2025年3月20日 星期四

chutzpah, have a handle on, coder, immensity, Optimist.It was a slap in the face that only a man possessed of unbounded chutzpah could pretend was a win Two generations of readers enjoy “Caps for Sale” at the Rabbit Hole, a new museum in Kansas City, Mo.Credit...

Once Upon a Time, the World of Picture Books Came to Life

The tale behind a new museum of children’s literature is equal parts imagination, chutzpah and “The Little Engine That Could.”

Four people sitting in an illustration from the book "Caps for Sale." A woman holds a copy of the book and is reading it to to two small children and a man.
Two generations of readers enjoy “Caps for Sale” at the Rabbit Hole, a new museum in Kansas City, Mo.Credit...Chase Castor for The New York Times
It was a slap in the face that only a man possessed of unbounded chutzpah could pretend was a win

Illustration: Getty Images/AP/The Economist
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 Empty promises The trap Vladimir Putin set for Donald Trump The Russian president wants to suggest that Ukraine is just a detai in a wider relationship 」的圖像

The GOP’s declaration that it will block a Supreme Court nominee is not only unprecedented, but a remarkable act of legislative chutzpah.

Kodak is placing a new bet on a gadget from a simpler time.

Beyond its technical specs, the new Super 8 camera is impressive for its chutzpah.

In the Air | Space Age Style
This season, fashion looks to the heavens, taking inspiration from both space-age design and the wondrous immensity of the night sky.

America's most prominent legal mind and the #1 bestselling author of Chutzpah and The Best Defense, Alan Dershowitz, recounts his legal autobiography, describing how he came to the law, as well as the cases that have changed American jurisprudence over the past 50 years, most of which he has personally been involved in.

 Google's Incredible Chutzpah In Demanding A Tax Refund
This is a lovely little story, Google Google is demanding a tax refund from a transaction that took place all the way back in 2004. Given the way that the company busts a gut to run rings around the world's taxmen I think this is the most incredible ...

To address a letter to a city of any kind is folly. To send a letter to a metropolis of your immensity — 32 million residents! — shows, as we say here in New York, chutzpah. Also it’s a bit weird. And yet I’m writing anyway, because I don’t quite know how else to get a handle on the six days I spent with you in October — six days in which I felt embraced and ignored, beloved and rejected, entrapped and, in the end, liberated. Please let me explain:

A loss function could be very one sided. Consider the "William Tell"
loss function. If he shoots the apple off his son's head, the loss is
"zero". If he shoots too high, the loss is the cost of an arrow. If he
shoots too low, well, the cost might be incalculable.
Pessimists work with loss functions. Optimists work with value

Loss functions are not "scientific". Loss functions are highly
personal. To ascribe a loss function to society requires plenty of

Myron Tribus

get a fix on
Also, have a fix on; get or have a handle on; get or have a grasp of. Obtain (or have) a clear de

termination or understanding of something. For example, I was finally able to get a fix on the specifics of this problem, or No one in the press room had a handle on Balkan history, or Do you have a grasp of the situation? Similarly, give a fix means "provide a clear understanding," as in This briefing will give us a fix on the current situation. The usages with fix and handle are colloquialisms dating from the 1920s; those with grasp are more formal and date from the late 1600s.


每日一词 | Chutzpah胆大妄为的优步

猶太依地語裡有個字chutzpah,意謂蠻不講理的要求或辯解。例如:弒父殺母的人受審時乞求法官憐憫,理由是他已成為孤兒。 ... 真是chutzpah的上佳例子。chutzpah :ひどい厚かましさ,厚顔無恥,鉄面皮;chutzpa, hutzpa, hutzpah とも書く。 例stunning entrepreneurial chutzpah:驚くような企業の厚かましさ
chutzpah (KHOOT-spuh, HOOT-) noun, also chutzpa
Shameless impudence, brazen nerve, gall, effrontery.
[From Yiddish khutspe, from Late Hebrew huspa.]
"Bill Gates, the company's chairman, even had the chutzpah to say that this week's ruling was a challenge to `healthy competition in the software industry'." Leaders: Breaking Up Microsoft, The Economist (London), Jun 10, 2000.


also hutz·pah (KHʊt'spə, hʊt'-) pronunciationUtterve; effrontery: "has the chutzpah to claim a lock on God and morality" (New York Times).
iddish khutspe, from Mishnaic Hebrew ḥuṣpâ, from ḥāṣap, to be insolent.]

