Tweets Become Harder to Believe as Labels Change Meaning
Beneath the Japanese archipelago lies a mythical catfish, brutish and capricious. For most of the time, its head is pinned down by a granite keystone, held in place by the Shinto god of the earth. But occasionally, the god drops his guard. Then the fish thrashes, convulsing the earth. Fukushima, five years on
OPEC Is Concerned, but Not Panicky on Oil Drop1
VIDEO: Super Bowling Down Broadway
Super Bowl sideshows have taken over 13 blocks of Broadway, building up to Sunday's game. A toboggan run, goal-kicking nets and autograph hunters now jostle with New Yorkers along the fabled street.
Over the past year the Senkaku islands, a clutch of five uninhabited islets in the East China Sea, have shown their ability to convulse relations between China and Japan, Asia's two biggest powers. They have even raised the spectre of military conflict, which America fears it might be dragged into. The stakes are high. So who actually owns the Senkakus?
Harvard Wins Seventh Straight Over Yale, Earns Ivy Title Share
The Game quickly turned into a slaughter Saturday
at the Yale Bowl. Four first-half touchdowns by sophomore Paul Stanton
tied the record for scores in the Harvard-Yale game and allowed the
Crimson to coast to a 34-7 beatdown of its archrival.
With Dartmouth upsetting Princeton later Saturday, the win earned Harvard a share of the Ivy title. The championship is Crimson coach Tim Murphy’s seventh in 20 seasons.
Iran Erupts in Holy Day Clashes
Iranian protesters clashed with security forces, as a major religious holiday was convulsed by what appeared to be the worst street violence in more than six months.
James Murdoch Denies Misleading Parliamentary Panel
James Murdoch returned to a parliamentary inquiry into the phone-hacking affair convulsing News Corporation and denied misleading the panel at an earlier appearance in July.
Facebook Reaches Privacy Settlement With FTC
The Federal Trade Commission said Facebook agreed to settle charges that it misled users about its use of their personal information.
Japanese leaders tried to calm panicky financial markets on Tuesday as a deepening nuclear power crisis looked certain to increase the toll on an economy already convulsing from the impact of Friday's earthquake and tsunami.
To affect or be affected with panic. See synonyms at frighten.
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v., -vulsed, -vuls·ing, -vuls·es.
To become affected by or as if by convulsions; shake.
(1) あわてふためく.
(2) 非常手段をとる.
(3) 非常事態を宣言する;(仕事などで)カツを入れる.
coast·er (kō'stər)
Japanese leaders tried to calm panicky financial markets on Tuesday as a deepening nuclear power crisis looked certain to increase the toll on an economy already convulsing from the impact of Friday's earthquake and tsunami.
- A sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people at once. See synonyms at fear.
- A sudden widespread alarm concerning finances, often resulting in a rush to sell property: a stock-market panic.
- Slang. One that is uproariously funny.
- Of, relating to, or resulting from sudden, overwhelming terror: panic flight.
- Of or resulting from a financial panic: panic selling of securities.
- often Panic Mythology. Of or relating to Pan.
To affect or be affected with panic. See synonyms at frighten.
[From French panique, terrified, from Greek Pānikos, of Pan (a source of terror, as in flocks or herds), groundless (used of fear), from Pān, Pan. See Pan.]
panicky pan'ick·y adj.panic1
Line breaks: panic
Pronunciation: /ˈpanɪk /
1Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causingwildly unthinking behaviour:she hit him in panic[ IN SINGULAR] : he ran to the library in a blind panic
1.1[ COUNT NOUN] A state of widespread financial alarmprovoking hasty action:he caused an economic panic by his suddenresignation[ AS MODIFIER] : panic selling
VERB ( panics, panicking, panicked)
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early 17th century: from French panique, from modern Latin panicus, from Greek panikos, from the name of the god Pan, noted for causing terror, to whom woodland noises were attributed.
v., -vulsed, -vuls·ing, -vuls·es.
- To shake or agitate violently: tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation. See synonyms at agitate.
- To affect with irregular and involuntary muscular contractions; throw into convulsions.
- To cause to shake with laughter or strong emotion.
To become affected by or as if by convulsions; shake.
[Latin convellere, convuls-, to pull violently : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + vellere, to pull.]
