2021年5月16日 星期日

figure, in the end, ultimate, impression, dinosaur skeleton

Today's International Museum Day! The Natural History Museum (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) is one of the largest in Germany - along with those in Frankfurt am Main and Bonn. The museum is best known for its dinosaur skeletons. Have you ever been there?

“Ultimately, we expect we will see coronavirus spread in this country,” CDC Director Nancy Messonnier said. “It’s not so much a question of if, but a question of when.”

美國CDC主任南希·梅森尼爾(Nancy Messonnier)說:“最終,我們預計冠狀病毒將在我國傳播。” “問題與其說會不會大流行,不如說是什麼時候。”

Dinosaurs are best known for their bones. But skeletons are not all that remains of the ancient beasts. Once considered rare, skin impressions are increasingly being recognised during excavations and brought back to museums for preservation and analysis http://econ.st/1dVCniu

"Injustice in the end produces independence."Voltaire

in the end

Eventually, ultimately, as in All will turn out well in the end. [Mid-1500s]

ultimately traditional 不是非常傳統

As a component of national identity

Takashi Yoshida asserts that, "Nanking has figured in the attempts of all three nations [China, Japan and the United States] to preserve and redefine national and ethnic pride and identity, assuming different kinds of significance based on each country's changing internal and external enemies."[129]

Monet, the Ultimate Impressionist名園記: Monet's Passion: Ideas, Inspiration and Insight From the Painter's Garden

 Monet, the Ultimate Impressionist by Sylvie Patin 的台灣版本:莫內:補捉光與色彩的瞬間》台北:時報1995  雖然譯者是中國的  有些用詞不容易懂:"馬拉美夫人受了氣"...此書還是很好的入門書: 中文的副標題可能出自莫伯桑的傳記之說法.英文版書名的 Ultimate雙關: 一指他是印象派最後的大師. 又指其品質很好.



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  • 1Have a significant part or role in a situation or process:the issue of nuclear policy figured prominently in the talkshuman rights do not figure high on their agenda
  • 2[WITH OBJECT] North American Calculate or work out (an amount or value) arithmetically:my accountant figured my tax wrong
  • 3[WITH CLAUSE] INFORMAL , chiefly North American Think, consider, or expect to be the case:I figured that I didn’t have much of a chance[WITH OBJECT]: for years, teachers had figured him for a dullard
  • 3.1(Of a recent event or newly discovered fact) be perfectly understandable and only to be expected:well, she supposed that figured
  • 4[WITH OBJECT] Represent in a diagram or picture:varieties of this Cape genus are figured from drawings made there
  • 4.1(usually as adjective figured) Embellish (something) with a pattern:the floors were covered with figured linoleum


Pronunciation: /ˈʌltɪmət/

Definition of ultimate


  • 1 being or happening at the end of a process; final:their ultimate aim was to force his resignation
  • basic or fundamental:the ultimate constituents of anything that exists are atoms
  • Physics denoting the maximum possible strength or resistance beyond which an object breaks.
  • 2 being the best or most extreme example of its kind:the ultimate accolade


  • 1 (the ultimate) the best achievable or imaginable of its kind:the ultimate in decorative luxury
  • 2a final or fundamental fact or principle.

Pronunciation: /-məsi/
noun (plural ultimacies)


mid 17th century: from late Latin ultimatus, past participle of ultimare 'come to an end'


[副]最後に, ついに, 結局
He thought seriously of quitting, but ultimately decided to stay on.
辞職を真剣に考えたが, 結局とどまることにした.


im • pres • sion

impressions (複数形)
1 印象;感銘, 感動
visual impressions
give an impression to [=makehave, leavean impression on
create a goodbad] impression
What are your first impressions of Tokyo?
I didn't get that impression, either.
The report made a great impression on those who heard it.
2 ((しばしば単数形))(…という)(漠然とした)感じ, 考え, 記憶, 感想((that節)). ▼thatは省略可
havegetthe impression that
be under the impression that ...
My impression is that he has a lot of money.
3 (芸人による知名人の)物まね
He didgavehis impressions of political figures.
4 [U][C]印などを押すこと, 押された印, 跡, 痕跡(こんせき);《歯学》歯型
the impression of his thumb in the clay
leave an impression of one's foot
5 《印刷》印刷;刷(すり);1回の印刷部数
the second impression of the first edition
6 [U][C](…への)効果, 影響((on, upon ...))
A year in prison finally made an impression on him.
7 (ペンキなどの)1回目の塗り, 下塗り.
