2021年12月17日 星期五

impassable stepping stones, a blizzard of handouts, 'viral blizzard' will hit.how to implement a blizzard of President Trump’s new policies

New York state sees record daily high of new Covid-19 cases
https://edition.cnn.com › health › us-coronavirus-friday

6 hours ago — Expert says 'viral blizzard' will hit. The coronavirus will hit millions of Americans in a "viral blizzard" within a few weeks as infections ...

You Shall Not Pass! - No, really...

Dovedale walkers told to avoid 'impassable' stepping stones'


PARIS — Even as the bailout package for Detroit’s automakers remains a question, automakers in Europe and Asia are lining up for handouts.

2005年6月﹐第九城市在中國市場上推出了加州暴雪娛樂(Blizzard Entertainment)出品的網遊《魔獸世界》(World of Warcraft)。

Great Blizzard of 1888: hit the northeastern US, 400 died
Procrastinators and shoppers eager to shake off their blizzard-induced cabin fever flooded into a Wal-Mart store off Interstate 70 in the Denver suburb of Aurora on Saturday.

Retailers reported tepid February sales, sapped by cooler temperatures, a Northeast blizzard and promotions the previous month.

Google's infinite loop
Sydney Morning Herald - Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
Photo: AP A year after Google chief executive Eric Schmidt vowed to rein in the "blizzard" of new product launches that was "confusing to almost everyone", ...
Op-Ed Columnist
Blizzard of Lies


--> ━━ n. ブリザード, 大吹雪.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典

這辭典不完全了 因為日常用它當形容詞:

noun [C]
1 a severe snow storm with strong winds:
We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
In Sussex, blizzard conditions made the main roads almost impassable.

2 INFORMAL a large amount of something which arrives or is produced together in a confusing or badly organized way:
a blizzard of statistics/handouts

2. Forget those blizzard baby booms; now there are tax-break babies.

handout (PRESENT)
something such as food, clothing or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it:
I'm not interested in state/government handouts - all I want is a job.


浮浪者にやる施し物; 配付資料; (講演などの際に配布する)プリント, ちらし; 声明; (報道関係者に入る)情報.
