To give the region a nudge,...
Race in Iraq and Syria to Shield Art from Islamic State
One theory is that the models interpreted the economy’s plunge in late 2008 and early 2009 as partly seasonal, and responded by nudging up subsequent winter figures and nudging down summer data to compensate. But the federal Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) has found that the pattern persists even if the job numbers are seasonally adjusted without those recession months.
Same-Day Delivery Becomes Costly Web Battleground
New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates
Archaeologists and preservationists, used to battling mundane enemies like weather and development, lament that in areas held by the Islamic State there is little they can do but document the destruction
'Can't and Won't'
Reviewed by PETER ORNER
Stories that investigate the strange, the mundane and the profound, with thoughts on Flaubert, housekeeping and roosters.
One theory is that the models interpreted the economy’s plunge in late 2008 and early 2009 as partly seasonal, and responded by nudging up subsequent winter figures and nudging down summer data to compensate. But the federal Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) has found that the pattern persists even if the job numbers are seasonally adjusted without those recession months.
Same-Day Delivery Becomes Costly Web Battleground
To gain a competitive edge, companies are racing to offer same-day delivery of online orders.
New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates
rise of license-plate tracking is a case study in how storing and
studying people's everyday activities, even the seemingly mundane, has
become the default rather than the exception.
Mundane Organizations and Heroic Leaders
Google Targets Amazon's 'Prime' With 1-Day Delivery
Wall Street Journal
By AMIR EFRATI And STU WOO Google is in talks to create a same-day and next-day delivery service for online shoppers, a move that is considered a volley straight at Amazon's shopping dominance, Stu Woo reports on digits. Photo: Getty Images. ...
See all stories on this topic »A New Google Venture, and Another Web Boundary Line Is Nudged
New York Times
By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER and NICK BILTON SAN FRANCISCO — In another foray into commerce, Google is working on a delivery service that would let people order items from local stores on the Web and receive them at their homes or offices within a day. ...
Nuns Who Won't Stop Nudging Long before Occupy Wall Street, the Sisters of St. Francis were quietly staging an occupation of their own, and have become one of the most surprising groups of corporate activists, The New York Times reports.
"We're not here to put corporations down," Sister Nora Nash told The Times. "We're here to improve their sense of responsibility."
Debt Aid Package for Europe Took Nudge From Washington
President Obama advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Europe needed to try something big.From Altar Wine to Beer Pong, Flu Fears Curb Life’s Rituals
What used to be O.K. is not anymore, as the flu has ushered in new standards of etiquette that can be, in turns, mundane, absurd and heartbreaking.
IBM, Google court smaller businesses with tech offeringsUSA Today - USA By Byron Acohido, USA TODAY IBM and Google have stepped up efforts to nudge Microsoft (MSFT) aside and become tech suppliers of choice to small- and ...
Obama Is Nudging Views on Race, a Survey Finds
The percentage of blacks who say that race relations are generally good has doubled since last July, a Times/CBS News poll found.
Md. Senator's Actions Affected Grocery Chain
State Sen. Ulysses Currie's actions involving the grocery store chain that paid him as a consultant were, for the most part, decidedly mundane: He nudged the machinery of government on such issues as the installation of a traffic light and the approval of a parking lot entrance.
(By Rosalind S. Helderman, The Washington Post)
Google Targets Amazon's 'Prime' With 1-Day Delivery
Wall Street Journal
By AMIR EFRATI And STU WOO Google is in talks to create a same-day and next-day delivery service for online shoppers, a move that is considered a volley straight at Amazon's shopping dominance, Stu Woo reports on digits. Photo: Getty Images. ...
See all stories on this topic »A New Google Venture, and Another Web Boundary Line Is Nudged
New York Times
By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER and NICK BILTON SAN FRANCISCO — In another foray into commerce, Google is working on a delivery service that would let people order items from local stores on the Web and receive them at their homes or offices within a day. ...
Nuns Who Won't Stop Nudging Long before Occupy Wall Street, the Sisters of St. Francis were quietly staging an occupation of their own, and have become one of the most surprising groups of corporate activists, The New York Times reports.