[名][U]((俗))何ともひどい厚かましさ, あくどさ, 鉄面皮, 厚顔無恥.
胡說八道 姑且聽之
這家名動一時的叫車公司曾經願意打破一切規則去攻佔全球市場。 現在,它損失的錢比過去任何時候都要多。 今年8月,優步公佈了有史以來最大的季度虧損,營收成長也創下歷史新低。 為什麼優步無法獲利?
時報科技記者Mike Isaac就此展開了調查,發現優步營運中存在著種種漏洞:該公司不僅以「乘車安全費「為幌子收取額外費用,還在為了擴張不惜以一切代價的公司文化之下, 賄賂當地官員、大量下放財務決策權、向信用評級較低的司機提供汽車抵押貸款…
在調查報道中,記者將優步的這種行徑形容為“chutzpah”,即“無所顧忌、膽大妄為”,雖然這個詞往往帶有貶義,但在有些語境下,它也會表達“這種 行為或態度雖然粗魯或令人震驚,但卻使人感到不得不佩服「的意味。 根據韋氏字典,該詞最早來自晚期希伯來語“ḥuṣpāh”,意為“傲慢、無禮“。 這個字源使得西方人在提及chutzpah時,總是與猶太人、特別是以色列人連結在一起。 這種放肆大膽、不畏權威的精神特質也被認為是猶太人在各個領域取得成功的關鍵之一。


im • men • si • ty
immensities (複数形)
1 [U]広大(さ), ばく大(さ), 計り知れないこと, 無限.
2 ((ときに-ties))広大な広がり;ばく大な数量
the immensities of outer space
Jewish Moms Are Behind Tech Success Of IsraelIsrael lives up to its reputation as the Start-up nation. Israeli start-ups are everywhere. It is what people aspire to. It is what they dream of.

It was Dan Senor and Saul Singer who nicknamed the country that has given birth to more start-ups than any country outside of the U.S. It is a nickname that it well deserves.

There are many reasons given for this success. Israel has little in the way of natural resources, so it has had to create its wealth from the one thing it does have, its people. Then there is the unique role of the Israeli Defense Forces, and in particular the elite intelligence unit, 8200. At one start-up, all of the coders had met there. It functions almost as a high-tech networking event.

And then there is the unique Israeli culture and spirit. Call it chutzpah, call it simply refusing to be told what to do. For some it would be determination, an admirable quality in an entrepreneur, for others it looks a lot like sheer stubbornness -- a less desired trait.

Everywhere you go in this Start-up nation, there is one name you hear time and again, and although he will deny it when you meet him, Yossi Vardi is the father of the start-up culture in Israel.

To prove the point about how deeply woven the start up culture is in the society, at lunch, the avuncular Mr. Vardi starts to chat with the young waitress, switching between Hebrew and English. What is she doing, he asks her? She is a linguist, in her first year at university. What does she want to do when she graduates, he asks? 'Oh, I want to work in voice recognition,' she says. 'Probably in a small company or a start-up.'

So what is his theory for the success of this country of only 7.5 million and its ability to punch way over its weight?

'Jewish mothers,' he says. 'We succeed because of the guilt we all feel. From birth we are told we have to be better, that we are such a disappointment.

'You know the difference between an Italian mother and a Jewish one? An Italian mother says to her son 'Eat this food or I will kill you.' A Jewish one says 'Eat this food or I will kill myself.'

'They are our secret.'



