2021年5月10日 星期一

significant , "jobless recovery", significant access

The Los Angeles Times leads with a look at the growing signs that the economy could recover without a significant decrease in unemployment. The concept of a "jobless recovery" is hardly new, but many economists say the situation now could be far worse than what we saw after the last two downturns in 1990-91 and 2001, and could even threaten the recovery itself.

美國海軍在近日的一次演習中,首次用無人機群摧毀了一艘水面艦艇。新頭殼引述美國大眾新聞指,美國海軍此舉是向中國釋出信號,中國正在開發所謂的“反介入/區域拒止防禦”(anti-access/area denial defenses)——分層導彈和雷達系統,以使美國飛機和軍艦無法進入南中國海。

Researchers say the complexity of the attack and the lack of digital fingerprints indicate that someone with significant influence had to have been directing it. Otherwise, “there must be a cybercriminal out there with pretty significant access to China’s Internet infrastructure,” said Mr. Freitas.
研究人員表示,由於襲擊相當複雜,且沒有留下數字指紋,這顯示進行指揮的是某個具有極大影響力的人。弗雷塔斯說,如若不然,「肯定就是一個網絡犯罪分子,而且他能廣泛地訪問中國的互聯網基礎設施。」(紐約時報:Chinese Hackers Circumvent Popular Web Privacy Tools 網絡隱私保護工具已無法阻擋中國黑客)
  significant access 指"可以神通廣大地接達"(中國的互聯網基礎設施),用"廣泛地訪問",似乎失之空泛。

Definition of significant in English:


1Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy:a significant increase in sales
2Having a particular meaning; indicative of something:in times of stress her dreams seemed to her especially significant
2.1Suggesting a meaning or message that is notexplicitly stated:she gave him a significant look
3Statistics Relating to or having significance.


Late 16th century (in sense 2): from Latin significant-'indicating', from the verb significare (see signify).

  1. [形]
  2. 1 重要な,重大な;意義深い. ⇒IMPORTANT[類語]
    • a significant date
    • 重要な日(▼祝日・記念日など)
  3. 2 (…の)意味を表す;(…を)示唆する,暗示的な((of ...))
  4. 3 意味ありげな,意味深長な
    • a significant look
    • 意味ありげな表情.
  5. 4 かなりの;著しい;かなり大きい
    • dozen significant forest fires
    • 10か所あまりのかなり大きい森林火事.
  6. 5 ((英俗))魅力的な,超モダンな. ▼美術批評用語.
  7. 6 《言語学》示差的な.
  1. sig・nif・i・cant・ly
    • [副]意味ありげに,意味深く;著しく;((文修飾))意味深いことに.
