2023年11月8日 星期三

to kneecap, swipe, swipe right, knees-up, lap and knee, nuke, sideswipe, trheshol/proliferation. on one's knees 

 It coincides with a severe chip shortage that—though it mostly affects microprocessors used in cars, which Intel does not sell—has brought home the danger of supply disruptions. And it follows America’s kneecapping of Huawei, a Chinese maker of networking gear, by restricting its access to American technology, including semiconductors.

Obama isurging voters and elected officials to take steps to “protect the integrity” of November's election. Obama Says Trump Is Trying to ‘Kneecap’ the Postal Service BLOOMBERG.COM Obama Says Trump Is Trying to ‘Kneecap’ the Postal Service

BREAKING: Australia is suspending its extradition deal with Hong Kong and will give skilled migrants from the city 5-year visas with a pathway to permanent residence, after China passes security law.


Australia Suspends Hong Kong Extradition Deal in Swipe at China

Do you want to date Brad Pitt? Well, he just admitted that he's on Tinder! At least he joked about it when he accepted the SAG Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He wants to put the award on his dating profile. Would you swipe right?
Business Insider

Apple just kneecapped Google's smartwatch efforts
Bad news for Google: Apple has managed to sell more Apple Watches in a single day than the number of Android Wear smartwatches sold in an ...
Political satire used to be the preserve of artists and writers but thanks to modern technology and a changing political climate it is almost everywhere today. The internet has made it easier for the masses to join in the fun. Social media have helped political sideswipes to spread as contagiously as laughter http://econ.st/17nUzyW


Microsoft Takes a Swipe at Gmail by Embracing Google Talk



The Pen Is Mightier Than the Swipe

Yawning woman in party dress and Santa hatDoes your work party fit the template?

'Tis the season for festive knees-ups. Cue bad dancing and the denouement of a simmering office romance, says comedian Colm O'Regan.

France's Triple-A War of Words
Bank of France governor Christian Noyer launched an attack on ratings companies that included a sideswipe at the U.K.

China has agreed to build two new civilian nuclear reactors in Pakistan, according to Chinese companies and officials in Islamabad and Beijing, in a deal that could re-ignite debate about nuclear commerce and proliferation.

U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes
The new weapons system is designed to hurl a conventional warhead of enormous weight at high speed and with pinpoint accuracy, without crossing the nuclear threshold.

Rogers / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

CES to Feature Touch Gizmos
The Las Vegas electronics exhibition will showcase a variety of devices that are controlled by finger swipes and other movements.

Arts on the Air | 01.10.2008 | 05:30

Walt Disney films and their roots in European Fine Art

An exhibition showing the links between Walt Disney's films and European Art has recently opened in Munich’s Hypo-Kunsthalle.

Many people still recall the fairytales of their childhood: Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Robin Hood. Few will actually remember reading the book or even listening to those stories while sitting on their father‘s lap. It’s more likely they watched one of Disney’s world famous movies. There are many choices that have to be made before a movie tells its story in a certain way. And there are also various artistic influences and references that give the story depth.
Report: Dorothee Sillem

Nokia Kneecaps Microsoft, Google
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
Google recently pushed back the debut of its own open-source mobile OS to late this year – or perhaps 2009, according to mobile and wireless analyst Jack ...

Can Nokia's Symbian Foundation Nuke Google Android, Others?
CRN - Manhasset,NY,USA
based mobility consulting firm, Nokia's Symbian Foundation takes a big swipe at Google Android and its Open Handset Alliance, which earlier this week came ...

Tablets poised to take swipe at iPad's dominance
Austin American-Statesman
Motorola's Xoom has integrated Google apps that run better than their iPad counterparts. By Omar L. Gallaga Apple has been running iPhone ads telling TV viewers that if they are part of the unwashed masses toting a BlackBerry, Android phone (or, ...

verb) A phrase used to describe your acceptance of something. The term was originally a reference to the Tinder app. On Tinder, swiping right means you approve of a male/female after judging them by a few picture and a short bio. "Swipe ...

