漢清講堂(YouTube) 介紹他去畫晚年的S.佛洛伊德。
21 昨日的世界(mit Stefan Zweig,佛洛伊德 und Dali) 2018-02 漢清講堂
1922 年阿爾貝托·賈科梅蒂 (Alberto Giacometti) 抵達巴黎,標誌著現代雕塑世界變革時期的開始。儘管奧古斯特·羅丹這位 19 世紀末和 20 世紀初雕塑界的巨匠早在五年前的 1917 年去世,但他的影響力仍然波及整個藝術界。出生於1901年的瑞士藝術家賈科梅蒂來到巴黎,在Grande Chaumière學習,在那裡他沉浸在導師安托萬·布爾代爾的教誨中。布爾代爾曾是羅丹的助手,因此賈科梅蒂發現自己與歷史上最具創新性的雕塑家之一的遺產直接相關。
1950 年,賈科梅蒂參觀巴黎郊外勒維西內 (Le Vésinet) 的尤金·魯迪埃 (Eugène Rudier) 鑄造廠時,清楚地體現了他對羅丹作品的欽佩。正是在這裡,他能夠接觸到標誌性的《加來布爾喬亞》,這是羅丹創作的一系列雕塑,這些雕塑已成為藝術家戲劇性和表現形式的象徵。當賈科梅蒂漫步在公園裡,周圍環繞著羅丹的紀念雕像時,他充滿了欽佩和幽默感,並利用這個機會探索自己的雕塑技巧。這一刻不僅是對羅丹天才的致敬,也是賈科梅蒂對人體形態不斷探索的延續,這項探索後來在他著名的《行進之人》系列中永垂不朽。
Hitler would perhaps have drawn back in shame at his threadbare overcoat and his broken shoes. Though he might, if things were bad enough, have extended his hand to beg. Whether Freud gave or not (he could well have; he was generally good-hearted) would have made no difference; the encounter would still have left young Adolf seething.
希特勒和佛洛伊德有可能真的見過面。第一次世界大戰開始前,希特勒在維也納度過了他一生中最不快樂的幾年。一次而是兩次。很快,他的錢就花光了,只能睡在門口,甚至不時乞討。如果希特勒和佛洛伊德在維也納的街道上擦肩而過,那麼在佛洛伊德從1909 年非常成功的美國之行歸來後,佛洛伊德就會看到一隻過街老鼠,即暴民中的普通居民。 (佛洛伊德不是民粹主義者。)希特勒會看到一個維也納市民(他鄙視上層中產階級),也可能認為佛洛伊德是猶太人。希特勒或許會因為他破舊的大衣和破鞋而羞愧地退縮。不過,如果情況夠糟糕的話,他可能會伸手乞討。佛洛伊德是否給予(他很可能給予;他通常是善良的)都沒有什麼區別;這次遭遇仍讓年輕的阿道夫心潮澎湃。
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The conflict escalated when Mr. Barr said he would not attend a House hearing. Democrats may now opt to subpoena him, setting up a possible showdown.
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a Viennese burgher .
- 1.archaic•humorousa citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie."the poem is not the sort of thing the sturdy burghers of Manchester would wish to read"
- 2.historical(in southern Africa) an Afrikaans citizen of a Boer Republic.
A very large commercial establishment that is a combination of a department store and a supermarket.
A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations have achieved high popularity in current hard economic times in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high.
Common activities of a staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation...
(© Wikipedia)
Syllabification: an·tag·o·nize
Pronunciation: /anˈtagəˌnīz/
verb[with object]
mid 18th century (in the sense 'struggle against'): from Greek antagōnizesthai, from ant- 'against' + agōnizesthai 'struggle' (from agōn 'contest').antagonism
noun [C or U]
hate, extreme unfriendliness or active opposition:
There's a history of antagonism between the two teams.
the antagonism towards neighbouring states
the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe
noun [C] FORMAL
a person who is strongly opposed to something or someone:
The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise.
Compare protagonist (SUPPORTER).
actively opposing or showing unfriendliness and opposition to something or someone:
He's extremely antagonistic towards all critics.
antagonize, UK USUALLY antagonise
verb [T]
to make someone feel opposition or dislike towards you:
It's a very delicate situation and I've no wish to antagonize him.
Syllabification: an·tag·o·nize
Pronunciation: /anˈtagəˌnīz/
mid 18th century (in the sense 'struggle against'): from Greek antagōnizesthai, from ant- 'against' + agōnizesthai 'struggle' (from agōn 'contest').verb [I]
to feel very angry but to be unable or unwilling to express it clearly:
The class positively seethed with indignation when Julia won the award.
By the end of the meeting he was seething.
Old English sēothan 'make or keep boiling', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziedenadjective [before noun]
Their seething resentment led to angry jostling between team-mates.