2021年12月20日 星期一

roundup, leaching, chlamydia rates

A weekly roundup of everything we’ve published, plus a curated reading list from our editors of the best management content released that week.

22,000 tons of toxic waste are buried in a specialized landfill near this community in Niagara Falls, New York. Authorities say the residents are safe, but some fear leaching chemicals are the root of the health problems they face. For more: https://to.pbs.org/2KuheRi

In America chlamydia rates have risen by 98% since 2000. One reason is that people are using condoms less

披衣菌感染(Chlamydia infection;香港稱為衣原體感染)是由砂眼衣原體(Chlamydia trachomatis)造成的性感染疾病[3],大部份的人沒有症狀[1],若有症狀,會在感染後數週就會出現[1]。女性的症狀包括陰道分泌物排尿疼痛[1],男性的症狀包括陰莖分泌物、排尿疼痛或是附睪炎[1]。女性的披衣菌感染可能擴散到上生殖腔,造成骨盆腔發炎,導致不孕或是異位妊娠[2]。若眼部反覆感染,又沒有治療,可能會導致沙眼開發中國家最常見的失明原因[7]

Monsanto ordered to pay $289M in Roundup cancer trial

【孟山都除草劑致癌 美法院判賠農民2.9億美元】



    1. The herding together of cattle for inspection, branding, or shipping.
    2. The cattle so herded.
    3. The workers and horses employed in such herding.
  1. A gathering up, as of people under suspicion by the police.
  2. A summary: a news roundup.

roundup of suspects 容疑者一勢検挙.

leachingの意味や使い方 溶脱(天然現象),溶出,浸出 - 約1080万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。

Leaching - Wikipedia


Leaching is the loss or extraction of certain materials from a carrier into a liquid and may refer to:Leaching (agriculture), the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil; or applying a small amount of excess irrigation to avoid soil salinity ...
