2021年12月9日 星期四

familiar, familiarity breeds contempt, capitalism, familial insomnia, familial bond.

這個家族具有貴族血統,成員當中有醫生、工程師、實業經理,以及一位廣受尊敬的學術界人士。然而這個家族也遭受了詛咒。至少在過去兩個世紀以來,其成員遭 受了某種名為「致死性家族性失眠」(fatal familial insomnia, FFI)的普利子疾病所苦。他們多是在五十幾歲時發病,最後會因失眠而致死。FFI是種體染色體的顯性突變,代表FFI患者的子女有五○%的機率會遺傳此 疾。在整個人類族群裡,FFI的發病率是每千萬人當中才有一人;然而對這個受到影響的義大利家族分支來說,可是每兩個人就有一人會發病。

There is no capitalism is not familiar. The anomaly of capitalism is the (stock) market.


[From Middle English, principal, from Old French, from Latin capitālis, from caput, head, money laid out.]

USAGE NOTE The term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital. The term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol.

Familiarity breeds contempt. SAYING said about someone you know very well and have stopped respecting because you have seen all their bad qualities 有本詞典翻譯為"藝高膽大 日久生玩" 似乎不可思議 familiar adj.
  1. Often encountered or seen. See synonyms at common.
  2. Having fair knowledge; acquainted: was familiar with those roads.
  3. Of established friendship; intimate: on familiar terms.
  4. Natural and unstudied; informal: lectured in a familiar style.
  5. Taking undue liberties; presumptuous: Students should not be familiar toward an instructor.
  6. Familial.
  7. Domesticated; tame. Used of animals.
  1. A close friend or associate.
  2. An attendant spirit, often taking animal form.
  3. One who performs domestic service in the household of a high official.
  4. A person who frequents a place.

[Middle English, from Old French familier, from Latin familiāris, domestic, from familia, family. See family.]

familiarly fa·mil'iar·ly adv. (EASY TO RECOGNIZE) Show phonetics adjective easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. before: There were one or two familiar faces (= people I knew). The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew she'd never been there before. The street was familiar to me. familiarity Show phonetics noun [U] a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well: Ellen's familiarity with pop music is astonishing. I love the familiarity of my old chair. See also familiarity at familiar (FRIENDLY). familiar (FRIENDLY) Show phonetics adjective informal and friendly, sometimes in a way that is not respectful to someone who is not a relative or close friend: "That'll be five pounds, dear", he said in an irritatingly familiar way. He doesn't like to be too familiar with his staff. familiarly Show phonetics adverb Henry Channon, known familiarly as 'Chips' familiarity Show phonetics noun [U] friendly and informal behaviour: His excessive familiarity offended her. See also familiarity at familiar (EASY TO RECOGNIZE).] n.
  1. A close friend or associate.
  2. An attendant spirit, often taking animal form.
  3. One who performs domestic service in the household of a high official.
  4. A person who frequents a place.
be on familiar terms to have a close and informal relationship: We had met before, but we were hardly (= not) on familiar terms.


━━ a. よく知られている ((to)); ありふれた; 精通している ((with)); 親しい; 打解けた; なれなれしい; (動物が)なれた. be on familiar terms with (人と)親しい間柄である. make oneself familiar with (物事に)精通する. ━━ n. 親友; (魔女などに仕える)妖精 (familiar spirit). fa・mil・i・ar・i・ty ━━ n. 熟知; 周知; 親しさ; 心安さ; なれなれしさ; (普通pl.) なれなれしい言動. fa・mil・iar・i・za・tion ━━ n. fa・mil・iar・ize ━━ vt. 親しませる; 通俗化する; 広く知らせる.
fa·mil·ial (fə-mĭl'yəl) pronunciation adj.
  1. Of or relating to a family.
  2. Occurring or tending to occur among members of a family, usually by heredity: familial traits; familial disease.
