2024年4月8日 星期一

quorum, elliptical, macaque. A Thai director's elliptical view of the world. 

A Thai director's elliptical view of the world

BANGKOK — BANGKOK: Apichatpong Weerasethakul's cryptic movies defy easy categorization: What to make of a film that starts out as a sweet love story but turns into a phantasmagoric mind-trip ("Tropical Malady," 2004)? Or his Exquisite Corpse film, which grows more surreal with every twist of the tale ("Mysterious Object at Noon," 2000)?

But this radical, nonlinear approach to filmmaking has earned the 36-year- old Thai director a reputation as one of Asia's most exciting filmmakers. Film critics have said that Apichatpong brings to cinema an entirely fresh way of viewing the world.

Kimimasa Mayama/EPA, via Shutterstock
• Japan’s famed hot-spring-loving snow monkeys are a photogenic wonder.
Now, they’re also scientific subjects in a study of how stress hormones affect social structure.
The long soaks — which they appear to have copied from humans — bring their stress levels down. And higher-ranking females spent more time in the pools.
(Our video of the basking macaques is seriously fun.)

President Trump has gone after Amazon's deal with the U.S. Postal Service largely over the rates the retail giant pays for delivery. But the service's top oversight board lacks the quorum it needs to consider such matters.

The Relay Satellite will be separated in an elliptical orbit. with an apolune altitude of 2400 km, and the VRAD Satel- .... Relay Satellite. Release. ⑨VRAD衛星分離. VRAD Satellite. Release. ⑩月周回観測. Observation. ⑦月周回軌道投入 ...

現在練習聽力的免費資源很豐富,譬如說,底下的這篇小說,你搜索篇名,即可得其原文以及加拿大等地的免費朗讀。 日文的文學作品,情形類似: "Besides many things, Raggles was a poet. He was called a tramp; but that was only an elliptical way of saying that he was a philosopher, an artist, a traveler, a naturalist, and a discoverer. But most of all he was a poet. In all his life he never wrote a line of verse; he lived his poetry."
--from "The Making of a New Yorker" by O. Henry

The Trimmed Lamp : and other Stories of the Four…


  1. a medium-sized, chiefly forest-dwelling Old World monkey which has a long face and cheek pouches for holding food.


  1. 1.
    (of speech or writing) using or involving ellipsis, especially so as to be difficult to understand.

    "elliptical colloquial exchanges"

  2. 2.
    another term for elliptic.
    synonyms:ovalegg-shapedellipticovateovoidoviform, ellipsoidal;
    "an elliptical orbit"



quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly (a body that uses parliamentary procedure, such as a legislature) necessary to conduct the business of that group. According to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, the "requirement for a quorum is protection against totally unrepresentative action in the name of the body by an unduly small number of persons."[2]
