2024年4月16日 星期二

standout, outstanding, litter, runt, carcasses, insatiable, standoff, stalemate, oust, outstanding. moon pies

Dane Boedigheimer, the creator of the

Animated Fruit With Ambition


The "Annoying Orange" has embarked on the road to television, a path littered with the carcasses of other Internet standouts.

Restaurant Report: Anton's Taproom in Kansas City, Mo.
This spot, which opened in October, boasts everything from a butcher shop to a tilapia farm to standout steaks.

From the deluge of art, a critic chooses some standouts. Readers are invited to add their own impressions in six words.

In Bo’s Rise and Fall, a Ruthless Arc

Bo Xilai’s talents came with what friends and critics say was an insatiable ambition and studied indifference to the wrecked lives that littered his path to power.

The era in which Japan was the , example of an advanced economy in Asia appears to be reaching an end. The rise of the South Korean economy in recent years has created a new progressive model. South Korea's technology and products are gaining increasing international recognition.

China Auto Sales Soar
Beijing's policies to support China's auto market drove sales up 34% in May as the country remained a standout in the struggling global car industry.

TOKYO -- Panasonic Corp. joined a growing list of Japanese electronics firms forecasting a huge loss for the current fiscal year and said it plans to cut about 15,000 jobs to combat a sharp slowdown in demand and to ease the burden of a strong yen.
The announcement by Panasonic, which is considered one of the standout performers within Japan's electronics industry, is further evidence of how grim the outlook is for the country's flagship manufacturing industries.

Zimbabwe rival to enter coalition

Zimbabwe's opposition agrees to enter a unity government with President Mugabe next month, ending months of stalemate.

What You Need to Know About Gold

Of all the major assets, gold was one of last year's few standouts, posting a gain of about 4.3% an ounce. Could 2009 be as bright?

He said he wanted to get out of the way for a new leader to break the current stalemate in parliament, where the opposition controls the upper house, and to prepare the party for the elections.
“This is the perfect timing to not cause people too much trouble,” Mr. Fukuda said.

Stand-off over anti-whalers held by Japan ship

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
Last Updated: 11:01am GMT 16/01/2008

Japanese whalers and environmental campaigners are involved in a stand-off in waters off Antarctica, with both sides describing the other as terrorists that are endangering human life and breaking international law.

May 30, 2008 -- 3:01 a.m. EDT
BP, Russian Partners in Standoff
BP's partners in Russian oil venture TNK-BP sought the ouster of the unit's British CEO, but the U.K. energy company refused. The escalating dispute could shape BP's future and the role of foreign companies in Russia under its new president.

verb [T]
to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place or competition:
The president was ousted (from power) in a military coup in January 1987.
Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city centre.
The champions were defeated by Arsenal and ousted from the League Cup.

ouster noun [C or U] US
the removal of someone from an important position or job:
The committee's chairperson is facing a possible ouster.


noun [C]
a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible; stalematestalemate 
noun [C or U]
1 a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no action can be taken:
Tomorrow's meeting between the two leaders is expected to break a diplomatic stalemate that has lasted for ten years.
Despite long discussions, the workers and the management remain locked in stalemate.

One that is conspicuous by virtue of excellence or superiority: “In the hard-working … supporting cast, there are two standouts” (New York).

stand out (BETTER) phrasal verb
to be much better than other similar things or people:
We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.

standout Show phonetics
noun [C] US
an excellent or the best example of something:
While all the desserts are pretty good, the clear standout is the lemon pie.

outstanding (EXCELLENT) Show phonetics
excellent; clearly very much better than what is usual:
an outstanding performance/writer/novel/year
It's an area of outstanding natural beauty.

outstandingly Show phonetics
He was an outstandingly successful mayor from 1981 to 1984.


[名]((米))傑出している物[人], 異彩を放つ物[人].
━━[形]きわだった, 異彩を放つ, すぐれている.


Pronunciation: /ˈstandaʊt/


  • a person or thing of exceptional quality or ability:standouts include the home-made ravioli and the pizzas


exceptionally good:he became a standout quarterback in the NFL


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[inséiʃəbl]
[形]飽くことを知らない, 満足することのない, 強欲な
insatiable curiosity
in・sà・tia・bíl・i・ty, ・ness
One that is conspicuous by virtue of excellence or superiority: "In the hard-working ... supporting cast, there are two standouts" (New York).