Swipe right - Urban Dictionary


Pronunciation: /swʌɪp/

Definition of swipeverb

[with object]
  • hit or try to hit with a swinging blow:she swiped me right across the nose [no object]:Lola stood on the balcony, swiping at the moths
  • steal:someone swiped one of his sausages
  • pass (a swipe card) through an electronic device that reads and processes the information encoded on it.


  • a sweeping blow:he missed the ball with his first swipe
  • an attack or criticism:he took a swipe at his critics



(also swipable)adjective


swipe (HIT)verb [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition]
to hit or try to hit something, especially with a sideways movement:
She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.
She swiped him round the head.
MAINLY US The car swiped the garage door as he pulled out.
See also sideswipe (HIT).

swipe   noun [C]
Edwin took a swipe at the ball and missed.


Pronunciation: /ˈsʌɪdswʌɪp/

Definition of sideswipe   noun

  • 1a passing critical remark about someone or something: the book was chiefly an attack on the literary work of Rossetti, but it also took a few sideswipes at Swinburne
  • 2chiefly North American a glancing blow from or on the side of something, especially a motor vehicle.


[with object] chiefly North American
strike with a glancing blow:Curtis jerked the wheel hard over and sideswiped the other car


  • ((主に米略式))[動](他)…をなでる[かする]ように横打ちする;〈車などが〉こする;〈車が〉(人や車のわきに)いきなり近づく.
1 なでる[かする]ような横打ち.
2 (事のついでに言う)非難
take a sideswipe at ...

2007/12 昨天張華兄讀某詞典 提出兩字之差異
現在無法打開他的信 所以只寫我查的

noun [C usually singular]
the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down:
Come and sit on my lap and I'll read you a story.
━━ n. (座位での)ひざ; (スカートなどの)ひざの部分; (山の)ふところ; 育てる環境; 保護[責任,管理など]の範囲; 庇護, 支配; 【スポーツ】(走路の)1周, (プールの)1往復; (旅行などの)1区間; 【機】ラップ, 研磨盤; (糸の)ひと巻き; 重なり.
in Fortune's lap 好運に恵まれて.
in the lap of luxury ぜいたく三昧(ざんまい)をして.

in the lap of luxury
living in very comfortable conditions because you have a lot of money

in the lap of the gods 運にまかせて, 人力が及ばない.
in the lap of the gods UK
describes a situation that cannot be controlled and which depends only on good luck:
The doctors have done everything possible for him, so his recovery now is in the lap of the gods.

lap of honor (レース後に勝者が)拍手に応えて1周すること.

━━ v. (-pp-) 折り重ねる[なる] ((over)); 包む ((in)); 大切にする; 【スポーツ】1周する, 1周(以上)抜く.
lap belt (車の)シートベルト.
lap・board (テーブル代わりに使う)ひざ板.
lap dance ラップダンス (lap dancing) ((ストリッパーが客のひざの上で演じるセクシーな踊り)).
lap-dance vi. ラップダンスを踊る.
lap・dog ペット犬 ((チンなど)); 〔話〕 人の支配下にある者, 子分.
lap・ful ━━ n. ひざ上1杯(の数量).
lap・ping ━━ n. 〔米俗〕 ラッピング, 埋め合わせ[たらい回し]横領 ((顧客から横領した金を埋め合わせるために別の顧客の現金をさらに横領し,先の顧客の口座に入れて取り繕う行為)).
lap robe ひざ掛け(毛布,毛皮) (〈英〉rug).
lap time 【スポーツ】1周時間, ラップタイム.
lap・top ━━ a., n. ラップトップコンピュータ (lap・top computer).

noun [C]
1 the middle joint of the leg, which allows it to bend:
The baby was crawling around on its hands and knees.
He got/went down on his knees (= got into a position where his knees were on the ground) in front of the altar.
She took the child and sat it on her knee (= on the part of the leg above the knee when sitting down).
See picture .

2 the part of a piece of clothing that covers the knee:
She was wearing an old pair of trousers with rips at the knees.

verb [T]
to hit someone with your knee:
She kneed him in the groin.

