2024年11月26日 星期二

inspire, divine, inundate. inundated a network.But the challenge presented by climate change requires both leaps of imagination and hard thinking about the efficiency of solutions

China Inspired Interrogations at Guantánamo
By SCOTT SHANE An interrogation class at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was based on a 1957 study of Chinese Communist techniques used to obtain confessions, many of them false, from American prisoners.

Investors are being inundated with reports from analysts who, amid intensified probes into stock-option practices, are trying to divine which firms may come under scrutiny 2006

Shutting down all coal overnight is obviously not realistic soon. But the challenge presented by climate change requires both leaps of imagination and hard thinking about the efficiency of solutions https://econ.st/4i7fQVF

inundate (TOO MUCH)  verb [T] to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with them all: We have been inundated with requests for help. inundation 
 noun [U]

arrow Imagination (r) BBC

The Divine Michelangelo

inspire  verb [T] 1 to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it: His confident leadership inspired his followers. [+ to infinitive] After her trip to Venezuela, she felt inspired to learn Spanish.
National Trust Clear image used for layout purposes
Clear image used for layout purposes
Clear image used for layout purposes
for ever, for everyone

Great Green Leap Day

The National Trust believes that small steps by thousands of individuals are of infinitely more value than words without action. This Friday Trust staff will spend the day making their lives a little greener. Why not get inspired and join us?

2 to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction: She inspires great loyalty among her followers. The captain's heroic effort inspired them with determination. 3 to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc: a piece of music inspired by dolphin sounds The design of the car has inspired many imitations. inspiration PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics noun 1 [C or U] someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something: The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting. He went to church, perhaps seeking divine inspiration. 2 [C] a sudden good idea: He had an inspiration - why not apply for some government money? 3 [S] an example which people admire: She has been an inspiration to us all. inspirational  adjective making you feel hopeful or encouraged: He gave an inspirational reading of his own poems. 

  inspired  adjective excellent, or resulting from inspiration: an inspired performance/choice an inspired suggestion/guess 

  inspiring  adjective encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something: She was an inspiring example to her followers. (from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


Divine Comedy:神曲:由天主教詩人但丁 Dante Alighieri 於1321年所寫,義大利原文稱為 La Divina Comedia。反映但丁對十三世紀教會神學和哲學的看法。暢談地獄、煉獄、天堂三部曲;為了紀念基督 33歲,每部共 33首詩歌,再加上序文,共計一百首。旨在讓世人經由天主的助佑和自己的修煉,能夠獲得天主的救援。神曲亦為中古世紀的文學名著。

Divine Law:神律。

蘇格拉底所說的「神的瘋狂」(divine madness),而且在四類「神的瘋狂」中居於最高的位置。因為「愛神」(Aphrodite)恰好是這一「瘋狂」的主宰。(見Plato’s “Phaedrus”)

Divine Office:時辰頌禱禮;日課;大日課經;本分經:聖職人員(及虔誠教友)每日(代表教會)所誦讀的經文,旨在聖化一天裡的每個時辰:「伯多祿和若望在祈禱的時辰,即第九時辰,上聖殿去」(宗三1)。又稱(詳見)Breviary。

Divine Praises:讚美經:一連串稱讚天主、基督、聖神、聖母、天使及聖人的簡短經文,通常用於聖體降福後。其詞為:讚美天主;讚美天主之聖名…等。此經文始於第十八世紀。

divine service:祭禮;禮儀;禮拜;宗教典禮。亦指天主教拜占庭禮(東方禮)的彌撒。

Divine Word Missionaries:聖言會:由德籍楊生神父(Arnold Janssen)於1875年所創立的國際性男性傳教修會;於1932年接管北平輔仁大學;來台後在嘉義創辦輔仁中學,並主持台灣輔仁大學理工、外語及民 生三個學院。中國首任樞機田耕莘即為該會會士。原名 Society of The Divine Word。拉丁文稱作 Societas Verbi Divini,簡寫 S.V.D.。

divine worship:敬禮;禮拜。拉丁文稱作 cultus divini。詳見 worship。

divinity of Christ:耶穌的神性;耶穌的天主性(若三16;十四9)。


divine (GUESS) verb [T] to guess something: [+ that] I divined from his grim expression that the news was not good.

v. 占う, 予言する predict, 見抜く guess; (地下の鉱[水]脈を)捜し求める ((for)).

  1. To foretell through or as if through the art of divination. See synonyms at foretell.
    1. To know by inspiration, intuition, or reflection.
    2. To guess.
  2. To locate (underground water or minerals) with a divining rod; douse.

divination noun [U] the skill or act of saying what will happen in the future or discovering something that is unknown or secret by magical methods


━━ n. 占い者, 予言者; 鉱[水]脈を探知する人.

divine was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.


━━ vt. 霊感を与える; (思想・感情を)吹込む ((in, into)); 喚起する ((with)); 感激させる; 鼓舞する ((to)); 示唆する; (激励[感化]して)…させる ((to do)). in・spired ━━ a. 霊感を受けた; すばらしい; その筋の意向を受けた, 偏向的な. in・spir・ing ━━ a. 鼓舞する, 感銘させる; 霊感を与える.