(out-stăn'dĭng, out'stăn'-) pronunciation
  1. Standing out among others of its kind; prominent. See synonyms at noticeable.
  2. Superior to others of its kind; distinguished.
  3. Projecting upward or outward; standing out.
  4. Still in existence; not settled or resolved: outstanding debts; a long outstanding problem.
  5. Publicly issued and sold: outstanding stocks and bonds.
outstandingly out·stand'ing·ly adv.


Pronunciation: /ˈlɪtə/
Translate litter | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1 [mass noun] rubbish such as paper, tins, and bottles left lying in an open or public place:always clear up after a picnic and never drop litter [as modifier]:a litter bin
  • [in singular] an untidy collection of things lying about:a litter of sleeping bags on the floor
  • 2a number of young animals born to an animal at one time:a litter of five kittens
  • 3 (also cat litter) [mass noun] granular absorbent material lining a tray in which a cat can urinate and defecate when indoors: [as modifier]:a plastic litter tray
  • 4 [mass noun] straw or other plant matter used as bedding for animals: the plant burns discarded litter from poultry farms
  • (also leaf litter) decomposing but recognizable leaves and other debris forming a layer on top of the soil, especially in forests: the spiders live in leaf litter
  • 5 historical a structure used to transport people, containing a bed or seat enclosed by curtains and carried on men’s shoulders or by animals.
  • a framework with a couch for transporting the sick and wounded.


[with object]
  • 1make (a place or area) untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about:clothes and newspapers littered the floor the sitting room was littered with books
  • [with object and adverbial] leave (rubbish or a number of objects) lying untidily in a place:there was broken glass littered about
  • (usually be littered with) fill with examples of a particular thing, typically something bad or unpleasant:news pages have been littered with doom and gloom about company collapses
  • 2 archaic provide (a horse or other animal) with litter as bedding.


Middle English (in sense 5 of the noun): from Old French litiere, from medieval Latin lectaria, from Latin lectus 'bed'. Sense 1 dates from the mid 18th century


v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.tr.
  1. To give birth to (a litter).
  2. To make untidy by discarding rubbish carelessly: Selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers.
  3. To scatter about: littered towels all over the locker room.
  4. To supply (animals) with litter for bedding or floor covering.
  1. To give birth to a litter.
  2. To scatter litter.

1 [U]散乱した[散らかった]もの, くず, ごみ. ⇒GARBAGE[類語]
a piece of litter
No litter
((掲示))ごみを捨てるな(▼No litteringも可).
2 乱雑, 散乱状態.
3 (動物の)一腹の子
a litter of pigs
4 担架;担いかご(昔の乗り物).
5 [U](動物の)寝わら;ペットの汚物処理材;(植物の)敷きわら;腐葉土.
1 (…で)〈場所を〉散らかす, よごす((up));〈場所に〉(物が)散在する, 散らばる, 〈場所を〉(物で)散らかす((with ...));〈物を〉(…の辺りに)散らかす, 乱雑に置く((about, around ...))
litter (up) the park with bottles and cans
litter trash about the room
2 〈多産の動物が子を〉産む.
3 〈動植物に〉寝[敷き]わらを敷く((down));〈わら・干し草などを〉敷きわらに用いる.
1 〈動物が〉一腹の子を産む.
2 物を散らかす.

  • [kɑ'ːrkəs]
1 (動物・鳥などの)死骸(しがい);(畜殺獣の臓物などを除いた)胴体
carcass meat
2 ((俗・軽蔑))(人間の)死体(corpse);(生きた)人体
Shift [Move] your carcass!
3 (一般に)残骸(ざんがい), 形骸;(廃船・廃屋などの)骨組み, 骨格;(鳥の)がら.
save one's carcass


Pronunciation: /rʌnt/
Translate runt | into French | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1a small pig or other animal, especially the smallest in a litter.
  • derogatory an undersized or weak person.
  • 2a pigeon of a large domestic breed.
  • 3a small ox or cow, especially one of various Scottish Highland or Welsh breeds.



adjective (runtier, runtiest)


early 16th century (in the sense 'old or decayed tree stump'): of unknown origin
