The Biden administration on Monday vowed to crack down on "criminals, kleptocrats and others" paying cash for houses to launder money as part of a broader anti-corruption drive linked to this week's U.S. Summit for Democracy.
Palestinian Prisoner Release Is Critical Hurdle in Resuming Peace Talks
Secretary of State John Kerry is counting on an Israeli decision to
release Palestinian prisoners as the remaining step for his promised
resumption of Middle East peace talks, officials said Saturday.
New Questions About Future of Yahoo Yahoo's talks to sell back most of its stakes in Alibaba of China and Yahoo Japan to its Asian partners have collapsed, according to people briefed on the matter. Yahoo had counted on completing the deal to raise billions of dollars that the embattled online company could use to reshape its operations.
Sony president stepping down, CEO Stringer remains
The Associated Press
Chubachi, 61, oversees Sony's core electronics sector, at the center of the unfolding economic woes at one of Japan's most famous manufacturers. ...
Mitt Romney may no longer be a presidential contender, but his status as a potential running mate to Sen. John McCain may again open up the private equity industry to wider political attacks, according to Politico.
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1 [I] If a situation or story unfolds, it develops or becomes clear to other people:
Like a lot of people, I've watched the events of the last few days unfold on TV.
As the plot unfolds, you gradually realise that all your initial assumptions were wrong.
2 [T] FORMAL to tell someone about something, especially a plan, and explain it in detail:
I've arranged a lunch with him next Thursday at which I intend to unfold my proposal.
unfold (OPEN) S
verb [T]
to open or spread out something that has been folded:
If we unfold the table we can fit eight people around it.
He watched her expression as she unfolded the letter.
open up
1. Spread out, unfold, as in A green valley opened up before us. [Early 1800s]
2. Begin operation, as in The new store opens up next month. [Late 1700s]
3. Begin firing, begin attacking, as in The artillery opened up at dawn, or, figuratively, The speaker opened up fiercely on the opposition. [1930s] Also see open fire.
4. Speak freely and candidly, as in At last the witness opened up and told what happened. " Colloquial; c. 1920]
5. Make an opening by cutting, as in The surgeon opened up the patient's chest.
6. Become available or accessible, as in With new markets opening up all the time we hope to see our revenues increase dramatically. [Mid-1800s]
7. Increase the speed of a vehicle, as in Let's see how fast the car will go if you open it up. [Colloquial; c. 1920]
8. Open the door, let me (or us) in, as in Open up! This is the police. [Mid-1900s] Note that in all of these usages exce...
- 4 [no object] (count on/upon) rely on:whatever you’re doing, you can count on me
- …を当てにする, に頼る, を期待する. ⇒DEPEND[類語] count on a person for a hundred dollars人が100ドル貸してくれることを期待する He m...

- A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.
- An elderly woman of high social station.
[Obsolete French douagière, from douage, dower, from douer, to endow, from Latin dōtāre, from dōs, dōt-, dowry.]
- [dáuədʒər]
1 (亡夫から爵位・財産を継いだ)貴族未亡人. ▼現王妃・現公爵夫人と区別するためあとに添える
2 ((略式))富と気品を兼ね備えた(年配の)女性.
the queen dowager
- The process of growing old or maturing.
- An artificial process for imparting the characteristics and properties of age.
Getting on
The consequences of an ageing population
Jun 23rd 2011 | from the print edition

The home’s director is coy about how she secured such a desirable rural location for her $10m venture, away from the city’s downtown smog. Le Amor is one of only a handful of privately run retirement homes in the capital aimed at the well-to-do. Looking after the elderly is a business in its infancy in China, where that task usually falls to the offspring, if any. But Le Amor’s market has very attractive prospects.
Over the next few years China will undergo a huge demographic shift. The share of people over 60 in the total population will increase from 12.5% in 2010 to 20% in 2020. By 2030 their number will double from today’s 178m. The dependency ratio—the number of people of non-working age, both young and old, as a proportion of those of working age—will bottom out between 2012 and 2015 at an exceptionally low level before rebounding, says a report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Put another way, China’s “demographic dividend”—the availability of lots of young workers—which helped fuel its growth will soon begin to disappear. The overall population will start to grow faster than that of working age. One trigger for this could be a sharp economic slowdown. Many Chinese have recently become familiar with the “Lewis turning point”, named after a 20th-century economist from St Lucia, Arthur Lewis, who said that industrial wages start to rise quickly when a country’s rural labour surplus dries up.

Optimists believe China still has several more years before the economic impact of an ageing population becomes apparent. China’s commerce minister, Chen Deming, said in March 2010 that the country could still enjoy another decade of “demographic dividends”. In a report last year Morgan Stanley pointed to 80m-100m surplus labourers in the countryside who could be employed in urban areas (although as this special report has argued, that might not be easy). It also expressed optimism about continuing productivity gains from rising levels of education and technology use.
In search of cheap young workers
Still, the redrawing of China’s economic map is unmistakable. A decade ago, impoverished migrants gathered outside factories in cities like Dongguan, desperate for work. Now Dongguan’s streets are full of banners and notices advertising jobs. Wage rises are beginning to accelerate. According to Stephen Green of Standard Chartered, they have risen by 9-15% this year in the Pearl River Delta around Dongguan. Part of the increase is government-driven. Local authorities have been raising minimum wages, and the new five-year plan calls for increases averaging 13% annually, nearly twice as fast as the target for GDP growth. But the main reason is a diminishing labour supply, helped in the delta by an uptick in labour activism. A local academic says that a strike at a Honda car-parts factory last year provoked more than 200 copycat strikes and protests.
Manufacturing is beginning to move inland to areas where labour is more plentiful and cheaper. Chongqing has been a big beneficiary. Morgan Stanley says the city is turning into the largest laptop manufacturing base in Asia. Its electronics industry is expected to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Foreigners invested $6.3 billion in Chongqing in 2010, up by 58% on the year before.

In the cities decent pensions are almost as rare, except among workers in the privileged state sector. In 2008 only 17% of migrants in urban areas were enrolled in any pension scheme at all, the government admits. Young urban couples, many of them without siblings, will find themselves with four parents to look after and will themselves have only one child (known as the 4-2-1 phenomenon). If they are sensible, they will save hard to prepare for such a future, which will not help the government’s efforts to shift China towards more consumption-led growth.
A big increase in the retirement age is overdue. In practice this is now around 56. But the official age of 60 for men and 50 for women (55 for civil servants) has not changed since 1951, when average life expectancy was 46 compared with today’s 73. Like their counterparts in the West, many workers groan about having to plod on for longer. Online polls, which are likely to reflect the views of younger people, have found strong opposition to any rise in the retirement age. Many fear that it could make it even harder for university graduates to find jobs (last year 6.3m students graduated from Chinese universities, up from 1m in 1999, so competition is fierce). When French workers went on strike last year over plans to raise their retirement age, officials in China hastily denied reports that they were planning to do anything of the sort. The people’s will is almost as much of an obstacle to reform in China as the party’s.
from the print edition | Special reports