2023年5月25日 星期四

chocolate, Chocolat-Menier, puréed, succulent, tomato, sauteed, aphrodisiac, appreciable, refrigerate


  • A simple soy glaze brushed on at the end of cooking enhances this grilled chicken.

How to Make the Juiciest, Most Succulent Grilled Chicken


Video Video: What's In It: Veggie Blend-Ins
Green Giant Veggie Blend-Ins offer vegetables in puréed form to those who routinely avoid them. Are there any potential pitfalls?

  1. Chocolat-Menier

    The perfection of chocolate, introduced by M. Menier of Paris, who died in 1881.

«Chocolate Menier 美尼爾 5c, 10c on sale everywhere» [1895. Drawing by Auguste Roedel].

Without Hope, 1945 by Frida Kahlo
This painting was painted at the year of 1945, when Frida Kahlo was forced to be fed by presciprtion of her doctor. In the back of this painting Frida Kahlo wrote down the following explanation:
"Not the least hope remains to me...Everything move in time with what the belly contains."
At that time Frida Kahlo was suffered from a lack of appetite due to her many surgeries and numerous illnesses. She became very thin(改過) and malnourished. Her doctor, Dr Eloesser, prescribed her complete bed rest and a forced fattening diet of puréed food every two hours. In this painting, Frida Kahlo depicts what she went through with the "forced feeding" diet. The disgusting food with animals and skulls was hold by the wooden structure which used to hold her canvases for painting. It seems her arms are pinned underneath and cannot help with the situation. The back ground is deserted Mexican landscape showing both the sun and the moon. The situation seems to be Without Hope.

Why Snowden’s Visitors Refrigerated Their Phones
 The most succulent crab is the swimming crab, says Kimio Tomura, owner of a Japanese restaurant.

Paul Keetch MP said he feared this would encourage a terrorist attack.
Google said it only took images from public roads and there was "no appreciable security risk".
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it would be "impractical" to ask Google to remove the images.

Aphrodisiac Expert Recommends Recipes For Love

On Valentines Day, preparing a candle light dinner is a sure way to score
points with your loved one. But the ingredients in the food can also have
an effect on the night -- Aphrodisiacs.

The DW-WORLD Article

Spectrum | 04.11.2008 | 04:30
Research Into Chocolate and Pregnancy

Chocolate is supposedly an aphrodisiac.

There’s no doubt that truffles presented in a golden box, bon-bons that melt in your mouth, or a big, chunky bar will excite pretty much anyone. Preliminary research shows that chocolate may also help with the results of that love. Pregnant women who eat a small amount of chocolate every day are healthier and deliver stronger babies. Nancy Greenleese reports from Perugia, Italy.

I sautéed myself in Sarahville last week.
I wandered through the Wal-Mart, which seemed almost as large as Wasilla, a town that is a soulless strip mall without sidewalks set beside a soulful mountain and lake.

When Asparagus Is More Than Asparagus
Sometimes Asparagus Is More Than Asparagus

Helen Yoest wrote a book about natural aphrodisiacs called “Plants With Benefits.”


IN BRIEF: adj. - Fried quickly in a little fat.
Small cherry tomatoes in Korea

wiki English


, pl. -toes.
    1. A widely cultivated South American plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit.
    2. The fruit of this plant.
  1. Slang. A woman regarded as attractive.
[Alteration of Spanish tomate, from Nahuatl tomatl.]
tomatoey to·ma'to·ey (-tō-ē) adj.
WORD HISTORY Among the greatest contributions to world civilization made by the early inhabitants of the Americas are plant foods such as the potato and squash.
The tomato, whose name comes ultimately from the Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs and other groups in Mexico and Central America, was another important contribution. When the Spanish conquered this area, they brought the tomato back to Spain and, borrowing the Nahuatl word tomatl for it, named it tomate, a form shared in French, Portuguese, and early Modern English.
Tomate, first recorded in 1604, gave way to tomato, a form created in English either because it was assumed to be Spanish or under the influence of the word potato. As is well known, people at first resisted eating this New World food because its membership in the nightshade family made it seem potentially poisonous, but it is now is an important element of many world cuisines.

tomato ketchup noun [U]
a sweet red tomato sauce, eaten cold and usually poured from a bottle
beef tomato UK noun [C] (US beefsteak tomato)
a type of very large tomato

[tuh-MAY-toh; tuh-MAH-toh] Like the potato and eggplant, the tomato is a member of the nightshade family. It's the fruit of a vine native to South America. By the time European explorers arrived in the New World, the tomato had made its way up into Central America and Mexico. The Spanish carried plants back home from Mexico, but it took some time for tomatoes to be accepted in Spain because it was thought that-like various other members of the nightshade family-they were poisonous. Some tomato advocates, however, claimed the fruit had aphrodisiac powers and, in fact, the French called them pommes d'amour, "love apples." It wasn't until the 1900s that the tomato gained some measure of popularity in the United States. Today this fruit is one of America's favorite "vegetables," a classification the government gave the tomato for trade purposes in 1893. Dozens of tomato varieties are available today-ranging widely in size, shape and color. Among the most commonly marketed is the beefsteak tomato, which is delicious both raw and cooked. It's large, bright red and slightly elliptical in shape.