正是丹‧塞諾(Dan Senor)和索爾‧辛格(Saul Singer)給了以色列創業之國這個稱謂。作為美國以外孕育最多新興企業的國家﹐以色列當之無愧。

這 份成功得益於多方面的原因。以色列的自然資源儲量並不豐富﹐因此它若要創造財富就必須依賴它真正擁有的一樣東西──:以色列人。以色列國防軍 (Israeli Defense Forces)也發揮了的獨特的作用﹐特別是它的精英情報部門──“8200部隊”。這也是一個新成立的機構﹐所有的編碼人員都在那裡匯聚﹐看起來就像是 一場專門為高科技人員舉辦的社交活動。

另外﹐還應該提到的就是以色列獨特的文化和國民精神。有人稱這種精神為chutzpah(過度自信 又厚顏無恥)﹐乾脆點說就是不肯接受別人的安排。對於一些人來說﹐這意味著決心和毅力﹐是一個創業家應該具有的值得嘉許的品質﹔而對其他人而言﹐這簡直就 是冥頑不靈──這可不是什麼好品質。

在這個創業的國度里﹐不論你走到哪裡﹐你總會反復地聽到一個人的名字﹐儘管當你見到他的時候﹐他不會認賬。這個人就是以色列的創業文化之父──約西‧瓦爾迪(Yossi Vardi)。

為 了證明這種創業文化已經深刻地融入了以色列社會﹐午餐時分﹐慈祥和藹的瓦爾迪用希伯萊語和英語與年輕的女服務員攀談了起來。她是做什麼的?他問她。她是個 語言學專業的學生﹐今年上大學一年級。畢業後她想從事什麼工作?他問道。“哦﹐我想從事語音識別工作﹐”她說﹐“可能會找一家小公司或者新成立的企業 吧。”





Ben Rooney

2025年3月19日 星期三

downy/flight feather, soothing, narcotics, counternarcotics. It's really soothing to see how nature always finds a way to new life and colorfulness

🌷🌷🌷📆 Today is the first day of spring! It's really soothing to see how nature always finds a way to new life and colorfulness – like on this tulip field in the Netherlands.

In South Korea, elderly YouTubers are gaining popularity thanks to their accumulated skills and personalities. In particular, they attract viewers with their soothing outlooks on life. 2021

著名科學期刊”Cell”,最近(Vol. 144, p461)搭上2010奧斯卡獎熱潮。以《黑天鵝》為例,簡介鍾正明實驗室對羽毛的研究。基於幹細胞在羽毛毛囊內角度的高低,可造成不同對稱性的羽毛。這也是所謂「拓樸生物學」的範例。

Nabokov describes these nymphets as being "Deadly little demons" with feline features and thin, downy limbs. Nymphets are not always the type of girls a normal man would consider the prettiest, but they have a demonic ability to attract men at least ten years older than themselves.

Air Pollution May Have Suppressed Storms, Research Suggests

To the list of ways humanity seems to have altered the earth, add another candidate: Air pollution may have had a major soothing influence on storm cycles in the North Atlantic.

The New York Times leads with word that the Pentagon has placed 50 major Afghan drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban in a list of targets to be captured or killed. The paper got an early look at a Congressional study set to be released this week, and notes that by putting drug traffickers on the same list as insurgent leaders, the United States is drastically changing its counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan.


  1. An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior, and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain.
  2. A soothing, numbing agent or thing: “There was the blessed narcotic of bridge, at the Colony or at the home of friends” (Louis Auchincloss).
  1. Inducing sleep or stupor; causing narcosis.
  2. Of or relating to narcotics, their effects, or their use.
  3. Of, relating to, or intended for one addicted to a narcotic.
[Middle English narcotik, from Old French narcotique, from Medieval Latin narcōticum, from Greek narkōtikon, from neuter of narkōtikos, numbing, from narkōsis, a numbing. See narcosis.]
narcotically nar·cot'i·cal·ly adv.

counternarcotics=counter narcotics 反毒
  1. Any of various shrubby plants of the genus Gossypium, having showy flowers and grown for the soft white downy fibers surrounding oil-rich seeds.

