2021年5月20日 星期四

brag, title, bragging rights, exorbitant, in the stick, sky-high

During a routine checkup on Jan. 12, a patient listened in as an alleged rioter who was getting his teeth cleaned bragged about his breach of the building, according to federal authorities. https://wapo.st/3wjgfMc

ExxonMobil used to have bragging rights as the world's most valuable public company. Now, America's largest oil company is in steady decline

Google Wins Bragging Rights in ‘PowerPoint Karaoke’ Tournament 2015

The opening of Berlin's new airport has been delayed four times and is suffering from exorbitant cost overruns.

 Woodford: Nothing has changed in Japan Inc. since Olympus
CNN International
FACTA, a local Japanese title with only nine staff, had published a detailed expose in July 2011 questioning exorbitant fees it claimed the camera and medical equipment maker had paid consultants for a 2008 acquisition deal. It also questioned ...

The Bar Is High for These Stubborn Competitors
Dozens of mule jumping contests are being held this summer across the rural South and Midwest, with contestants vying for cash, trophies and bragging rights in a tradition that predates the Civil War.

Where Anyone Can Be Mayor
Bragging rights are the big prize on the social network, which has signed up 4 million users in its 20 months of existence, including 1 million in the past six weeks.

China's Ministry Of Railways Goes Back to Market, at 'Sky-High' Rates
Wall Street Journal (blog)
AP A wrecke
d passenger carriage is lifted off the bridge in Wenzhou in east China's Zhejiang province, on Sunday, July 24, 2011. A guard stands outside China's Ministry of Railways in Beijing, China, on Monday, June 13, 2011. China's major banks may ...



To talk boastfully. See synonyms at boast1.

To assert boastfully.

  1. A boast.
  2. Arrogant or boastful speech or manner.
  3. Something boasted of.
  4. A braggart; a boaster.
  5. Games. A card game similar to poker.
Exceptionally fine.

[Middle English braggen, from brag, ostentatious.]
bragger brag'ger n.

Bragging rights refers to an informal claim one can make to holding a certain achievement, such as a record or being the first at something. This claim is not an official title or status, but rather the ability to win an argument to holding the position[1].

Definition of bragging rights in English:

plural noun

temporary position of ascendancy in a closelycontested rivalry:he walked off with a guaranteed $25,000 and bragging rights for at least a year

法外な, 途方もない


  1. To a very high level: The garbage was piled sky-high.
  2. In a lavish or enthusiastic manner: The critics praised the play sky-high.
  3. In pieces or to pieces; apart: Sappers blew the bridge sky-high.
  1. High up in the air: sky-high trees.
  2. Exorbitantly high in cost or value: sky-high prices; sky-high stocks.

  • sticks Informal.
    1. A remote area; backwoods: moved to the sticks.
    2. A city or town regarded as dull or unsophisticated.
  • In the sticks


    In the country; especially the unsophisticated backwoods.


    発音 táitl
    titles (複数形) • titled (過去形) • titled (過去分詞) • titling (現在分詞) • titles (三人称単数現在)
    (1) (本・詩などの)題名, 題目, 表題;(本の章・節などの)見出し;(書物の)表題紙, とびら((of, to ...));((通例〜s))字幕
    the title of a book
    (2) 本, 出版物.
    2 [C][U](Lord, Dr., Princeなどの)称号, 肩書き, 敬称;(役職などの)肩書き;(貴族の)肩書きのある人
    a person of title
    3 ((通例the 〜))タイトル, 選手権(championship)
    defendtake or winthe title
    4 (…に対する)権利, 資格((to ...));(…する)根拠, 理由((to do))
    He has no title to anticipate our support.
    5 [U][C]《法律》(不動産などの)法的権利, 所有権((to ...));権原;権利証書;所有権の構成要件;(法令などの)編, 章;(訴訟の理由を表示する)表題;訴訟の原因.
    6 《教会》叙品資格, 聖職就任資格(一定の職務と収入);名義聖堂.
    7 [U](カラットで表す)金の純度, 金位.
    the title story
