Alibaba Founder Jack Ma's Recent Deals Raise Flags15
China's Property War: Mission Abandoned
government has waved the white flag in its war with property
developers. A temporary cease-fire might be an opportunity to buy in.
The Euro's 11th Hour
The top priority for the flagging euro zone is to fix the disastrous design flaw in which the 17 members agreed to a common monetary policy without coordinating their budgets and regulations.Japan making more plutonium despite huge stockpile
Fox News
TOKYO – Last year's tsunami crisis left Japan's nuclear future in doubt and its reactors idled, rendering its huge stockpile of plutonium useless for now. So, the nuclear industry's plan to produce even more this year has raised a red flag.
Gingrich Celebrated Romneycare Passage in '06
An unearthed memo suggests that the GOP contender pulled his own flip-flop.
The fault that generated the Tohoku-Oki earthquake did not fracture in the usual way, they report in the latest issue of the journal Science Express. Instead, it ruptured in a "flip-flop" fashion -- first breaking westward, then eastward.
A bistable multivibrator. A circuit which has two output states and is switched from one to the other by means of an external signal (trigger).
Odious flogged our flagging spirits after asking whether we would object.
A Shipyard Fire Shakes a Tradition-Rich Town to Its Core
A fire on July 11 in East Boothbay, Me., destroyed Washburn & Doughty's 50,000-suqare-foot shipbuilding facility, forcing dozens of layoffs.
EAST BOOTHBAY, Me. — This village on the eastern side of a rocky peninsula is known for its boats: majestic yachts, workhorse tugboats and sloops made by craftspeople with an unflagging work ethic and a pride passed down by generations of boat builders.
The flagging in the second act,.....
The Thaler (or Taler or Talir) was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, "Thaler" is an abbreviation of "Joachimsthaler", a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal (Jáchymov) in Bohemia, where some of the first such coins were minted in 1518. (Thal is German for "valley". A "thaler" is a person or a thing "from the valley". In 1902, the official spelling was changed from Thal to Tal.)
When you put an important date on your calender, or send an important e mail, you flag it. It just means you mark it as important. In this context raising a flag means thinking that something is important.
Often you will hear "raise a red flag" if something should be a cause for attention or for concern.
Red flags have, prior to their relationship to Socialism or Communism, historically been associated with distress and to fighting to the bitter end, never surrendering or showing no mercy.
take liberties
1. Behave improperly or disrespectfully; also, make unwanted sexual advances. For example, He doesn't allow staff members to take liberties, such as calling clients by their first names, or She decided that if Jack tried to take liberties with her she would go straight home. This idiom uses liberties in the sense of "an overstepping of propriety," and thus differs markedly from take the liberty of. [c. 1700]
2. Make a statement or take an action not warranted by the facts or circumstances, as in Their book takes liberties with the historical record.冒昧
- 発音記号[flǽgiŋ]
- adj.
- Declining; weakening: flagging strength.
- Languid; drooping.
flag·ging2 (flăg'ĭng)
A pavement laid with flagstones.
1 弱い;疲れきった;たれ下がった, しおれた.
2 〈精力・決心などが〉だれ[衰え]気味の.
3 〈経済が〉沈滞気味の.
noun [C]
a small sailing boat with one mastunflagging
describes a quality, such as energy, interest or enthusiasm, when it never weakens:
He thanked Tony for his unflagging energy and support.
Honda to Expand Hybrid Lineup
Honda plans to launch two new gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles next year, part of the Japanese car maker's aggressive push to expand its hybrid line up and boost its flagging sales.
verb [T] -gg-
to beat someone very hard with a whip or a stick, as a punishment:
Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience.
flogging [C or U]
a punishment in which someone is beaten severely with a whip or a stick
verb [I] -gg-
to become tired or less interested:
I was starting to flag after the ninth mile.
The conversation was flagging.
becoming weaker:
flagging energy/enthusiasm
- 発音記号[flǽgiŋ]
1 弱い;疲れきった;たれ下がった, しおれた.
2 〈精力・決心などが〉だれ[衰え]気味の.
3 〈経済が〉沈滞気味の.
v., -flopped, -flop·ping, -flops. v.intr.
To move from one position to the reverse or opposite: The coach flip-flopped the linemen.
flip-flopper flip'-flop'per n.
whíte flág[whíte flág]
réd flág[réd flág]
- The movement or sound of repeated flapping.
- Informal. A reversal, as of a stand or position: a foreign policy flip-flop.
- A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.
- A backward somersault or handspring.
- Electronics. An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states, especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information.
v., -flopped, -flop·ping, -flops. v.intr.
- To move back and forth between two conditions or circumstances, sometimes repeatedly: "The weather has flip-flopped between sweltering heat and violent storms" (New York Times).
- To reverse a stand or position: "With the board having flip-flopped over zoning issues in the last several years, residents are looking to this fall's election for clarity" (Eugene L. Meyer).
- To execute a backward somersault or handspring.
To move from one position to the reverse or opposite: The coach flip-flopped the linemen.
flip-flopper flip'-flop'per n.
whíte flág[whíte flág]
réd flág[réd flág]
1 (左翼革命政党の象徴としての)赤旗;((the R- F-))革命歌の一つ.
2 (危険信号としての)赤旗.