油断する 〔不注意である〕be careless ((about)); 〔警戒を怠る〕be off (one's) guard ((toward))

adj. - 絨柔的, 柔和的

(dou') pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Made of or covered with down.
    1. Resembling down: downy white clouds.
    2. Quietly soothing; soft.

Definition of soothing


  • having a gently calming effect:she put on some soothing music
  • reducing pain or discomfort:almond oil is renowned for its soothing properties

[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 綿毛のような, ふわふわした, 柔らかい;綿毛でできた[おおわれた];うぶ毛の生えた.
2 やさしい, 心を和らげるような.
3 ((俗))油断のならない, 抜け目のない
a downy bird [fellow]


Brutalism in an early laptop. the first computers to be close to the size of a paper notebook, spurring the use of the term "notebook" to describe a smaller laptop, and earned a notable place in laptop history.

 Brutalism in an early laptop, Compaq LTE 386 (1990). The product was among the first computers to be close to the size of a paper notebook, spurring the use of the term "notebook" to describe a smaller laptop, and earned a notable place in laptop history.

2025年3月18日 星期二

Germany Is Lifting a Foot Off Its ‘Debt Brake.’ Here’s Why.

Germany Is Lifting a Foot Off Its ‘Debt Brake.’ Here’s Why.

An incoming government wants to borrow much more to revamp the economy and rebuild the military. That means a change in the country’s Constitution — and its culture.

The German Parliament narrowly approved a plan on Tuesday to loosen government borrowing limits, allowing it to spend heavily on defense and infrastructure to offset America’s pivot away from Europe and try to end years of economic stagnation.

In a special session of Parliament on Tuesday, 513 lawmakers voted for the plan, two dozen more than the two-thirds majority required to amend the Constitution.

It was not the final vote on the plan, which also faces legal challenges. But it was a crucial hurdle and its passage was celebrated by the centrist lawmakers who hope it will allow Germany to shoulder a more powerful leadership role at a critical moment for Europe.


hunters, house hunting, big game, dog in the hunt, gamification 遊戲化

Ula Golota 發文到 The Golden Age Of Illustration
Janusz TOWPIK (1934-1981) - polish architect and illustrator (he also designed matchboxes). Here you can see his illustration for the book by Janina Lasocka 'Król poluje' (The King is hunting)

  Health Economics
From Fitbit to Fitocracy: The Rise of Health Care Gamification

These days, anyone with a smartphone can download a variety of games designed to make users healthier, whether that means sticking to an exercise routine, losing weight or managing a chronic illness. While experts have dubbed this trend "the gamification of health care," it has already presented a unique set of problems, including how to protect consumers' privacy and how to keep users engaged enough to show positive results. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/3168.cfm
House Hunting in ... Japan
The housing market in Japan has been stagnant since the early 1990s.

Apple and Google still in the hunt for control of mobile market ...

Eisinger: In Hunt for Securities Fraud, a Timid S.E.C. Misses the Big Game: The Securities and Exchange Commission has been defending its policy to settle securities fraud cases. But Jesse Eisinger of ProPublica in The Trade column for DealBook argues that the agency needs to overcome its fear of losing cases. "A trial against a big bank could be helpful regardless of the outcome," he writes. " It would generate public interest. It would put a face on complex transactions that often are known only by abbreviations or acronyms."

