2017年11月19日 星期日

siege, trebuchet, Power-Sharing, lay siege to

'It Feels Like We Are Under Siege'
Zimbabwe's Jailed Activists Symbolize Breakdown of Power-Sharing Deal
(By Karin Brulliard, The Washington Post)

Hindu extremists have long considered it humiliating that a monument built by a Muslim emperor could be Hindu-majority India's most recognizable site. Now the Taj Mahal is being rejected even by India's own government.

“The book business model is under siege, just as the music industry earlier came under siege,” said Eileen Gittins, chief executive of Blurb, a Silicon Valley company that helps people publish their own books, using the Internet. “The book publishing business has had a front-row seat to see what happened to the music industry.”

In the late 1990s, he became involved with trebuchet, in which enthusiasts attempt to catapult large objects over long distances. At the annual World Championship Punkin Chunkin, in Millsboro, Del., his group's King Arthur machine won the trebuchet division three straight years starting in 2001, chucking an eight-pound pumpkin as much as 1,150 feet.
"He just hated inefficiencies," says Peter Brown. "He'd give you a lecture on the best way to load the dishwasher."

Obscure Words: trebuchet

Wikipedia article "Trebuchet".

[fr. OF trebucher, to overthrow]
also trebucket /treb yeh SHET/ or /treb eh KET/
a medieval catapult, a heavy siege engine for hurling large stones and other missiles

siege [C or U]
the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat those defending it:
The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight months.
The soldiers laid siege to (= started a siege of) the city.
The castle was under siege for months.
FIGURATIVE That whole weekend at Cannes Brigitte Bardot was under siege by photographers.
See also besiege.

siege mentality noun [S] DISAPPROVING
a feeling that makes you frightened of people around you, and causes you not to trust them:
Years of international isolation has led the country to develop a siege mentality.


━━ n. 包囲(攻撃); しつこい勧誘; 〔米〕 長い苦しみの期間.
lay siege to …を包囲する, しつこく攻める.
 If police, soldiers, or journalists lay siege to a place, they surround it in order to force the people there to come out or give up control of the place.

raise [lift] the siege of …の囲みを解く; …の包囲を中止する.
stand a siege 包囲(攻撃)に屈しない.
siege・a・ble ━━ a.
siege mentality (攻撃・疎外されていると感じる)被包囲妄想(心理).