1 ((通例受身))〈人を〉(笑い・怒り・苦痛などで)身もだえさせる((from, with ...))
be convulsed with anger
2 …を激しく震動させる;…に動乱[騒動]を起こさせる
An earthquake convulsed the island.
3 …に(筋肉の)けいれんを起こさせる.
1 [U][C]恐慌(状態);恐怖, ろうばい. ⇒FEAR[類語]
people in (a) panic
be seized with [by] panic
2 ((英略式))大あわて.
3 [C]《金融》恐慌, パニック
a financial panic
4 ((米俗))非常におかしな[こっけいな]人[物].
1 〈心配・恐怖などが〉正気[自制心]を失わせる.
2 〈感情・行為・価格などが〉狂乱の, あわてふためいた.
3 ((P-))牧神Panの.
be (at) panic stations
(事を)大急ぎでしなければならない, (…で)あわてふためく((over ...)).
push [press, hit] the panic button
((米略式))(1) あわてふためく.
(2) 非常手段をとる.
(3) 非常事態を宣言する;(仕事などで)カツを入れる.
━━[動](-icked, -ick・ing)(他)
1 〈人を〉うろたえさせる, …に自制心を失わせる, 恐慌を起こさせる.
2 ((米俗))〈観客などを〉歓喜させる.
━━(自)恐怖に駆られる, (…で)あわてふためく((at ...)).
[フランス語←ギリシャ語Pankós (Panギリシャの田園の神+-kós=パンの). Panの神によって引き起こされた恐怖から]
[形]恐慌の;(…に)びくびくした((about ...)).coast·er (kō'stər)
- One that coasts, as:
- One who acts in an aimless manner.
- A sled or toboggan.
- One who rides a sled or toboggan.
- Nautical. A vessel engaged in coastal trade: "dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smokestack" (John Masefield).
- A roller coaster.
- A small mat or plate placed under a vessel to protect a tabletop or other surface beneath.
- A small tray, often on wheels, for passing something, such as a wine decanter, around a table.
- A resident of a coastal region.
1 (沿岸各地に寄港する)沿岸航行者[船];沿岸貿易船.
2 沿岸近くに住む人.
3 ((米))(坂すべり用の)滑降ぞり;ジェットコースター(roller coaster).
4 (コップなどの)敷き皿, コースター;(酒瓶などをのせて食卓の客に回す, 時に車輪のついた)盆;(自動車修理用の)車輪つきの台;((主に英))(木製の)チーズ皿.
5 ((豪俗))浮浪者.convulse

v., -vulsed, -vuls·ing, -vuls·es.
To become affected by or as if by convulsions; shake.
━━ vt. (激しく)震動させる; (けいれんを)起こさせる, 身を震わせる ((with)) (be 〜d with laughter).v., -vulsed, -vuls·ing, -vuls·es.
- To shake or agitate violently: tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation. See synonyms at agitate.
- To affect with irregular and involuntary muscular contractions; throw into convulsions.
- To cause to shake with laughter or strong emotion.
To become affected by or as if by convulsions; shake.
[Latin convellere, convuls-, to pull violently : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + vellere, to pull.]
tobogganLine breaks: to¦bog|gan
Pronunciation: /təˈbɒg(ə)n
a long, light, narrow vehicle, typically on runners, used for sliding downhill over snow or ice.
- レベル:社会人必須
[動](-led, 〜・ing)(他)
1 〈人を〉誤った方向に導く[案内する];〈人を〉(…に)誤り導く((into ..., doing))
Don't be misled by appearances.
Our guide misled us as to the location of the hotel.
2 〈人を〉(…について)欺く, 誤解させる((about, as to ...))
The salesman misled me about the watch's guarantee.
- レベル:大学入試程度
[形]〈言葉などが〉人を誤らせる, 誤解させる, 誤解を招くおそれのある.
[名]sled - Wiktionary
- sled
- 発音
- sléd
- sledの変化形
- sleds (複数形) • sledded (過去形) • sledded (過去分詞) • sledding (現在分詞) • sleds (三人称単数現在)
━━[動](〜・ded, 〜・ding)(自)そりで滑る, そりで行く.
[中フラマン語. 原義は「すべる」. △SLIDE]coast
Syllabification: (coast)
Pronunciation: /kōst/
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