2024年5月15日 星期三

gad, bole, wing, to wing, spread (or stretch or try) one's wings. Nothing waters the bole, the stone wastes nothing. Speech could not cobble the swamp, And so you dance for a brighter silence.

Nothing waters the bole,
the stone wastes nothing.
Speech could not cobble the swamp,
And so you dance for a brighter silence.
—Paul Auster (1947–2024)
"Spokes" was published in the March 1972 issue of POETRY. https://bit.ly/4b3f9sH

Good morning! Today is move-in day for the Class of 2019! Welcome to Hopkins, baby Blue Jays. We have lots of plans for you, and we're eager to see you spread your wings. Here's everything you need to know for new-student orientation:

Gingrich and Romney Trade Jabs as G.O.P. Race Rolls On
The intensifying duel between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich was shaping up as a proxy battle in the fight between their party’s establishment wing and a grass-roots insurgency.

spread (or stretch or try) one's wings
phrase of wing
  1. 1.
    extend one's activities and interests or start new ones.

1 (鳥の)翼;(コウモリなどの)飛膜;(昆虫の)羽, 翅(はね), (天使・悪魔などの)羽, 翼, (ニワトリなどの)翼の肉, 手羽
The bird spread [flapped, folded] its wings.
鳥は翼をひろげた[羽ばたいた, 翼をたたんだ].
2 (風車の)羽根;(飛行機の)翼.
3 《建築》翼(よく), そで;《城》翼面, 翼壁.
4 (政党などの左右の)翼
the right [the left] wing
5 (サッカー・ラグビーなどの)ウィング.
6 ((略式))(人の)腕, (野球選手の)投球する腕;(四足獣の)前足.
7 《解剖学》翼, 翼状部(ala).
8 《植物》(蝶形花の)翼弁, (果実の)翼.
9 ((〜s))(舞台の)そで.
10 (安楽いすの)そで:背の先端につけられた耳状の頭もたれ.
11 《軍事》(部隊・艦隊の)側面部隊, 翼, (飛行隊形の)翼, 翼側部隊.
(1) 《米国空軍》航空団. ▼地上部隊の旅団に相当.
(2) ((〜s))((略式))《軍事》航空記章. ▼広げた2枚の鳥の羽の形をしている.
13 ((英))(自動車などの)泥よけ(((米))fender).
14 (両開きドアなどの)片方の戸.
15 《海事》翼艙(よくそう).
16 ((しばしば集合的))鳥;(鳥の)群((of ...)).
17 ((通例〜s))((詩))(船の)帆.

To wing
v., winged, wing·ing, wings. v.intr.
To move on or as if on wings; fly.

    1. To furnish with wings.
    2. To cause or enable to fly or speed swiftly along.
  1. To feather (an arrow).
    1. To pass over or through with or as if with wings.
    2. To carry or transport by or as if by flying.
    3. To effect or accomplish by flying.
  2. To throw or dispatch (a ball, for example).
    1. To wound the wing of (a game bird, for example).
    2. To wound superficially, as in an appendage.
  3. To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.

1 …を飛んで渡る, 飛ぶ
wing one's way
2 〈鳥などの〉翼を傷つける
wing a swan
3 …に翼[羽, 帆]をつける;…に翼状物をつける.
4 …を飛べる[速く動く]ようにする;…を速める
Fear winged his steps.
5 〈矢などを〉飛ばす, 放す, …を(矢のように)飛ばす, さっと送る.
6 〈鳥などを〉射落とす, 〈飛行機などを〉撃墜する.
━━(自)((主に文))飛んで行く, (高く)飛ぶ
A few crows were winging homeward.
We winged to New York the next day.

(găd) pronunciation
intr.v., gad·ded, gad·ding, gads.
To move about restlessly and with little purpose. See synonyms at wander.

[Middle English gadden, to hurry.]
gadder gad'der n.

(bōl) pronunciation
The trunk of a tree.

[Middle English, from Old Norse bolr.]

bole2 (bōl) pronunciation
  1. Any of various soft fine clays, especially a reddish-brown variety used as a pigment.
  2. A moderate reddish brown.
[Middle English, from Medieval Latin bōlus. See bolus.]
bole bole adj.
