Some U.S. officials said they feared that Ukraine’s use of the missiles across the border could prompt President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to retaliate with force against the United States and its coalition partners.
But other U.S. officials said they thought those fears were overblown.
Something about the way a pencil nestles in the hand—confiding, humble and powerful at the same time—seems to draw out ideas and words. From 1843
Why writing with a pencil is better than with a pen
Getting to the nub of the issue
Why writing with a pencil is better than with a pen
Getting to the nub of the issue
Tobacco-related deaths
Out of puff
Oct 29th 2009
Where smoking kills most people
NEARLY one in five deaths in rich countries is caused by smoking, according to new data released this week by the World Health Organisation. In 2004, the latest year for which data are available, tobacco use killed an estimated 5.1m people worldwide, or one in every eight deaths of adults aged 30 and over. Residents of richer countries are suffering more now because they have been smoking longer: cancers and chronic respiratory diseases caused by tobacco smoke take a long time to develop. Deaths in poor countries, where many more people have taken on rich-world smoking habits in recent decades, are predicted to rise dramatically in the next 20 years.
《中英對照讀新聞》Briton fuming over fine for smoking in own van英國人為在自己車上抽菸被罰錢感到惱火 ◎管淑平
A painter and decorator has been fined for breaching Britain’s smoking ban -- by puffing on a cigarette in his own van, he said Friday. 一名油漆工?和裝潢師?因為在他自己的廂型車上抽菸違反英國禁菸法而被罰款,他週五表示。
Used to indicate a sudden vanishing: The magician waved a wand, and poof! The birds disappeared!
Few revolutions have been made with a hand-beater. But Mr Rich's was one. Before he began to experiment with flaking and precipitating soyabeans, whipped cream was a hit-or-miss affair. It would not keep, especially in the humid South. Nor would it freeze. Over-beating produced a buttery mess, and ambitious decorations sank gradually into gloop. To top it all, in wartime, heavy whipping cream was a banned substance. All available milk was needed fresh for the people, or dried and condensed for the troops. To dream of an éclair or a cream puff, even of a modest dollop nestling a cherry or topping off a sundae, was close to a traitorous act.
Page 37
I can lift heavy objects, do all the shopping, cooking, and dishwashing when my wife is ill, carry my own luggage without puffing. ...
I can lift heavy objects, do all the shopping, cooking, and dishwashing when my wife is ill, carry my own luggage without puffing. ...
Yale Divinity School, viewed from East Rock, nestled among trees of every color. November 2014
Photographer: Philipp Arndt '16
verb [I or T; + adverb or preposition]
1 to rest yourself or part of your body in a warm, comfortable and protected position:
She nestled (her head) against his shoulder.
2 to be in, or put something in, a protected or sheltered position, with bigger things around it:
Bregenz is a pretty Austrian town that nestles between the Alps and Lake Constance.
- 自(巣の中の鳥のように)(…に)気持ちよく体をうずめる(down)≪in≫,心地よく(…に)寄り添う(up)≪to,against,beside,by≫
- nestle ...
- …にすり寄る
- nestled mother's arms.
- 赤ん坊は気持ちよさそうに母親に抱かれていた
- 1a他…を心地よく落ち着かせる;…を心地よく(…へ)すり寄せる≪on,against,beside≫
- a
- 母親に頭をすり寄せる赤ん坊
- 2自〈家などが〉(…に)ぐあいよく位置する,(木立の間などから)見え隠れする≪among,in≫
- 3他〈鳥などに〉巣を与える
noun [C]
a small amount of something soft, especially food:
a dollop of ice cream/whipped cream
adjective (ALSO hit-or-miss)
If something is hit-and-miss you cannot depend on it to be of good quality, on time, accurate, etc:
The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.
verb [I]
to breathe fast and with difficulty, usually because you have been doing exercise:
He came puffing up the stairs.
[+ speech] "I ran all the way home, " she puffed (= said while puffing).
be out of puff to be breathing with difficulty because you have been doing physical exercise
puffed (out) UK adjective [after verb] (US pooped) INFORMAL
breathing with difficulty because you have been doing physical exercise:
I can't walk any further - I'm puffed!
v., puffed, puff·ing, puffs.
- To blow in puffs.
- To come forth in puffs: steam puffing from an engine.
- To breathe forcefully and rapidly: huffed and puffed up the stairs.
- To emit puffs.
- To take puffs on smoking material: puffing on a cigar.
- To swell or seem to swell, as with pride or air. Often used with up: He puffed up and glared at the importuning questioner.
- To emit or give forth in puffs.
- To impel with puffs.
- To smoke (a cigar, for example).
- To inflate or distend.
- To fill with pride or conceit.
- To publicize with often exaggerated praise: publishers who puff their new books.
- 1.made to seem more impressive or important than is the case; exaggerated or pretentious."his most rhetorically overblown screenplay"
- 2.(of a flower) past its prime."an overblown rose"
cream puff
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: puff filled with cream or custard
Synonym: chou
The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: any of various types of cabbage
Synonym: cabbage
Meaning #2: puff filled with cream or custard
Synonym: cream puff
chou m 1. (légume) cabbage; ~ de Bruxelles Brussels sprout 2. GASTR ~ à la crème cream puff 3. faire ~ blanc to draw a blank; rentrer dans le ~ à qn to beat sb up
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: puff filled with cream or custard
Synonym: chou
The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: any of various types of cabbage
Synonym: cabbage
Meaning #2: puff filled with cream or custard
Synonym: cream puff
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
- 一陣陣地吹(或噴)
- 噴著煙移動[Q][(+away/out)]
- 喘氣;喘著氣走
- 一口口抽煙(或噴煙)[Q][(+away/at/on)]
- 膨脹;腫脹[(+up/out)]
- 趾高氣揚,盛氣凌人[(+up/out)]
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
- 一陣陣地吹(或噴)(空氣,塵土等)
- 噴著煙行(路)
- 使氣急[H][(+out)]
- 吹熄[(+out)]
- 喘著氣說
- 使充氣,使膨脹[(+out/up)]
- 使驕傲自滿;使趾高氣揚[(+up)]
- 吹捧(書等);為...作廣告
- 使鬆軟
- (用粉撲)施(粉)
n. (名詞 noun)
- (一)吹,(一)噴[C]
- 一陣,一股[C][(+of)]
- (抽)一口煙[C]
- 呼吸,氣[U]
- 膨脹;腫脹[C]
- (衣服上的)墊肩[C]
- 粉撲[C]
- (奶油)鬆餅;泡芙[C]
- 吹捧性的短文(或廣告等);吹捧[C][U]