━━ n. ひざ(がしら); 膝(しつ)関節; ひざ状の物; (服の)ひざ(部); 腕木.
at one's mother's knee 幼いころに(習うなど). LITERARY
If you learned something at your mother's knee, you learned it when you were a child:
I learned to sew at my mother's knee. bend [bow] the knee to [before] …に向かってひざまずく, 服従する.
bring [force] (…) to his knees (人を)屈服させる.
fall [go down] on one's knees ひざまずく; 敗北を認める.
give a knee to …をひざに寝かせて休ませる; …に介添えする.
gone at the knees 〔話〕 (ズボンの)ひざの部分がすり切れて; 〔話〕 老いぼれて.
knee to knee ひざ突き合わせて; 隣り合って.
off one's knees ひざまずいた状態から.
on hands and knees 四つんばいになって.
on one's knees ひざまずいて.下跪
on the knees of the gods 人力の及ばない; 未定の.
to one's knees ひざまずいた状態へ.
weak at the knees 〔話〕 (ショックなどで)ひざががくがくして.
━━ vt. ひざで触れる[突く]; ひざで…にする (~ the door open).
knee breeches 半ズボン.

gerund or present participle: kneecapping
  1. shoot (someone) in the knee or leg as a form of punishment.
    "petty crimes are punished by kneecapping"

knee・cap ━━ n., vt. 【解】膝蓋(しつがい)骨; ひざ当て; (テロとして)ひざを撃つ.
knee・capping (テロリストのリンチで)ひざを銃で撃って歩けなくすること.

knee-deep ━━ a. ひざまでの深さの; ひざまでつかって[埋まって]; (借金などで)動きがとれないで, 困って ((in)); (仕事などに)どっぷりつかって ((in)).
1 If you are knee-deep in a substance, it reaches up to your knees:
We walked through the field, knee-deep in mud.

2 INFORMAL very involved in a difficult situation or large task:
I'm knee-deep in paperwork.

knee-high ━━ a. ひざまでの高さの.
tall enough to reach your knees:
knee-high grass/boots
knee・hole (机などの)両袖の間の空所.
knee jerk 【医】膝蓋腱反射 (knee-jerk reflex); 〔話〕 (政界で)予想通りの反応を示す人.
knee-jerk a. 〔話〕 (反応などが)自動的な, 反射的な.
knee-length ━━ a. (ブーツ・スカートが)ひざまでの長さの.
knee・pad ひざ当て.
knee・pan 膝蓋骨.
knee・room (車の座席などの)ひざの余裕.
knee-slapper 〔米話〕 陽気な冗談.
knee sock ひざまでのくつ下.
knees-up 〔英話〕 ダンスパーティー.DANCE PARTY

knees-up - definition of knees-up by the Free Online Dictionary ...

www.thefreedictionary.com/knees-up - CachedShare
(Performing Arts / Dancing) a boisterous dance involving the raising of alternate knees. 2. a lively noisy party or celebration, esp one with dancing. [from the song ...

nuke    verb [T]

1 SLANG to bomb somewhere with nuclear weapons:
The two countries were threatening to nuke each other.

2 MAINLY US to heat or cook something in a microwave oven

nuke (nūk, nyūk) pronunciation

  1. A nuclear device or weapon.
  2. A nuclear-powered electric generating plant.
tr.v., nuked, nuk·ing, nukes.
  1. To attack with nuclear weapons.
  2. To heat in a microwave oven: "I obtained this soup by nuking one cup of water and mixing that with . . . bouillon" (Judy Markey).
[Shortening and alteration of NUCLEAR.]

noun [C] (SPECIALIZED patella)
the bone at the front of the knee joint
See picture .

verb [T] -pp-
to injure someone in the knee as a punishment, especially by shooting

━━ n., vt. 【解】膝蓋(しつがい)骨; ひざ当て; (テロとして)ひざを撃つ.
knee・capping (テロリストのリンチで)ひざを銃で撃って歩けなくすること.
