kleptocracy 為利用種種假公濟私式治理來竊國
klep•toc•ra•cy (klĕp-tŏk'rə-sē)
n., pl. -cies.
A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption.
[Greek kleptein, to steal + –CRACY.]
corporate kleptocracy
由於上市公司也是股東等的公器,所以像C. Black等最高管理者假各種企業購買契約中的”非競爭”等條款而貪污等,就被冠上這種罪名(他又企圖毀證物等妨礙司法審判,罪加一等)。
It is striking, then, that Mr. Black’s conviction in a criminal trial in Chicago yesterday came down to a mere $2.9 million he is accused of siphoning from the company he used to run directly — a far cry from the “corporate kleptocracy” that one former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman accused Mr. Black of running.
他才從直接管理的公司吸金(siphoning from the company)2百90萬美元,這樣証交所就稱為「公司竊盜」,似乎過份點(因為他的薪酬遠高於此)。