No Bargain Hunter:
Google has been on an acquisition spree over the last 14 months -- buying mainly social media start-ups -- but one of its biggest deals is in real estate. The search giant is buying its Manhattan office building, with some 3 million square feet of space, for $1.8 billion.

big game

  1. Large animals or fish hunted or caught for sport.
  2. Informal. An important objective.
big-game big'-game' (bĭg'gām') adj.

dog + in + the + hunt


dog in the hunt (plural dogs in the hunt)
  1. Literally, ownership of one of several canines participating in the group pursuit of game or fowl.
  2. (idiomatic) Something to gain depending on the outcome; a position for which to campaign or cheer..
    A national political party is unlikely to feel it has a particular dog in the hunt for a typical small town mayoral race; in many cases the local candidates do not even campaign with a party affiliation.
     [quotations ▼]


(hŭn'tər) pronunciation

  1. One who hunts game.
  2. A dog bred or trained for use in hunting.
  3. A horse, typically a strong fast jumper, that has been bred or trained for use in hunting.
  4. One who searches for or seeks something: a treasure hunter.

hunt (SEARCH)
verb [I or T]
to search for something or someone; to try to find something or someone:
I've hunted all over the place, but I can't find that book.
They are still hunting for the missing child.
I've hunted high and low (= looked everywhere) for my gloves.
Police are hunting the terrorists who planted the bomb.
I'll try and hunt out (= find) those old photographs for you.
They have spent months house-/job-hunting (= looking for a house/a job).

noun [C usually singular]
a search for something or someone:
After a long hunt we finally found a house we liked.
The hunt for the injured climber continued throughout the night.
Police are on the hunt (= searching) for the kidnappers.
The hunt is on (= the search has started) for a successor to Sir James Gordon.

someone who is trying to find or get the stated thing:
a job-hunter
a house-hunter

IN BRIEF: n. - Someone who stalks wild felines; Someone who tries to attract certain social people as guests.
(stalk pronunciationIN BRIEF: To hunt slowly and quietly.
pronunciationThe cat might take ten minutes or more to stalk a mouse.
v. intr. - 高視闊步地走追蹤獵物猖獗蔓延v. tr. - 偷偷靠近高視闊步地走過追蹤...蔓延...猖獗
The noun felid has one meaning:Meaning #1: any of various lithe-bodied round-headed fissiped mammals many with retractile claws
Synonym: feline)

2004-05-10 09:01:30

黃永武談: 「……..現代詩人引用古詩裝飾或借意,有時改動一二字,達到推陳出新的目的,就很得意。……但 一二字改後仍與原意差不多,就會讓人批評為抄襲 了 ……」(『引用與原作』(2004/5/9中央))





換句話說,黃先生的「拿來」方式,斷文取義,變得更玄。 真是「鴛鴦繡出從教看,莫把金針度與人。」
With great care or delicacy; cautiously.

Cautious; careful.

[Possibly alteration of obsolete French gensor, delicate, from Old French, comparative of gent, gentle. See gent1.]
gingerliness gin'ger·li·ness n.

  1. Hunter green.

2013年8月10日 星期六

(lion)-hunter, with kid gloves, kidnap,gingerly,ginger group

There are also three 'ginger groups' to address the specific needs of Management and Business Studies, Education, and Cultural, Communications, Media & Performance Studies.


ginger group is a formal or informal group within, for example, a political party seeking to influence the direction and activity of the organisation as a whole. Ginger groups work to alter the party's policies, practices or office-holders, while still supporting its general goals.
Like "to ginger up", the term comes from the use of ginger root to make a horse seem more lively,[1] or to add flavour or spice to food and beverages.
Ginger groups sometimes form within the political parties of Commonwealth countries such as the United KingdomCanadaAustraliaNew ZealandIndia, and Pakistan.


  1. the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service.
    "gamification is exciting because it promises to make the hard stuff in life fun"

351 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

遊戲化 /ˌɡeɪmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ 名詞 將遊戲的典型元素(例如得分、與他人競爭、遊戲規則)應用到其他活動領域,通常作為一種線上行銷技巧來鼓勵人們參與產品或服務。 “遊戲化令人興奮,因為它承諾讓生活中的困難變得有趣”


  • [kídnæp]

[動](〜ped, 〜・ping;((また時に)) 〜ed, 〜・ing)(他)〈子供を〉さらう;(一般に)〈人を〉誘拐(ゆうかい)する.

