2021年5月8日 星期六

Madonna, franciscan, acts of mercy, acrobat; "Compassion, Mercy, and Love: Guanyin and the Virgin Mary" 、中村元的《慈悲》(江支地譯,東大)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

How did two independent cultures—feudal Europe and imperial China—depict divine figures with such incredible visual similarities?
The Christian and Buddhist devout understood the Virgin Mary and Guanyin, respectively, in similar manners and archetypes of imagery, despite the fact that they did not directly influence one another until much later. Centuries of shifts in these representations illustrate how people across the world have envisioned human compassion and mortal emotions.
Read more from "Compassion, Mercy, and Love: Guanyin and the Virgin Mary" on Perspectives → met.org/2SvVq1j

the McManus Distinguished Business Lecture Series

這筆五萬美金的" 講座"捐贈 讓我知道這所底特律的聖母大學的商學院(在中國有EMBA課程) 文中說戴明博士生前也當過the McManus Distinguished Business Lecture Series (1989年開始)的講師.... [PDF]


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檔案類型: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 快速檢視 28 Mar 2011 ... The McManus Distinguished. Business Lecture Series. Free, and open to the public
, this lecture series was established in 1989 by Michael F. ...

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov1848年5月15日 - 1926年6月23日

--- 名詞解釋:

Madonna It. ): (1) 聖母抱耶穌像。 (2) 聖母:原為義大利文,即英文之 Our Lady

franciscan :方濟會士;方濟會的。

mercy (1) 慈悲;憐憫:人雖犯罪,天主對人卻慈悲為懷,憐惜眾生。 (2) 功德;哀矜;施捨;援助;關懷:人應有同情心,盡力滿足他人的需要,這也是正義和愛德之要求。

mercy, corporal works of :物質援助;物質的佈施或施捨;(有)形哀矜:如捐款給窮人。詳見 works of mercy, corporal

mercy, spiritual works of :精神援助;精神方面的佈施或施捨;(精)神哀矜:如為病人祈禱早日痊癒。詳見 works of mercy, spiritual

The Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice, or Felician Sisters, are one branch of the Third Order of St. Francis. The active-contemplative order was founded in Warsaw, Poland, in 1843, by Sophia Truszkowska, and named for a shrine of St. Felix, a 16th century Franciscan saint especially devoted to children. The Felician Sisters have always sought to harmonize a deep spiritual and community life with dedication to diverse acts of mercy. In North America, the Felician Sisters have ministered primarily to Polish Americans since their arrival from Poland in 1874. Their Foundress, Mother Mary Angela Truszkowska, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1993.

Most Felician Sisters maintain the religious garb of their Foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, consisting of a brown habit (beige during summer months), scapular, (jacket at specified times), headdress, black veil, collar, Felician wooden crucifix suspended on tape or cord, and simple ring received at final profession. This remains a discipline in the Krakow, Przemyśl and Warsaw provinces in Poland, as well as the Livonia and Enfield provinces in North America.

As of the beginning of 2005, there were just under 2,000 professed members of the Felician Sisters.


McManus Foundation presents $50,000 to Madonna


2020年1月30日 星期四


2019.6.29 林義正老師來還江支地《做農‧做工‧做佛》兩個月前,他們夫婦都讀了,說很不錯。
林老師送我一本《公羊春秋九講 》北京:九州,2018;封面說此為"麟經"。我翻書才知道張居正的"居正",出自古書。他講此書成書的兩岸合作經驗。現在如法在弄台大演講網中的"易學"--"龍經"。
我們年祭大點,都想不起"江宜樺" (或許是談話中接到郭台銘的催票電話。




《做農做工做佛》是本很有內容的書 (作者是了不起的,做農、做工、做佛、生活等領域,都有成績,專業,感人.....),編書或可依書名,分為3部。看了書,才知道以前讀過中村元的《慈悲》(東大),是江先生翻譯的。我對他翻譯的三十多本佛學書,很有興趣 (作者說,日本每年出版的佛學書多,方便找)
"父親讀台北工專,上下學都用跑步,從大溪跑到台北工專......" 這是錯的,似乎只跑過幾次,看來要花5~6小時......這本書,可能只有一處打字錯誤:I型鋼打成"工型"。(64頁) 我打算數月之後,在漢清講堂談他的回憶錄與佛學。
