2023年11月9日 星期四

playing sardines, gasp, quick fix, over-quick, gasp-inducing, last-gasp, Brexit deal. gasp through a tracheotomy tube

Let us now praise the sardine

Washington Post
When Trump said during the debate that not paying taxes "makes me smart," a group of undecided voters in NC gasped.

The Republican nominee was not as attractive to some after the first…

He began by laughingly calling the latest news on the economic meltdown “a interesting moment” and ended by saying that “our energy policy has not been very wise” and that there was “no quick fix” on gasp-inducing gas prices.

 last-gasp, Brexit deal. playing sardines

There is a solo-living boom among the old and rich. The young and poor are pushed into playing sardines

Britain’s housing paradox: overcrowding and underoccupancy are both rising
As more young people share, more elderly rattle around alone

Barring a miracle, Britain's prime minister looks like losing again this weekend


Boris Johnson will struggle to sell his last-gasp Brexit deal to Parliament

It’s not just Scotland’s schools. The whole PFI racket is crumbling
The scandal of Edinburgh’s unsafe schools is the last gasp of a discredited…

sardines - Urban Dictionary

https://www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=sardines

A game you can play with your friends. One person hides, and the other friends split up and look for that person. If they find the hiding person, they have to hide with the hiding person until everyone is hiding in one place. The last person to find ...


too quick or ready.

  1. done at the last possible moment, typically in desperation.
    "Wilson levelled with a last-gasp try"

gasp through a tracheotomy tube
tra·che·ot·o·my (trā'kē-ŏt'ə-mēpronunciation
n.pl. -mies.
Surgical incision of the trachea through the neck, as to make an artificial opening for breathing.
━━ n. 【医】気管切開(手術).
Wikipedia article "Tracheotomy"
At 89, founder of the ultra-rightist Fuerza Nueva, which even Franco found too reactionary, he greeted me eager to launch headlong into a kind of stump speech for the old dictatorship, pausing, from time to time, to gasp through a tracheotomy tube.

verb [I]
1 to take a short quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain or shock:
When she saw the money hidden in the box she gasped in surprise.
[+ speech] "Help me!" he gasped.

2 UK INFORMAL be gasping to be very thirsty

noun [C]
when you gasp:
He gave a gasp of amazement.

something that seems to be a fast and easy solution to a problem but is in fact not very good or long-lasting:
People are still looking for the quick fix.
He warned against any quick-fix solutions.
