2018年12月1日 星期六

charity, diabolical, sundry, malevolent, all and sundry, hideous devil, diabolos, the devil take the hindmost

More of its diabolical illumination here:https://publicdomainreview.org/…/14th-century-illumination…/

“What interests me as a novelist is not the malevolence of man—so what else is new?—but his looniness.” —Walker Percy

The planet arrogantly dubbed “Earth” by its dominant terrestrial species might more accurately be called “Sea”. Seven-tenths of its surface is ocean, yet it is barely understood. An American project will soon aim to rectify this, by monitoring the world's oceans using a network of permanent observatories. The wealth of data will be funnelled back and then made immediately available to all and sundry. Not everyone is happy with such open access http://econ.st/1F5Tbyq

(hīnd'mōst') pronunciation also hind·er·most (hīn'dər-)
Farthest to the rear; last.

"Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion."
What's the record number of balls juggled at once? Earlier this year, a juggler named David Ferman managed to keep 10 balls going for 26 catches. He holds the official record so far, according to the Juggling Information Service Committee on Numbers Juggling (JISCON). Juggler Alex Barron kept 12 beanbags going for 14 catches. Barron and David Leahy hold the record for two-person ball-passing, managing to juggle 20 balls for 20 catches. But balls and beanbags aren't the only things that get juggled, or even the most interesting things. Jugglers learn to toss and catch clubs, rings, devil sticks, diabolos — pretty much anything that you can think of can be juggled. Today, juggling clubs all over the world are tossing sundry items into the air to celebrate World Juggling Day.

In a September 12, 1918 letter to his friend Arthur Greeves, Lewis
said that his book was, "mainly strung around the idea that I
mentioned to you before--that nature is wholly diabolical &
malevolent and that God, if he exists, is outside of and in
opposition to the cosmic arrangements."

Spirits in Bondage by Lewis, C. S.

di・a・bol・ic, di・a・bol・i・cal


━━ a. 悪魔的な (a ~ liberty やりたい放題); 残忍な; とても不愉快な.

 di・a・bol・ic・ly ━━ ad.
 ━━ n. 魔法; 悪魔崇拝; 凶悪行為.

adjective LITERARY
causing or wanting to cause harm or evil:
The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.
I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.


noun [U]

It was an act of great malevolence.

charity:(1) 愛;博愛;仁愛。(2) 愛德:超性三德(信、望、愛)之一,基督徒的愛是指愛天主,並為了天主而愛眾人。詳見faith。(3) 慈善;普愛;施捨:尤指慈善工作或機構。④天主教明愛會:詳見 caritas。
charity, act of:(1) 愛德頌:經文之一,大意是「天主,我愛禰在萬有之上,並為了禰而愛人如己」。(2) 慈善行動。(3) 愛德行為:激發愛心的內在或外在的行動。
charity, works of:慈善事業;慈善工作;愛德工作。
Chartres, Our Lady of:沙爾德聖母大堂:該堂早在公元 67年建於法國沙爾德,並於 1220年重建,美輪美奐,堂中藏有相傳聖母用過的頭巾。


(chăr'ĭ-tē) pronunciation
n., pl. -ties.
Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
Something given to help the needy; alms.
An institution, organization, or fund established to help the needy.
Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
Indulgence or forbearance in judging others. See synonyms at mercy.
often Charity Christianity. The theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love.
[Middle English charite, from Old French, Christian love, from Latin cāritās, affection, from cārus, dear.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2007


━━ n. (キリスト教的な)愛, なさけ; 寄付(金); 慈善(事業,施設).
 (as) cold as charity たいへん冷淡な.
 out of charity 慈愛心から.
 ━━ a. 寛大な, 寛容な; 慈善の(ための); なさけ深い.
char・i・ta・ble・ness n.
char・i・ta・bly ad.
charitable trust 公益信託[財団].
 charity baza(a)r バザー, 慈善市.
 charity card 慈善クリスマスカード.
 charity hospital [school] 慈善病院[学校].
 charity shop 慈善店 ((主に寄付された物を売って慈善事業費を作る)).

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら

Definition of sundry in English:


Of various kinds; several:prawn and garlic vol-au-vents and sundry otherdelicacies

noun (plural sundries)

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1(sundries) Various items not important enough to bementioned individually:drugstore selling magazinesnewspapers, and sundries

Definition of all and sundry in English:

Everyone:he has borne a lot of unfair criticism from all and sundry
(hĭd'ēou) pronunciation
  1. Repulsive, especially to the sight; revoltingly ugly. See synonyms at ugly.
  2. Offensive to moral sensibilities; despicable.
[Middle English, variant of hidous, from Anglo-Norman, from Old French hide, hisde, fear, possibly of Germanic origin.]
hideosity hid'e·os'i·ty (-ŏs'ĭ-tē) n.
hideously hid'e·ous·ly adv.
hideousness hid'e·ous·ness n.

