2012年4月26日 星期四

discontent , tie oneself in a knot, malcontent

Why Washington Is Tied Up in Knots

By Peter Beinart
Discontent with government is at its highest level in more than a decade -- making it harder to solve the country's biggest problems

tie oneself in a knot 對某事困惑, 使自己緊張

France Votes Its Discontents

President Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande will now face each other in a presidential runoff on May 6 that is likely to be important for all of Europe.
malcontent (adjective) Discontented as toward authority.
Synonyms:disaffected, ill-affected, rebellious
Usage:The film follows three malcontent teenagers as they gather a following of like-minded peers and wreak havoc with their attempts to buck the system.

 (dĭs'kən-tĕnt') pronunciation
    1. Absence of contentment; dissatisfaction.
    2. A restless longing for better circumstances.
  1. One who is discontented.

tr.v., -tent·ed, -tent·ing, -tents.
To make discontented.

discontentment dis'con·tent'ment n.
