Ask Well: Relieving Sore Muscles
Ask Well: Relieving Sore Muscles
n. 1. a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam on the shore or a shoal.
2. a person or thing that breaks something: a code-breaker. 解碼者
deal-breaker 就是生意成交的破壞者
So far, Mr. Martin has come halfway, proposing that the spectrum have two of the four conditions attached. But crucially, he has not agreed to the wholesale condition, which Google views as being a deal breaker for it. There is nothing preventing any company from operating spectrum it controls on a wholesale basis.
icebreaker可以是破冰船 也可以是開會或聚會的輔導員-開心果等等
An icebreaker is a facilitation exercise intended to help a group to begin the process of forming themselves into a team. Icebreakers are commonly presented as a game to "warm up" the group by helping the members to get to know each other. They often focus on sharing personal information such as name, hobbies, etc.
A foam hand, commonly known as a foam finger, is a sports paraphernalia item worn on the hand to show support for a particular team. The most common version resembles an oversized hand with an extended index finger, and slits in their bases allow them to be worn over the hands. Usually the surface displays a silk-screened team name, logo, or other graphic or slogan, such as "We Are #1." Foam hands are made of open-celled foam.
Recent (2012) photo of the 1971 item, signed by members of the Ottumwa High School Class of 1971.
To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low. n. pl. moos. The lowing of a cow or a similar sound. [Imitative.] American Heritage® Dictionary
[MOOS] 1. A French term meaning "froth" or "foam," mousse is a rich, airy dish that can be either sweet or savory and hot or cold. Cold dessert mousses are usually made with fruit purée or a flavoring such as chocolate. Their fluffiness is due to the addition of whipped cream or beaten egg whites and they're often fortified with gelatin. Savory mousses can be made from meat, fish, shellfish, foie gras, cheese or even vegetables. Hot mousses usually get their light texture from the addition of beaten egg whites. They're generally baked in a water bath to prevent the mixture from curdling. 2. When applied to wine, the word mousse describes the foam that forms on the surface of champagne or other sparkling wine when it's first poured.
Mousse is analogous to the term "head," which is the foam on a freshly poured glass of beer.
n. - 奶油甜點, 慕斯
v. tr. - 用慕斯擦頭髮 日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ムース
foam rollers 發泡滾筒

Sore muscles are a natural result of vigorous exercise. Sports massage, arnica, foam rollers and watermelon juice are among the remedies that may speed recovery.
肌肉酸痛是劇烈運動的自然結果。 運動按摩,山金車,泡沫滾筒和西瓜汁是可以加速恢復的補救措施之一。
Issues of digital privacy are rarely this amoosing.
Ask Well: Relieving Sore Muscles
Sore muscles are a natural result of vigorous exercise. Sports massage, arnica, foam rollers and watermelon juice are among the remedies that may speed recovery.
n. 1. a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam on the shore or a shoal.
2. a person or thing that breaks something: a code-breaker. 解碼者
deal-breaker 就是生意成交的破壞者
So far, Mr. Martin has come halfway, proposing that the spectrum have two of the four conditions attached. But crucially, he has not agreed to the wholesale condition, which Google views as being a deal breaker for it. There is nothing preventing any company from operating spectrum it controls on a wholesale basis.
icebreaker可以是破冰船 也可以是開會或聚會的輔導員-開心果等等
An icebreaker is a facilitation exercise intended to help a group to begin the process of forming themselves into a team. Icebreakers are commonly presented as a game to "warm up" the group by helping the members to get to know each other. They often focus on sharing personal information such as name, hobbies, etc.
A foam hand, commonly known as a foam finger, is a sports paraphernalia item worn on the hand to show support for a particular team. The most common version resembles an oversized hand with an extended index finger, and slits in their bases allow them to be worn over the hands. Usually the surface displays a silk-screened team name, logo, or other graphic or slogan, such as "We Are #1." Foam hands are made of open-celled foam.
- the mammary gland of female cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and related ungulates, hanging near the hind legs as a bag-like organ with two or more teats.
To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low. n. pl. moos. The lowing of a cow or a similar sound. [Imitative.] American Heritage® Dictionary
[MOOS] 1. A French term meaning "froth" or "foam," mousse is a rich, airy dish that can be either sweet or savory and hot or cold. Cold dessert mousses are usually made with fruit purée or a flavoring such as chocolate. Their fluffiness is due to the addition of whipped cream or beaten egg whites and they're often fortified with gelatin. Savory mousses can be made from meat, fish, shellfish, foie gras, cheese or even vegetables. Hot mousses usually get their light texture from the addition of beaten egg whites. They're generally baked in a water bath to prevent the mixture from curdling. 2. When applied to wine, the word mousse describes the foam that forms on the surface of champagne or other sparkling wine when it's first poured.
Mousse is analogous to the term "head," which is the foam on a freshly poured glass of beer.
n. - 奶油甜點, 慕斯
v. tr. - 用慕斯擦頭髮 日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ムース
foam rollers 發泡滾筒

- 1((集合的)) (攪拌かくはん・発酵などにより液体表面に生じる)泡,泡沫ほうまつ,あぶく(bubbles)
- foam a
- コップについだビールの泡.
- 2(重労働をした馬などの)泡汗
- a foam.
- 馬は全身泡のような汗をかいている.
- 3(癲癇てんかん・恐水病などで)口から吹き出す泡,泡つば.
- 4(シェービングクリームなど)稠密ちゅうみつな泡状物質,フォーム.
- 5(消火作業で)
- (1)消火泡:燃えている液体表面に細かい耐熱性の泡の層を生じ火炎を覆い消す化学物質
- a foam
- 泡消火器.
- (2)その泡の層.
- 6〔化学〕 発泡体,フォーム:固化している素材を溶融して微細気泡を分散させたもの;発泡プラスチック,発泡ラバー,泡ガラスなど.
- 7((米話)) ビール.
- 8((the foam)) ((文語)) (泡立つ)海.
━━ [自動詞]
- 1〈水・ビールなどが〉泡立つ((up)) ,あぶくを生じる,泡立って流れる((along));〈コップなどが〉泡だらけになる;〈馬などが〉(極度に疲労して)泡汗を出す;(癲癇・恐水病などで)口から泡を吹く,泡つばきを出す
- foaming
- 泡立つ海を越えて.
- 2怒って口角に泡を吹く;怒っている
- foam [ ]
- 激怒する.
━━ [他動詞]
- 1…を泡立たせる;泡でいっぱいにする,泡だらけにする.
- 2…を泡で覆う
- foam a
- 緊急着陸前に滑走路に泡をまく.
- 3〈建物・壁を〉発泡体で断熱する.
- 4〈プラスチック・ゴム樹脂・金属などに〉気泡を入れ込む;〈コンクリート・モルタルなどに〉気泡を生じさせる.
- foam at the mouth
- (1)(癲癇・恐水病などで)口から泡を吹く(⇒ ).
- (2)((俗)) 激怒する.
- foam off
- 泡となって消える;〈望み・情熱・熱意・攻勢などが〉むなしく消える,水泡に帰す.
- 語源
- 900年以前. 中期英語 fom,古期英語 f
m; ドイツ語 Feim と同語源