...the era of kid-glove treatment for....

idiom: with kid gloves 這種說法很貼心
1. Tactfully and cautiously: had to handle the temperamental artist with kid gloves.

Handle with kid gloves


Handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly.


Kid gloves are, of course, gloves made from the skin of a young goat. I say 'of course' but, in fact, when they were first fashioned in the 18th century they were more often made from lambskin, as that was easier to come by. They were clearly not intended for use when you were pruning the hedge and wearing kid gloves was the sartorial equivalent of pale white skin, that is, it indicated that the wearer was rich enough to indulge in a life of genteel indoor idleness. The earliest mentions of kid gloves are from England in the 1730s and the following is a typical report of a wealthy gentleman, laid out in his 'Sunday best', from Bagnall's News, in The Ipswich Journal, December 1734:
The Corpse of Mr. Thorp, A Distiller in Soho, who died a few Days since, said to be worth £10000 was put into his Coffin, quilted within with white Sattin; and after several yards of fine Holland [best-quality linen] were wrapt about his Body... on his Head was a Cap of the same Holland tied with a white Ribbond; he has about his Neck two Yards of Cambrick; a Cambrick Handkerchief between his Hands, on which he had a pair of white Kid Gloves: and in this manner he lay in state some Days and was afterwards buried in Buckinghamshire.
Long-Wellesley Handle with kid glovesAt that time, kid gloves were viewed as rather ostentatious and only suitable for the nouveau riche - much as heavy gold chains might be viewed today. In the 19th century, kid glove wearing was taken up by a notable member of the gentry, William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, the fourth Earl of Mornington, which might have been expected to establish them as a desirable accessory. The Preston Chronicle included this item in February 1837:
Mr. Long Wellesley is, also, a man of excellent taste, though he rides in kid gloves, which Brummel used to say a man should be scouted [dismissed scornfully] for doing.
The dismissal of the gloves by the socialite and fashion authority Beau Brummell was enough to send them to the back of the 19th century chav wardrobe. Incidentally, I wasn't familiar with the word 'scouted' as meaning 'scorned' and when I looked it up I found this first usage in Samuel Palmer's Moral Essays, 1710:
They pass the rhodomontade till they're expos'd and scouted.
That led me to 'rhodomontade', another word I didn't know, which turns out to mean 'to speak boastfully or bombastically'. All in all, Brummel clearly didn't think much of kid gloves and they continued not to be worn by 'persons of quality'.
In fact, the description 'kid-gloved' came to be used as an insult, implying a lack of manhood, as was recorded in The Leicester Chronicle in January 1842:
This contraband system of political allusions appears to suit the taste and nerves of the cautious, gentlemanly, kid-gloved Conservatism, which cannot endure the shock of attending a public meeting.
It was only when the expression (and presumably also, the gloves) crossed the Atlantic that the negative connotations were lost and 'handling (or treating) with kid gloves' began to be used as we use it today, that is with the meaning 'delicately; carefully'. The New-York monthly magazine The Knickerbocker has the first example of the term in print, from 1849:
"Belligerent topics are not our forte and never was; neither do we handle them with kid gloves, when they fairly come in the way."

The Phrase A Week newsletter goes to 125,000 subscribers (93,500 by e-mail, 31,500 by RSS feed).






EuroVox 04.08.2008 05:30

Tourists on the Hunt for a Traditional Romanian Experience

The Romanian city of Sibiu was Europe’s 2007 Capital of Culture -- and although it has handed the title on, it seems its legacy is still attracting more and more tourists to Romania.

They’re drawn by the rich art and culture of the monasteries in Bukovina, in the country’s north and they flock to admire the charm of Bucharest, Romania’s capital city. Just outside Sibiu, near the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, there’s a small village called Sibiel - where tourists linger a little longer.
Report: Grit Friedrich / Gudrun Heise