Globe tomatoes are medium-size, firm and juicy. Like the beefsteak, they're good both raw and cooked. Another variety is the plum tomato (also called Italian plum and Roma), a flavorful egg-shaped tomato that comes in red and yellow versions. Grape tomatoes are baby romas. The medium-size green tomato has a piquant flavor, which makes it excellent for frying, broiling and adding to relishes.

The small cherry tomato is about 1 inch in diameter and can be red or yellow-gold in color. It's very popular-both for eating and as a garnish-because of its bright color and excellent flavor. The yellow cherry tomato is slightly less acidic than the red and therefore somewhat blander in flavor. Though it's long been popular raw in salads, the cherry tomato is gaining favor as a cooked side dish, quickly sautéed with herbs.

The yellow pear tomato is slightly smaller than the cherry tomato and resembles a tiny pear. It's used in the same manner as the cherry tomato.

Currant tomatoes are the tiniest of the species, measuring only about 0.7 inches in diameter and weighing about 1⁄8 ounce. They come in both red and yellow varieties and have a sweet, crisp flesh. Finding a niche in some produce markets are several unique looking and flavorful heirloom tomato varieties.

Among the more interesting are the purple tomatoes (such as Purple Calabash, Brandywine and Cherokee Purple), the skins of which can range in color from a dusky pink with purple shoulders to a dusky rose-purple. Depending on the variety, the flesh color can vary from crimson to a brownish purple-pink.

Bicolored and striped tomatoes (such as Marvel Striped, Big White Pink Stripe and Hillbilly) have an orangey skin with faint red striations. This fruit's bicolor flesh is a brilliant yellow with a red center. Fresh tomatoes are available year-round, with the peak season from June through September. The most succulent, flavorful tomatoes are those that are "vine-ripened," usually only available in specialty produce markets. Unfortunately, such tomatoes are very perishable, which is why supermarkets almost always carry tomatoes that have been picked green and ripened with ethylene gas or in special warming rooms. Such tomatoes will never have the texture, aroma and taste of the vine-ripened fruit. Choose firm, well-shaped tomatoes that are noticeably fragrant and richly colored (for their variety). They should be free from blemishes, heavy for their size and give slightly to palm pressure. Ripe tomatoes should be stored at room temperature and used within a few days. They should never be refrigerated-cold temperatures make the flesh pulpy and kills the flavor. Unripe fruit can be ripened by placing it in a pierced paper bag with an apple for several days at room temperature (65° to 75°F). Do not refrigerate or set in the sun. Tomato skins can be removed by blanching.

Sun-dried tomatoes are, as the name indicates, dried in the sun (or by other, artificial methods). The result is a chewy, intensely flavored, sweet, dark red tomato. Sun-dried tomatoes are usually either packed in oil or dry-packed in cellophane. The dry-pack type benefits from soaking in oil or other liquid before use. Sun-dried tomatoes add their rich flavor to sauces, soups, sandwiches, salads and myriad other dishes.

Canned tomatoes are available in various forms including peeled, whole, crushed, and those with herbs such as oregano and/or basil added.

Tomato paste, which is available in cans and tubes, consists of tomatoes that have been cooked for several hours, strained and reduced to a deep red, richly flavored concentrate.
Canned tomato purée consists of tomatoes that have been cooked briefly and strained, resulting in a thick liquid.

Tomato sauce is a slightly thinner tomato purée, often with seasonings and other flavorings added so that it is ready to use in various dishes or as a base for other sauces. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and contain appreciable amounts of vitamins A and B, potassium, iron and phosphorus. A medium tomato has about as much fiber as a slice of whole-wheat bread and only about 35 calories. See also tomatillo.


Syllabification: pu·ree
Pronunciation: /pyo͝oˈrā, -ˈrē/
(also purée)
  • A smooth, creamy substance made of liquidized or crushed fruit or vegetables: stir in the tomato puree

verb (purees, pureeing, pureed)

[with object] Back to top  


early 18th century: from French purée, literally 'purified', feminine past participle of purer.

purée (or mash) is cooked food, usually vegetablesfruits or legumes, that has been ground, pressed, blended or sieved to the consistency of a creamy paste or liquid.[1] Purées of specific foods are often known by specific names, e.g., applesauce or hummus. The term is of French origin, where it meant in Old French (13th century) purified or refined.



━━ a. 催淫(さいいん)の.
━━ n. 催淫剤, 媚薬(びやく).

老師不教的英文: aphrodisiac /,æfrod'iziæk/ (a.)催淫的;春藥

  • 発音記号[sʌ'kjulənt] 
1 〈果物などが〉汁気[水分]の多い;〈植物が〉多肉多汁(組織)の.
2 心を養ってくれる, 興味深い.
-lence, -len・cy
[名][U]多液, 多汁;多趣.


Syllabification: (re·frig·er·ate)
Pronunciation: /riˈfrijəˌrāt/

Definition of refrigerate
[with object]
  • subject (food or drink) to cold in order to chill or preserve it, typically by placing it in a refrigerator:refrigerate the dough for one hour





late Middle English: from Latin refrigerat- 'made cool', from the verb refrigerare, from re- 'back' + frigus, frigor- 'cold'
