的喜愛以及對在臺灣所結交的朋友的懷念。狄寶賽夫婦對於睽違臺灣多年後,臺灣大學圖書館能夠製作一部記錄狄寶賽先生在臺灣九年間的主要工作之歷史紀錄片,有很深的感動和感激。狄寶賽夫婦道出他們當年與能幹又具有奉獻心的工程師、企業家、政府官員共同工作,對於任何成果,從未曾試圖居功,但是 此時獲得肯定與讚賞,也不諱言他們的感激和喜悅之心情。(狄寶賽先生夫婦的致詞由狄寶賽夫人起草,全文及中文翻譯見本文末)
It seems quite miraculous, and at the same time, quite fitting that Taiwan once again is playing a very important part in our lives. The most exciting, rewarding, and happy years of our early married life were the nine years we lived in Taiwan, and now, most unexpectedly, in our old age the most exciting and gratifying events in our lives are thanks to new contacts with people in Taiwan. We are so very grateful to Mr. Lin Pen-Yen for discovering Mr. de Beausset's role in the development of Taiwan, visiting us in Michigan 3 times and writing his book "V. S. de Beausset's Order of the Brilliant Star." We are, also, more grateful than we can say for the National Taiwan University Library's appreciation of Val de Beausset's archives, movie films, photographs, slides and dairies of those exciting nine years. It is as though the Taiwan experience has come full circle—and just in time to give both of us a great deal of joy in our old age.
The documentary film that the library has made of Val's work is wonderful. We are very impressed with the technological skills with which movie films, slides and photos were blended together into a smooth story. The interviews with people today and the pictures of factories Val helped get started as they are today are very interesting. A great deal of work has gone into this documentary. We are very pleased and grateful.
Val's method of working was to stay behind the scenes. He never tried to take credit for any work he did with very capable and dedicated Chinese engineers, businessmen and government officials, but there is no denying, his gratification and deep pleasure, to have this recognition and appreciation of his work.
We thank the National Taiwan University for inviting our two eldest daughters to represent us at the Premier Showing of this documentary. It is truly thrilling for all of us.
We have lived and worked in seven countries and enjoyed them all, but if anyone asks us where we most enjoyed living and working it takes us not a second to answer "Taiwan." We made friends here who remained dear and close friends for life. Now we have made new friends in Taiwan to whom we are extremely grateful. Thank you so much.
I find it hard to put into words what we feel for all the work the National Taiwan University Library has done on this documentary film. We also wish to thank Mr. Lin for being the catalyst that brought this all about.
Many thanks to you all.
Val and Connie de Beausset
很奇妙、也可說再適巧不過地,臺灣再一次成為我們人生中重要的一部分。我們結婚早年,最感到興奮和快樂的日子是在臺灣渡過的9年。而現在,很不期然地,在我們的晚年,我們能夠面對這樣讓我們非常感動與溫馨的場面,這都要感謝我們能夠再度和臺灣的人們有了新的聯繫。我們非常感謝林炳炎先生,他發現狄寶賽先生在臺灣發展過程中所扮演的角色,三度到密西根州造訪我們,寫了"V. S. de Beausset's Order of the Brilliant Star"。我們也十分感謝國立臺灣大學圖書館肯定狄寶賽典藏的有關在臺灣的9年期間的資料、影帶、照片、幻燈片、日記等的重要性。彷彿臺灣經驗就這樣被完整兜攏,而且及時地在我們的晚年給予我們極大的喜悅。
這本書在2004年界就出版《保衛大台灣的美援(1949~1957)》=《V.S. de Beausset’s Order of Brilliant Star》
Order of the Brilliant Star
Order of Brilliant Star 景星勳章.