2022年10月13日 星期四

death-and-dying songs, Woke wokeness


“When somebody dies like that, your father or mother, you’re left with this well of sadness that never really goes away,” Gerrard, 88, said with a soft laugh. “That might be one reason I’m drawn to these death-and-dying songs, these mournful sounds.”


Woke (/ˈwk/ WOHK) is an English adjective meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" that originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.

state of being aware
/ˈwoʊk.nəs/ a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality: His latest record displays his wokeness. Wokeness encompasses the need to search for more knowledge, understanding and truth in order to challenge injustice. The actor and the politician met in a display of mutual wokeness.
