The world’s biggest carmaker is planning to invest $35 billion to supercharge its EV push.
President Donald J. Trump's senior adviser Peter Navarro quoted a China hawk named "Ron Vara" in a 2011 book. But Vara doesn't appear to exist, according to an investigation by an Australian academic, and the name is an anagram of "Navarro."

Trump's top China adviser appears to have made up expert he regularly quoted
The return of protests in Britain has been supercharged by Brexit—today thousands will march in London for a second referendum
Japan is struggling with an unlikely problem: Its people aren’t litigious enough.
In March 1959 the Dalai Lama crossed the border from Tibet into northern India, where his government-in-exile has remained. Travelling at night to avoid the Chinese army, and crossing the Himalayas on foot, it took 15 days to flee from Lhasa
Classic FM included Leonard Bernstein in their collection of "14 Hilarious Composer Anagrams." You won't believe the anagram they used for Bernstein.
Salvador Dalí
After Germany occupied France in 1940, both Dalí and Breton escaped to New York. But while Breton remained an aloof outsider, Dalí relished his immense popularity, dabbling in show business and selling his works and image at great profit (it was then that Breton nicknamed him "Avida Dollars," or greedy for dollars, an anagramof his name). He no longer needed Surrealism. He was now simply Dalí.“Back then, it supercharged the recovery,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, “and today it could have played a decisive role if G.M. and Chrysler had remained viable companies. Without their contribution, the economy simply can’t recover as quickly as it has in the past.”
Late Middle English: from Old French remain-, stressed stem of remanoir, from Latinremanere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + manere 'to stay'.
tr.v., -charged, -charg·ing, -charg·es.
- To increase the power of (an engine, for example), as by fitting with a supercharger.
- To charge heavily or excessively: an atmosphere that was supercharged with tension.
【anagram a word or phrase made by using the letters of another word or phrase in a different order: 'Neat' is an anagram of 'a net'.】