2020年5月29日 星期五

hazing, temporarily hospitalized, imposition, SPOKESPERSON

As Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity are jeopardized by the new imposition, we call on the Government of China to work with the Hong Kong SAR Government and the people of Hong Kong to find a mutually acceptable accommodation that will honor China’s international obligations under the UN-filed Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Joint Statement on Hong Kong



MAY 28, 2020

 That leaves austerity. The expiry of a payroll-tax cut and the imposition of higher income taxes on the rich will cost taxpayers some $150 billion this year in higher taxes. On March 1st the “sequester”—across-the-board federal spending cuts worth $85 billion in the current fiscal year—took effect. The economy is now starting to look less resilient in the face of that austerity than it did at first.

More reports of hazing in German military surface

A week ago Germany's military commissioner said reports of ritual hazing at
a mountain infantry camp were being investigated. But five new reports of
similar abuse indicate a bigger problem.

The DW-WORLD Article

Prince Philip Hospitalized in London 7:56 PM ET

Hu Shih's
...temporary hospitalized

temporarily hospitalized

tem·po·rar·y (tĕm'pə-rĕr'ē)
Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time.

n. Informal, pl., -ies.
One that serves for a limited time: an office staffed by temporaries.

[Latin temporārius, from tempus, tempor-, time.]
temporarily tem'po·rar'i·ly adv.
temporariness tem'po·rar'i·ness n.

SYNONYMS temporary, acting, ad interim, interim, provisional. These adjectives mean assuming the duties of another for the time being: a temporary chairperson; the acting dean; an ad interim admissions committee; an interim administration; a provisional mayor.
ANTONYM permanent

1. the imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a rigorous physical training program: army cadets were hospitalized for injuries caused by hazing.
2. humiliating and sometimes dangerous initiation rituals: seven upperclassmen at the academy were charged with hazing.



  • 1 [mass noun] the action or process of imposing something or of being imposed:the imposition of martial law
  • 2a thing that is imposed, in particular an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden:I’d like to see you, if that wouldn’t be too much of an imposition some see the law as an unwanted imposition on their lives
  • a tax or duty.
  • 3 [mass noun] Printing the imposing of pages of type.
  • [count noun] a particular arrangement of imposed pages:samples of 16-page impositions


late Middle English: from Latin impositio(n-), from the verb imponere (see impose)


  1. 1(税・仕事・義務などを)(人・物に)課すること,賦課,押しつけ≪on
  2. 1a賦課物,税金;刑罰;((英))(生徒に課する)罰課題
  3. 2〔通例an ~〕負担,迷惑(な要求)
  4. 3(善意などに)つけ込むこと;詐欺,ぺてん
  5. 4《宗教》按手あんしゅ;《印刷》組みづけ
