2021年12月17日 星期五

hospitalization rates, forced hospitalization, a break, oversight, hospitalizations was flattening, spontaneous gesture, a significant reduction in severe maternal morbidity in low-income women

About 1,300 Americans are dying from the coronavirus each day. The national case, death and hospitalization rates remain well below those seen last winter, before vaccines were widely available. But suddenly, positive tests are growing. State officials in New York reported more than 21,000 coronavirus cases on Friday, which they said was more than on any other day of the pandemic. In Connecticut and Maine, reports of new infections have grown by around 150 percent in the last two weeks. In Ohio and Indiana, hospitalization rates are approaching those seen during last winter’s devastating wave.

How could Medicaid expansion in New York State in 2014 lead to a significant reduction in severe maternal morbidity in low-income women during delivery hospitalizations? New Columbia Public Health research uncovers how and why it happened.

Red House - National Trust
A cheeky smiling face to light up your Wednesday. Painted by Morris or one of his friends whilst decorating the ceiling at Red House, this spontaneous gesture still makes us smile 160 years later!
New York State, the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, has now confirmed more than 149,000 cases — a higher number than any country outside the United States, including Italy and Spain, the two other countries the pandemic has hit hardest. The death toll hit another daily high but the rate of hospitalizations was flattening.

Murdochs Caught a Break at Hearing, Stock Analysts Say
There seemed to be consensus inside the company and out that the Murdochs and the News Corporation had not destroyed their image.
Huang Xuetao, a human rights lawyer in Shenzhen in Guangdong province who handles forced committals, has called for a legal framework to allow victims to lodge protests.
In response to an array of reports on forced hospitalization, the health ministry unveiled last month a draft bill governing matters related to mental health.
The draft stipulates the right to file a lawsuit challenging forced hospitalization.
But critics say the bill will not be enough to fix the problem.
"It's an illusion if people think they can challenge the responsibility of administrative authorities without greater oversight," said one economic newspaper.


1 破壊, 破損, 崩壊;破損箇所, 裂け目, 割れ目, ひび
a break in a fence
2 (…への)逃亡, 脱走(の試み);突進((for ...))
make a break for freedom [the car]
make a prison break
3 ((通例a 〜))(天候・音調・方向などの)急な変化;突然の出現;夜明け, 始まり
at (the) break of day
4 (友情関係の)中断, 断絶, 仲たがい;中断, 中止, 停止;《電気》(回路の)遮断, 断線;(コマーシャルなどによる)番組の中断
without a break
make a break with ...
5 ブレーク.
(1) 《音楽》声域の変化に伴って声の質が変わる転換点.
(2) 《ジャズ》ソロの挿入部.
6 ((略式))((通例a 〜))運, 機会, (特に)幸運, 好機(⇒OPPORTUNITY[類語]);優遇措置
a lucky [a big] break
a bad [((略式))a tough] break
an even break
a tax break
get [have] a break
give a break
幸運を与える;ひと安心させる, ひと息つかせる.
7 相場の暴落;((略式))失態, 失敗, へま;失言
make a (bad) break
make a fool break
8 [U][C]((通例a 〜))(仕事の合間の)休憩, 小休止, 息抜き, 休暇
the Christmas break
a coffee break
take [have] a break
go on break
(1) 《韻文》(行中の)休止.
(2) 《印刷》パラグラフ間の1行以上のあき;((〜s))省略符号(suspension points).
(3) (記事が別ページへ続く)切れ目.
(4) 行の最後で単語のつづりを分ける箇所. ▼分綴(ぶんてつ)の箇所.
(1) 《ビリヤード》連続の得点(run);初キュー.
(2) 《球技》カーブ.
(3) 《競馬・トラック競技》レースの開始, スタート.
(4) 《ボウリング》ミス, ブロー.
(5) 《ボクシング》=breakaway[名]1.
(6) 《テニス》(サービス)ブレーク;ブレークポイント.
11 《馬術》ブレーク:馬が駆け足などへ変わること.
12 《海事》船楼端.
13 ((米俗))(市民ラジオの)交信開始.
Give me a break!
(1) 助けてくれ, 勘弁してくれ.
(2) チャンスをくれ. ⇒[名]6
[古英語brecan. ラテン語frangere(破る)と同系]
