Emmanuel Macron’s calculation seems to be that, at some point, he was likely to face an irresistible political demand for fresh parliamentary elections. But more than that, he is hoping for what an adviser calls a “moment of clarification” https://econ.st/4bVq5ZK
Photo: AP
The temptation for an investor who finds a bond yielding more than 100% might be to shout Eureka!
A trail of clues, including a cryptic reference in Scott’s writings to phonautogram deposits made at “the Academy,” led the researchers to another Paris institution, the French Academy of Sciences, where several more of Scott’s recordings were stored. Mr. Giovannoni said that his eureka moment came when he laid eyes on the April 1860 phonautogram, an immaculately preserved sheet of rag paper 9 inches by 25 inches.
It is, amongst others, the only source of two treatises of the Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse. Among scientists Archimedes is revered as a genius. Lay people think of him as the eccentric who jumped out of his bathtub after some brilliant insight, ran out into the street – stark naked – and yelled “eureka, eureka”. Naturally, none of the above – from the bathtub to the yelling – is proven, historical fact.
Satori is also analogous to the concept of creativity, in the sense that it reconciles apparent opposites. It is also known as the "Eureka!" moment of discovery - upon the clarification of a paradox, which is a moment of catharsis, or purification.
加州別名「金州」(Golden State)常使人以為源自19世紀中葉淘金潮。事實上是來自此州中部山丘的春草於秋天枯萎時,從遠方看來有如遍地金色而得名。
加州的”州徽”為 Eureka
The state motto for California is Eureka meaning ''I found it.''In the Greek Language.
案: “徽” *字容易與”章(seal)”字混
我查Wikipedia 的 California 條 日文版和中文版都沒寫這 Eureka
現在goo 日本字典稱此 motto為”標語”
[間]((何かを発見したときの喜びの叫び声))((しばしばおどけて))わかった, これだ, しめた. ▼California州の標語.
[ギリシャ語でI have found (it). の意. アルキメデスがSyracuse王の王冠の黄金純度を測定する方法を発見したときの叫び声]


[名](複〜es, 〜s)
1 モットー, 座右銘, 標語.
2 (巻頭などに引用した)題辞, 題句;(盾や紋章に記した)銘;《音楽》主題句.
3 ((英))(パーティー用のクラッカーに印刷されている)文句.
- 音節eu • re • ka
- 発音juəríːkə