2021年5月17日 星期一

rush, rush delivery, Gold Rush. My client is in no rush.

My client is in no rush. (我的客戶不急
Mi cliente no tiene prisa. ~高第語錄 聖家堂 Basílica de la Sagrada Família 完工期還很遠)

平岡在其著書中,把當時的探險家們一窩蜂前往南方島嶼追求信天翁的羽毛和糞堆積而成的磷礦石的現象,借用美國「淘金熱(Gold Rush)」一詞,稱之為「淘鳥熱(Bird Rush)」。在那股淘鳥熱潮中成為一道耀眼光輝的西澤吉治,其人生高潮所在的東沙群島如今已成為國際紛亂局勢的眾所矚目之地,若松丸地下有知,會作何感受?或許他會懊悔自己沒能在生前完成傳記。

A federal judge has ordered the USPS to conduct sweeps of facilities in key states to ensure timely delivery of mail-in ballots, after the Postal Service released a report today showing continued delays in crucial areas around the country. The report showed that delivery times were still slowed in Philadelphia and central Pennsylvania, Detroit, Colorado, Atlanta, Houston, Alabama, Northern New England, South Carolina, Lakeland and South Florida, and Arizona. Judge Emmet Sullivan had previously ordered the USPS to take “extraordinary measures” to ensure all mail-in ballots were delivered on time, but apparently felt that the USPS didn’t take that instruction seriously enough.
Thank you to Judge Sullivan for stepping in and taking extraordinary measures to ensure no voter is disenfranchised, despite the GOP’s best efforts. We can never forget the destruction Trump and his henchmen have wreaked on our democracy this election cycle — from his handpicked Postmaster General’s deliberate sabotage of the Postal Service, to his lies about mail-in voting, to his army of lawyers launching absurd legal attacks on voting rights across the country.
Trump and the GOP are simply terrified of the people exercising their right to vote — and they should be. The American electorate is determined to overcome their dirty tricks and hand them the resounding defeat they deserve.

Federal judge orders USPS to rush delivery of mail ballots as deadlines near
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., on T

Rush Production” means that the time required to imprint your products is sped up, and “Rush Shipping” means that the time it takes for those finished items to ship to you is sped up.2020/10/27

What does "rush delivery" mean? - Question about English ...
hinative.com › ... › R › Ru › Rush

2017/02/22 — they deliever faster than normal. say a normal deilvery takes a week, rush delivery takes a few days. they deliever faster than normal. say a normal deilvery takes a week, rush delivery takes a few days. See a translation.


rush noun (HURRY)

B2 S ]
situation in which you have to hurry or move somewhere quickly:
Slow down! What's the rush?
Why is it always such a rush to get ready in the mornings?
Everyone seemed to be in a rush.
He was in a rush to get home.
They were in no rush to sell the house.
C2 S ]
time when a lot of things are happening or a lot of people are trying to do or get something:
There's always a rush to get the best seats.
try to do my shopping before the Christmas rush.
There's been a rush for (= sudden popular demand for) tickets.
There was a rush of air as she opened the door.
They made a rush at him to get his gun.
S ]
sudden movement of people to a certain area, usually because of some economic advantage:
the California gold rush
C ]
in American football, an attempt to run forwards carrying the ball, or an attempt to quickly reach and stop a player from the opposing team who is carrying the ball

rush noun (SUDDEN FEELING)

The memory of who he was came back to him with a rush.
I had my first cigarette for a year and felt a sudden rush (of dizziness).


rush verb (GO/DO QUICKLY)

B2 I or Tusually + adv/prep ]
to (cause to) go or do something very quickly
I've been rushing (about/around) all day trying to get everything done.我忙了整整一天,想把所有的事情都做完。
I rushed up the stairs/to the office/to find a phone.我飛奔上樓梯/匆匆趕到辦公室/趕忙去找電話。
When she turned it upside down the water rushed out.她把它底朝上翻轉過來時,水一下子傾瀉出來。
+ to infinitive ] We shouldn't rush to blame them.我們不應該不問青紅皂白就責備他們。
You can't rush a job like this.你不應該這樣草草趕工。
The emergency legislation was rushed through Parliament in a morning.應急法案在一個上午就被議會快速通過了。
Don't rush me!別催我!
The United Nations has rushed medical aid and food to the famine zone.聯合國向發生饑荒的地區緊急提供了醫療和食品援助。
He rushed the children off to school so they wouldn't be late.他催趕著孩子們快點出門去學校,以免遲到。
