Continuous positive airway pressure - Wikipedia › wiki › Cont...
Nasal CPAP — Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a form of positive airway pressure (PAP) ventilation in which a constant level of pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is continuously applied to the upper ...
When José needed a new CPAP machine for his sleep apnea, his doctor ordered an overnight test in a lab to get better data. José did the test and was sleeping better with his new CPAP.
Until the bill arrived — for $10,322.
Is it OK to lie about Santa and the Tooth Fairy?
Magical thinking is part of childhood, and when it comes to characters like Santa Claus, parents often play along with elaborate charades. Here's what to do when kids start aging out of the magic and asking tough questions. |
Cities may appear more elaborate than rural areas, but they feature more clues to help residents find their way
It might be a good idea to turn off Google Maps on occasion
Growing up in a city weakens the brain’s navigational skills
It might be a good idea to turn off Google Maps on occasion
睡眠呼吸中止症(英語:sleep apnea或sleep apnoea,又譯作睡眠窒息症或睡眠呼吸暫停)是一種在睡眠期間,暫停呼吸或呼吸減弱症狀導致的睡眠紊亂。每一次的暫停期間可從數秒鐘到數分鐘不等,而且整晚發生好幾次[1]。在一般情況下,這個症狀會產生吵雜的打鼾聲[2]。當重新呼吸時,有時會有窒息或鼻音等的聲音出現。當此症狀破壞正常睡眠時,會造成白天的嗜睡或感到疲累的現象[1]。對於兒童,會產生在學校的狀況問題或注意力不足過動症(特別是ADHD的過動症狀)[2]
呼吸中止、呼吸暫停(英文:Apnea)指的是呼吸完全停止。呼吸一旦終止,將不會有吸氣及相關的肌肉動作且肺的體積將保持不變。端視呼吸道被鎖死的程度與肺部跟外界環境的氣流通氣度呈現反比。然而肺部中的 氣體交換和呼吸作用不受呼吸中止的影響。需要注意的是,呼吸中止是非自願的,與刻意憋氣、閉氣是不同的。
〔病理〕1一時的な呼吸停止2仮死, 窒息...
な意味 | 無呼吸 |
発音記号・読み方 |
Etymology and pronunciation[edit]
The word apnea uses combining forms of a- + -pnea, from Greek Greek: ἄπνοια, from ἀ-, privative, πνέειν, to breathe. See pronunciation information at dyspnea.
- involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning."elaborate security precautions"
- 1.develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail."the theory was proposed by Cope and elaborated by Osborn"
- 2.BIOLOGY(of a natural agency) produce (a substance) from its elements or simpler constituents."many amino acid and peptide hormones are elaborated by neural tissue"
elaborate とは【意味】苦心して作り上げた,入念な... 【 例文】an elaborate scheme...