"Elementary, my dear Watson"
A third major reference is the oft-quoted catchphrase: "Elementary, my dear Watson", which is never actually uttered by Holmes in any of the sixty Holmes stories written by Conan Doyle. In the stories, Holmes often remarks that his logical conclusions are "elementary", in that he considers them to be simple and obvious. He also, on occasion, refers to Dr. Watson as "my dear Watson". The two fragments, however, never appear together. One of the closest examples to this phrase appears in "The Adventure of the Crooked Man", when Holmes explains a deduction: "'Excellent!' I cried. 'Elementary,' said he."The Lady of all landslides
Aung San Suu Kyi’s win is a humiliation for the army. Will it now turn nasty?
How to Bully-Proof Young Girls
Bullying and nasty cliques start as early as elementary school, says Michelle Anthony, a developmental psychologist and the co-author (with Reyna Lindert) of 'Little Girls Can Be Mean: Four Steps to Bully-Proof Girls in the Early Grades'
San Francisco Mayor Declares State of Emergency in Crime-Ridden Area
In a sharp turnaround, London Breed, the city’s liberal mayor, said she would pursue an “aggressive” crackdown on the “nasty streets” of her city.
In a sharp turnaround, London Breed, the city’s liberal mayor, said she would pursue an “aggressive” crackdown on the “nasty streets” of her city.
nounDefinition of stretch (Entry 2 of 3)
1a: an exercise of something (such as the understanding or the imagination) beyond ordinary or normal limitstheir conclusion seemed like a bit of a stretchb: an extension of the scope or application of somethinga stretch of language2: the extent to which something may be stretched3a: the act of stretching : the state of being stretcheda good stretch for legsb: the position of a pitcher standing sideways to home plate so as to keep a runner close to a basepitching from the stretch4a: an extent in length or areaan open stretch of roadb: a continuous period of timecan write for eight hours at a stretch5: a walk to relieve fatigue6: a term of imprisonmentserved a 10-year stretchb: a final stage (as of a contest or season)won some crucial games down the stretch8: the capacity for being stretched : ELASTICITYa waistband with lots of stretch9: a stretch limousine
nounDefinition of stretch (Entry 2 of 3)
1a: an exercise of something (such as the understanding or the imagination) beyond ordinary or normal limitstheir conclusion seemed like a bit of a stretch
b: an extension of the scope or application of somethinga stretch of language
2: the extent to which something may be stretched
3a: the act of stretching : the state of being stretcheda good stretch for legs
b: the position of a pitcher standing sideways to home plate so as to keep a runner close to a basepitching from the stretch
4a: an extent in length or areaan open stretch of road
b: a continuous period of timecan write for eight hours at a stretch
5: a walk to relieve fatigue
6: a term of imprisonmentserved a 10-year stretch
b: a final stage (as of a contest or season)won some crucial games down the stretch
8: the capacity for being stretched : ELASTICITYa waistband with lots of stretch
9: a stretch limousine
strain [stretch] a point
Pronunciation: /ɛlɪˈmɛnt(ə)ri/
Definition of elementary
late Middle English (in the sense 'composed of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water'): from Latin elementarius, from elementum 'principle, rudiment' (see element). Current senses date from the mid 16th century
clique (klēk, klĭk) 
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
intr.v. Informal, cliqued, cliqu·ing, cliques.
To form, associate in, or act as a clique.
cliquishly cliqu'ish·ly adv.
cliquishness cliqu'ish·ness n.
[形] (-ti・er, -ti・est)
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
intr.v. Informal, cliqued, cliqu·ing, cliques.
To form, associate in, or act as a clique.
[French, from Old French, latch or from obsolete French cliquer, to click, clink, of imitative origin.]
cliquey cliqu'ey or cliqu'y or cliqu'ish adj.cliquishly cliqu'ish·ly adv.
cliquishness cliqu'ish·ness n.
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[nǽsti | nɑ'ːs-]
1 〈人・物が〉ひどく不潔な, よごれた, 〈味・においが〉むかつくような, 気持ち悪い;不快な;〈経験などが〉不愉快な
nasty garments
a nasty smell
2 〈人が〉(…に対して)意地悪な, 敵意のある((to, with ...));たちの悪い. ⇒MEAN2[類語]
turn nasty
a nasty rumor
3 扱いにくい, 手に負えない, 危険な, 険悪な;〈病気などが〉重い
a nasty ulcer
4 〈天候が〉(雨・雪・霧などで)よくない, いやな;荒れ模様の.
5 汚らわしい;みだらな
a nasty book
a nasty story
6 ((米俗))わくわくする, おもしろい.
a nasty one
そっけない拒否, ひじ鉄(砲), 痛撃, 酷評;答えにくい[意地悪な]質問.
1 ((略式))やっかいなやつ[もの], たちの悪いやつ.
2 ホラー映画[ビデオ].
[スカンジナビア語. 原義は「豚のように食べる」であったらしい]