But if we don’t use this time to respond to China the way we did to the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, with our own comprehensive scientific, innovative and industrial push, we will be toast.
“Art doesn't go to sleep in the bed made for it. It would sooner run away than say its own name: what it likes is to be incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what its own name is.” Jean Dubuffet
The prince often travelled abroad incognito.
Madoff: I am here today to accept responsibility for my crimes by pleading guilty and, with this plea allocution, explain the means by which I carried out and concealed my fraud.
Translation: I am here today to gamely fulfill my obligation as a symbolic scapegoat for the financial mess the world is in. No matter how I play it, I’m toast — and so I might just as well embrace the role.
Slang. One that is doomed, in trouble, or unworthy of further consideration.
be toast
“We would be toast” is an informal idiom that means to be in a lot of trouble, or to be completely ruined or defeated. For example, you might say “If anyone finds out about this, we're toast”
allocution 告論
The formal inquiry by a judge of an accused person, convicted of a crime, as to whether the person has any legal cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced against him or her or as to whether the person has anything to say to the court before being sentenced.
A formal and authoritative speech; an address.
[Latin allocūtiō, allocūtiōn-, from allocūtus, past participle of alloquī, to speak to : ad-, ad- + loquī, to speak.]
in·cog·ni·to (ĭn'kŏg-nē'tō, ĭn-kŏg'nĭ-tō')
━━ n. (pl. ~s) 匿名(者); 微行者.
adv. & adj.
With one's identity disguised or concealed.
n., pl. -tos.
- One whose identity is disguised or concealed.
- The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity.
[Italian, from Latin incognitus, unknown : in-, not; see in–1 + cognitus, past participle of cognōscere, to learn, recognize; see cognition.]
Today's arms dealers too cozy with lawmakers
11/17/2007On the eve of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Umeya Shichibe, a wealthy merchant of the feudal Choshu clan in present-day Yamaguchi Prefecture, traveled incognito to Nagasaki. He was on a secret clan mission to procure armaments with which to win a battle to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate.
From Nagasaki, Shichibe sailed to Shanghai. He returned 18 months later with 1,000 British-made guns, which, in a manner of speaking, blasted open the doors for Japan's modernization.
- The weapons and supplies of war with which a military unit is equipped.
- All the military forces and war equipment of a country. Often used in the plural. 軍備
- A military force equipped for war.
- The process of arming for war.