2023年11月30日 星期四

organism, logo, Bing, flimsy piece of recognition, inexorably getting richer, Victory may not be the measure of success

Few ideas are more unshakable than the notion that the rich are inexorably getting richer, as the poor struggle. But evidence for the argument that inequality is rising in the rich world has become flimsier. Read why: https://econ.st/40ZZXII
Image: Lisa Sheehan
可能是顯示的文字是「 Is Putin winning? The Economist America's most conservative court Time for methane dea Political Islam after Gaza DECEMBER2ND-8TH2023 BLUE-COLLAR BONANZA Why conventional wisdom on inequality is wrong 」的圖像

It is a Peter Drucker classic statement, “All business and government is an organism of society and if the enterprise is to exist, so must society. ...

The NRA claims Florida's age restrictions violate the constitutional rights of 18 to 20-year-olds wishing to buy semi-automatic guns
Victory may not be the measure of success

Can Microsoft Make You 'Bing'?

To take on Google, Microsoft is spending billions to make its search engine the intelligent "decision engine."
The Bada Bing's logo

Perhaps the students didn’t have time to think about what a flimsy piece of recognition they were being offered, or perhaps they felt a trivial award was appropriate for a two-hour job. But perhaps companies use symbolic awards because employees crave them.
或许,学生没有时间去思考研究人员给他们的奖励是多么地微不足道,又或者他们觉得,微 薄的奖励对于两小时工作来说是合适的。但企业使用象征性的奖励,可能是因为员

A small exploratory excavation showed that this was a Mesolithic house, dating back, on the basis of the flint tools found inside it, perhaps as much as 10,000 years. When I was told about it, this was what really intrigued me, as even at first sight, this was far more than the expected flimsy structure; it was both substantially built and very early in date. What could this, potentially the oldest house in Britain, tell us about life in the Mesolithic, and would it change some of our existing ideas?


adj., -si·er, -si·est.
  1. Light, thin, and insubstantial: a flimsy fabric.
  2. Lacking solidity or strength: a flimsy table.
  3. Lacking plausibility; unconvincing: a flimsy excuse.
n., pl., -sies.
  1. Thin paper usually used to make multiple copies.
  2. Something written on this thin paper.
[Origin unknown.]
flimsily flim'si·ly adv.
flimsiness flim'si·ness n.

  • [lóugou]
1 (商品名・会社名の)意匠文字, ロゴ;(Tシャツなどに印刷された)文字.
2 《印刷》=logotype 1.
or·gan·ism (ôr'gə-nĭz'əm) pronunciation

  1. An individual form of life, such as a plant, animal, bacterium, protist, or fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.
  2. A system regarded as analogous in its structure or functions to a living body: the social organism.
organismal or'gan·is'mal (-nĭz'məl) or or'gan·is'mic (-mĭk) adj.
organismically or'gan·is'mi·cal·ly adv.