"We're not here to put corporations down," Sister Nora Nash told The Times. "We're here to improve their sense of responsibility."
Debt Aid Package for Europe Took Nudge From Washington
President Obama advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Europe needed to try something big.From Altar Wine to Beer Pong, Flu Fears Curb Life’s Rituals
What used to be O.K. is not anymore, as the flu has ushered in new standards of etiquette that can be, in turns, mundane, absurd and heartbreaking.
IBM, Google court smaller businesses with tech offeringsUSA Today - USA By Byron Acohido, USA TODAY IBM and Google have stepped up efforts to nudge Microsoft (MSFT) aside and become tech suppliers of choice to small- and ...
Obama Is Nudging Views on Race, a Survey Finds
The percentage of blacks who say that race relations are generally good has doubled since last July, a Times/CBS News poll found.
Md. Senator's Actions Affected Grocery Chain
State Sen. Ulysses Currie's actions involving the grocery store chain that paid him as a consultant were, for the most part, decidedly mundane: He nudged the machinery of government on such issues as the installation of a traffic light and the approval of a parking lot entrance.
(By Rosalind S. Helderman, The Washington Post)
"I would guess market expectations would be the deciding factor," said Lou Crandall, chief economist at Wrightson ICAP, a research arm of ICAP, a money-market brokerage. Mr. Crandall doesn't expect a cut, citing the risk that doing so would prompt investors to expect another in December, putting the Fed in the same bind. On the other hand, he said if the Fed thinks it will cut eventually, market expectations may nudge it to do so now rather than later, he said.
Seeking a Mideast Path, Bush Offers a Nudge By STEVEN LEE MYERS
President Bush’s vision for two-state peace is ambitious but his strategy is cautious, and the real measure of the talks will be what happens afterward.
“助推”概念的興盛與普及,很大程度上得益於2008年塞勒與哈佛大學教授凱斯•桑斯坦(Cass Sunstein)合著的《助推》(Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness)一書。書中首次提出了“選擇架構(choice architecture)”的理念,即“為了用多種方法將選擇展現給消費者所做的設計,以及這種展現對消費者做出決定所產生的影響”。而“助推”指的就是“選擇架構”的任一方面,只要可以用特定的方式改變人們的行為,並且不禁止任何選擇,或是顯著改變人們的經濟動機。相應地,“選擇架構者”就是設計“選擇架構”和進行“助推”的人。這些概念一經提出,便被多國政治、經濟領導人及政策制定者重視及應用,取得了包括助推人們簽署器官捐獻協議、提高養老金繳款在內的多項顯著成就,“讓大家更容易地做出正確的選擇”。
very ordinary and therefore not interesting:
Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
Definition of mundane in English:
late Middle English (in sense 2): from Old Frenchmondain, from late Latin mundanus, from Latin mundus'world'. sense 1 dates from the late 19th century.
mun·dane (mŭn-dān', mŭn'dān') 

mundaneness mun·dane'ness or mun·dan'i·ty (-dăn'ĭ-tē) n.
- Of, relating to, or typical of this world; secular.
- Relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces; ordinary.
[Middle English mondeine, from Old French mondain, from Latin mundānus, from mundus, world.]
mundanely mun·dane'ly adv.mundaneness mun·dane'ness or mun·dan'i·ty (-dăn'ĭ-tē) n.
1 ((形式))現世の, 世俗の.
2 平凡な, ありきたりの.
1 [T] to push something or someone gently, especially to push someone with your elbow (= the middle part of your arm where it bends) to attract their attention:
The children were giggling and nudging each other.
He nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could sit down.
2 [I + adverb or preposition; T] to move slowly and almost reach a higher point or level:
Oil prices continue to nudge higher.
Peter must be nudging 40 now.
noun [C]
when you nudge someone or something:
I gave him a nudge to wake him up.
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vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
- 用肘輕推(以引起注意);輕推
- 推進;刺激
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
- 輕推,推進[Q]
n. (名詞 noun)
- 輕推;推動[C]