Local airlines cancelled flights. Shops and offices closed and radio stations went off the air. Banks shut early, and mobile-phone companies warned of network outages. Nigeria, the country with sub-Saharan Africa’s largest oil reserves, ran out of oil. The irony wasn't lost on Nigerians http://econ.st/1AI7Tjm
At the age of 80, with almost 40 books behind him and nearly as many accumulated honors, Harold Bloom has written, in “The Anatomy of Influence,” a kind of summing-up — or, as he puts it in his distinctive idiom, mixing irony with histrionism, “my virtual swan song,” born of his urge “to say in one place most of what I have learned to think about how influence works in imaginative literature.”
Pronunciation: /ˈʌɪrəni/
noun ( plural ironies)
Early 16th century (also denoting Socratic irony): via Latin from Greek eirōneia 'simulated ignorance', fromeirōn 'dissembler'.
Irony, in its broadest sense, is the juxtaposition of what on the surface appears to be the case and what is actually the case or to be expected. It typically figures as a rhetorical device and literary technique. In some philosophical contexts, however, it takes on a larger significance as an entire way of life.
Irony has been defined in many different ways, and there is no general agreement about the best way to organize its various types. This does not mean, however, that it is not a topic about which a great deal can be meaningfully said.
sum up
Present the substance of, summarize, as in They always sum up the important news in a couple of minutes, or That expletive sums up my feelings about the matter. [Early 1600s]
[名](複 -ries)要約, (…の)摘要, 概括, (特に著作の内容をまとめた)結論((of ...))(▼学術論文の概要はabstract;記事・本などの要約版はdigest;論文・文学作品などの摘要はsynopsis)
make a summary of ...
in summary
1 要約した, 概略の, 簡潔な, 手短な
2 ((形式))即座の;〈法的手続などが〉即決の, 略式の
a summary analysis
summary judgment /execution
make a summary job of ...略式裁判
(psychology) Dramatic affect, associated with some psychoneuroses and psychoses.