感謝 Ken Su 報知 讓我想起一本翻過的書

(Dear HC,

I assume you will like it:


鄭愁予雪夜訪張充和 )


謝謝KJ 轉寄一篇' 半個屁股"
我很快猜出是王文華的作品 (可是他的書 史丹佛的銀色子彈 似乎沒這故事)
這篇除了half-assed 之外
西方俗語魔鬼在細節中被歸為"郭語錄"中 真是妙

說真的 我們如何讓自己和相關的人都虛心學習


畢竟 devil 是雙義的。  除了"鬼怪"之外, 還可以是:

すご腕の人, 智恵者, 精力家, (仕事・勝負などの)鬼, がむしゃらな人, 向こう見ずな人;…狂((for ...))

1 ((時に the D-))魔王, 悪魔(Satan);(サタンの手下で神と敵対する)悪鬼, 悪霊
Better the devil you know (than the devil you don't know).
((ことわざ)) 正体不明の敵[悪]より正体のわかった敵[悪]のほうがよい
Speak [Talk] of the devil, and he will [is sure to] appear.
The devil finds work for idle hands.
((ことわざ)) 小人閑居して不善をなす
The devil looks after his own.
((ことわざ)) 憎まれっ子世にはばかる.
2 極悪人;意地悪[残酷な]人;((略式))暴れん坊;狂暴な動物
a hideous devil
3 すご腕の人, 智恵者, 精力家, (仕事・勝負などの)鬼, がむしゃらな人, 向こう見ずな人;…狂((for ...))
a devil for golf
the devil of avarice
He was a devil with the girls.
4 ((形容詞を前に置いて))((話))…なやつ
a poor [lucky] devil
5 印刷見習い工;弁護士の下働き[助手];下請けの文筆業者.
6 機械, (特に)ぼろ切断機, 木ねじ製造機.
7 (香辛料などのよくきいた)料理, (特に)焼き肉.
8 (インド・中近東・アフリカの)砂あらし.
9 ((the 〜))((強意))
(1) ((のろい・嫌悪))ちくしょう, まさか
The devil (take it)!
ちくしょう, ちえっ.
(2) ((副詞的))((疑問詞を強調して))((話・古風))一体全体. ⇒DEUCE2 2
What (in) the devil did you say?
a [the] devil of a ...
a [the, one] HELL of a ....
be a devil and do
be a devil for ...
between the devil and the deep (blue) sea
進退きわまって, にっちもさっちもいかない.
catch [get] the devil
for the devil of it
いたずらで, ふざけて.
give a person the devil
give the devil his due
go to the devil
(1) ((古風))完全に失敗する, 破滅する.
(2) ((命令文))((話))くたばれ, こんちくしょう.
let the devil take the hindmost [the hindermost]
遅れた[無能な, 不運な]者はほうっておく, 人のことはかまわない.
like the devil
猛烈に, 激しく.
play the devil with ...
raise the devil
大騒ぎを引き起こす;大宴会をする, 浮かれる;強く抗議する;強硬な手段をとる.
the devil (and all) to pay
HELL to pay.
the devil's own luck/((略式))the luck of the devil
the (great) devil (of it)
やっかいな事, 最悪の事.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing or((主に英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 ((主に米略式))…を悩ます, 困らす(annoy)
devil mom for a new prom dress
2 〈ぼろなどを〉切断機で裂く.
3 …に香辛料をきかせる.
━━(自)(作家・弁護士の)下請けをする((for ...)).
[古英語←ギリシャ語diábolos(悪口を言うもの). 原義は「投げつけるもの」. ヘブライ語sātānの翻訳借用. △SATAN

  1. often Devil In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. Used with the.
  2. A subordinate evil spirit; a demon.
  3. A wicked or malevolent person.
  4. A person: a handsome devil; the poor devil.
  5. An energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever person.
  6. Printing. A printer's devil.
  7. A device or machine, especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing.
  8. An outstanding example, especially of something difficult or bad: has a devil of a temper.
  9. A severe reprimand or expression of anger: gave me the devil for cutting class.
  10. Informal. Used as an intensive: Who the devil do you think you are?
tr.v., -iled, or -illed, -il·ing, or -il·ling, -ils, or -ils.
  1. To season (food) heavily.
  2. To annoy, torment, or harass.
  3. To tear up (cloth or rags) in a toothed machine.
between the devil and the deep blue sea
  1. Between two equally unacceptable choices.
full of the devil
  1. Very energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever.
give the devil his due
  1. To give credit to a disagreeable or malevolent person.
go to the devil
  1. To be unsuccessful; fail.
  2. To become depraved.
  3. Used in the imperative to express anger or impatience.
play the devil with
  1. To upset or ruin.
the devil take the hindmost
  1. Let each person follow self-interest, leaving others to fare as they may.
the devil to pay
  1. Trouble to be faced as a result of an action: There'll be the devil to pay if you allow the piglets inside the house.
[Middle English devel, from Old English dēofol, from Latin diabolus, from Late Greek diabolos, from Greek, slanderer, from diaballein, to slander : dia-, dia- + ballein, to hurl.]


  • 発音記号[diǽbəlòu]
[名][U]ディアボロ, (yoyoのような)空中ごま遊戯;[C]そのこま.

malevolentLine breaks: mal|evo¦lent
Pronunciation: /məˈlɛv(ə)l(ə)nt/

Definition of malevolent in English:


Having or showing a wish to do evil to others:the glint of dark, malevolent eyes


Early 16th century: from Latin malevolent- 'wishing evil', from male 'ill' + volent- 'wishing' (from the verb velle).
