Fun fact: Sisley was considered very shy, standing lifelong in the shadows of
Pierre Auguste Renoir
and Claude Monet
, with whom he was friends. In a letter to his brother, Vincent van Gogh
called him “the most tactful and sensitive of the Impressionists.”

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Warning: it's addictive and may encourage childlike excitement and button pushing.
Work efficiency is highly emphasized in many plants. Sometimes, it may be over-emphasized. Workers must run from station to station to meet their required Takt time.
push somebody's buttons
to do exactly the right thing to get people to act the way you want He was an extremely good speaker and knew just how to push anaudience's buttons to keep them interested.
Usage notes: also used in the form know what buttons to push: People in your own family know exactly what buttons to push toupset you.
独Cherry製「MX tactile feelスイッチ」(通称:茶軸スイッチ)を採用しながらも
A tact switch is type of switch that is only on when the button is pressed. As soon as you release the button, the circuit is broken. Think of the keys on a keyboard.
《中英對照讀新聞》Humans "hear" through their skin 人類透過皮膚來聽
A study found that inaudible puffs of air delivered alongside certain sounds influenced what participants thought they were listening to.
Writing in the journal Nature, the team said the findings showed that audio and visual clues were not the only important factors in how people hear. The findings may lead to better aids for the hard of hearing, experts said.
It is already well known that visual cues from a speaker’s face can enhance or interfere with how a person hears what is being said.
In the latest study, researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver wanted to look at whether tactile sensations also affected how sounds are heard.
They compared sounds which when spoken are accompanied by a small inaudible breath of air, such as "pa" and "ta" with sounds which do not such as "ba" and "da". At the same time, participants were given-or not-a small puff of air to the back of the hand or the neck.
他們比較說話時,伴隨聽不見的一小股空氣的「pa」、 「ta」等聲音,以及伴隨聽起來不像「ba」、 「da」的聲音;在此同時,又對參與者的手背或頸部吹或不吹一小股空氣。
They found that "ba" and "da", known as unaspirated sounds, were heard as the aspirated equivalents, "pa" and "ta", when presented alongside the puff of air.
他們發現,「ba」、 「da」等不送氣音,與空氣一起出現時,會被視為與「pa」、 「ta」一樣的氣音。
It suggests people also use tactile sensory information alongside other cues to decipher what is being said.
inaudible:形容詞,聽不見的。例句:The noise of the machinery made her voice inaudible.(機器的噪音讓她的聲音聽不到。)
alongside:副詞,在旁邊,沿著。例句:Britain fought alongside France, Turkey and Sardinia during the Crimean War.(英國在克里米亞戰爭與法國、土耳其與薩丁尼亞並肩作戰。)
decipher:動詞,破解(密碼等);辨認(潦草的字跡等)。例句:Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?(你可以解讀信封上的字嗎?)
Long neglected in favor of the sensory heavyweights of vision and hearing, the study of touch lately has been gaining new cachet among neuroscientists, who sometimes refer to it by the amiably jargony term of haptics, Greek for touch. They’re exploring the implications of recently reported tactile illusions, of people being made to feel as though they had three arms, for example, or were levitating out of their bodies, with the hope of gaining insight into how the mind works.
Others are turning to haptics for more practical purposes, to build better touch screen devices and robot hands, a more well-rounded virtual life. “There’s a fair amount of research into new ways of offloading information onto our tactile sense,” said Lynette Jones of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “To have your cellphone buzzing as opposed to ringing turned out to have a lot of advantages in some situations, and the question is, where else can vibrotactile cues be applied?”
Readers of weightier fare, including literary fiction and narrative nonfiction, have been less inclined to go digital. They seem to prefer the heft and durability, the tactile pleasures, of what we still call 'real books'─the kind you can set on a shelf.純文學小說和敘事性非虛構類文學等嚴肅作品的讀者不願讀電子書。他們似乎更喜歡可以放在書架上的“真正的圖書”那種厚重、耐久和令人愉悅的触 感。
Wines of The Times: Rye WhiskeyIn a tasting of Rye Whiskey, the tasting panel rediscovered the world's great forgotten spirit, offering a tactile pleasure unlike any other.
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2006/9/21 發現{轉危為安}第6章[品質與消費者]
Deming講什麼是鞋子/女鞋之品質,其中說A tact in the insole ?
我想insole是[ n. (靴)底; 敷皮].比較容易了解,這tact一般字典解釋為「老練;機智;
另外,他講紙張中含rag ,這是現在比較罕見的高級「布漿紙」。
Definition of tact
[mass noun]Origin:
mid 17th century (denoting the sense of touch): via French from Latin tactus 'touch, sense of touch', from tangere 'to touch'
Definition of tactful
(tăk'təl, -tīl')adj.
- Perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible.
- Characterized by or conveying an illusion of tangibility: “Heaney must thus continue to be a poet rich in tactile language” (Helen Vendler).
- Used for feeling: a tactile organ.
- Of, relating to, or proceeding from the sense of touch; tactual: a tactile reflex.
tactility tac·til'i·ty (-tĭl'ĭ-tē) n.
Vibrotactile aid: A mechanical instrument that helps individuals who are deaf to detect and interpret sounds through their sense of touch. It is called a vibrotactile aid because it serves as an aid by permitting a person to feel the vibrations, in this case, of sounds.
《紐約時報雜誌》的語言觀察專欄,上周的主題為Pulse(By WILLIAM SAFIRE Published: May 9, 2004)。我曾請過瑞麟兄(rl)解釋一下該文關於「回扣」
美國流行的"pulse"(及物動詞),它的同義語最佳字選為 "pester"( the best synonym for the transitive vogue verb pulse is ''pester.'') ,此即「糾纏」。
查<<教育部 國語辭典>>關於它的解釋有二。
解釋一: 互相纏繞。《文選˙賈誼˙鵩鳥賦》:「夫禍之與福兮,何異糾纏?
Thomas Carlyle, writing in 1865 about Frederick the Great, noted, ''Such charging and recharging, pulsing and repulsing, has there been.''
對於官場、學界甚或產業內的組織人(the Organization Person)而言,它的名詞用法,正如TASKING般(
瀏覽過後,對於書中索引內 takt time 的譯法有點小意見,想提供你參考。 我記得索引裡是譯為「節拍時間」,我認為這是有點偷懶。 當年經常為了在shop floor要有多少測試/調整/修理站和O&E(前身為TEO) 當中 takt time 這個計算值就扮演著重要角色,因此我對這個德英混血詞組很有「 純粹站在一般讀者的角度來看,takt 這個德文單字,它本身在音樂方面相對於英文裡的 bar 和 time,在電子學方面相當於 (clock) pulse 或 signal,所以 takt time 譯作「節拍時間」我覺得是有偷懶之嫌,也不能令讀者「一目了然」 參考Lean Manfacturing Strategy 網站上對 takt time 的定義是 "the desired time between units of prodution output, synchonized to customer demand." 其簡化的數學式如下: takt time = available production time / customer demand 至於比較恰當的譯法, rl 11:00 2004/5/15 |
Definition of pulse
- Biochemistryshort for pulse-label.