Artworks by Sandra Gamarra, a contemporary Peruvian artist, seek to show the persistence of colonial trauma and the invisibility of native cultures in Latin America today
Artworks by Sandra Gamarra, a contemporary Peruvian artist, seek to show the persistence of colonial trauma and the invisibility of native cultures in Latin America today
(fôr'əm, fōr'-)n., pl., fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr'ə, fōr'ə).
- The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
- A public meeting place for open discussion.
- A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.
- A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
- A court of law; a tribunal.
[Middle English, from Latin.]
[名](複〜s, -ra 〔-r
1 ((時にthe F-))フォーラム, 公共広場:古代ローマの, 商取引・集会に使われた大広場.
2 (公共の問題に関する)公開討論の場, 討論会((on ...))
an open forum
3 《コンピュータ》フォーラム:ネットワーク上の会議室.
4 法廷, 裁判所.
[ラテン語「市場」. foris, foras(外の)と同系. △FOREST, FOREIGN]
forum :法庭:教會對教友行使權力的範圍或轄區。
forum, external :外庭;公開範圍;外在範圍:指教會處理與公共利益有關的外在行為;屬於法律範圍,如打傷人,以治權可免除其罰。
forum, internal :內庭;內心範圍;內在範圍:指教會處理教友個人之良心問題;屬於良心道德範圍,如懷恨人,以聖化權可赦免之。
Summing Up: What is the Role of Government Vis-à-Vis Capitalism?à-vis (vē'zə-vē')
- Face to face with; opposite to.
- Compared with.
- In relation to.
Face to face.
n., pl., vis-à-vis (-vēz', -vē').
- One that is face to face with or opposite to another.
- A date or an escort, as at a party.
- One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a counterpart.
[French : vis, face + à, to.]
vis-à-vis vis'-à-vis' adj.But this invisibility of mutual dependence is deceptive. The usefulness of markets depends on a shared knowledge of the prices and the characteristics of goods that are being traded, the absence of serious third-person effects (so-called "externalities") that are not reflected in prices, and sufficient stability of products and manufacturing practices so that both sellers and buyers can plan their activities rationally and make rational decisions to sell and buy at the prices at which the markets equilibrate.
可是視這種互賴為"看不見的" ,乃是騙人的。市場功能之所以有用處,是依賴對於價格與商品特性的資訊之分享,以及在價格中沒包括對於第三人會產生嚴重的不良效果(所謂外部成本因素-- externalities ),以及產品與生產運作充分的穩定,從而能讓買方和賣方可以理性計畫自己的行為,也可根據市場平衡中的價格去合理決定買賣行為等的幾個假設
外在性 Externalities 新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典专题
音節ex・ter・nal・i・ty 発音記号/èkstɚːnˈæləṭi|‐təː‐/