2024年6月20日 星期四

legend, hyperbole, Money no object, well-heeled, object lesson. Cash-strapped governments want to get their hands on a slice of the riches of the world’s best-heeled. But a tax on unrealised capital gains is bad economics

“Our airports are like from a third-world country,” says the Republican nominee. More Trump hyperbole? Actually, no. This might be a rare Trump understatement

在1991年,我开始和一位名叫詹姆士·埃尔金斯(James Elkins)的人有了联系。我没有见过埃尔金斯先生,最初他寄给了我一篇他写的论文——《作为范例的中国画》(Chinese Painting as Object Lesson)。我怀着很大的兴趣阅读了埃尔金斯的论文,他的很多观点都和我有相通之处,于是我回复了他一些非常积极的反馈,同时也提出了一些尚需改进的地方。埃尔金斯的论文是这样开头的:


The climate change panel, in its usual deadpan prose, notes that “many RE [renewable energy] technologies have demonstrated substantial performance improvements and cost reductions” since it released its last assessment, back in 2007. The Department of Energy is willing to display a bit more open enthusiasm; it titled a report on clean energy released last year “Revolution Now.” That sounds like hyperbole, but you realize that it isn’t when you learn that the price of solar panels has fallen more than 75 percent just since 2008.

政府間氣候變化專門委員會以其一貫不帶感 情的措辭指出,自2007年發表上次評估報告之後,「許多可再生能源技術已經顯示出了極大的性能提高與成本降低」。美國能源部(Department of Energy)願意公開展示出更多熱情,去年發佈的一份有關清潔能源的報告標題就是《現在革命》(Revolution Now)。聽上去有點誇張,但是了解到僅僅是從2008年起,太陽能組件價格已下降超過75%以後,你就會覺得這並不誇張。

Stuart Elliott's
In Advertising

UCLA's new advertising campaign features Jackie Robinson, who attended the school from 1939 to 1941.
UCLA's new advertising campaign features Jackie Robinson, who attended the school from 1939 to 1941.
Campaign Spotlight
Ads Say the 'A' in U.C.L.A. Is for 'Achievement'
A campaign for the university spotlights people, many of them celebrities, who are graduates, received advanced degrees, or attended the school but did not graduate.

For the Well Heeled, the $40,000 Rental

If money is no object, rent a large home - or a castle.


Having plenty of money.
Synonyms:prosperous, well-off, well-to-do, comfortable, easy
Usage:The price tag is out of reach of all but the most well-heeled.

Google傳奇 將躍大銀幕


    1. An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.
    2. A body or collection of such stories.
    3. A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times.
  1. One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame.
    1. An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin.
    2. An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.
    3. An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart.
[Middle English, from Old French legende, from Medieval Latin (lēctiō) legenda, (lesson) to be read, from Latin, feminine gerundive oflegere, to read.]
USAGE NOTE Legend comes from the Latin adjective legenda, "for reading, to be read," which referred only to written stories, not to traditional stories transmitted orally from generation to generation. This restriction also applied to the English word legend when it was first used in the late 14th century in reference to written accounts of saints' lives, but ever since the 15th century legend has been used to refer to traditional stories as well. Today a legend can also be a person or achievement worthy of inspiring such a story-anyone or anything whose fame promises to be enduring, even if the renown is created more by the media than by oral tradition. Thus we speak of the legendary accomplishments of a major-league baseball star or thelegendary voice of a famous opera singer. This usage is common journalistic hyperbole, and 55 percent of the Usage Panel accepts it.

 hyperbole在修辭學上:A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

日文: [名][U][C]《修辞学》誇張(法).

Pronunciation: /hʌɪˈpəːbəli/

Definition of hyperbole
[mass noun]
  • exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally: he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles [mass noun]:you can’t accuse us of hyperbole



Pronunciation: /-ˈbɒlɪk(ə)li/




late Middle English: via Latin from Greek huperbolē (see hyperbola)

rl: "不記得是在上代數函數曲線,或解析幾何,或者微積分時,聽過「超越曲線」這個專有名詞,所講授的不外乎圓錐曲線,雙曲線,螺旋曲線等等這堆「超越」一般人理解能力的數學問題。原來hyper-字首就是表「超越、超過」的意思,所以,hyperbole當然屬於「超越」族群。它在數學上稱「雙曲線」,在修辭學上稱「誇張表達法」。
hc按:hyperbole在修辭學上:A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.



A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.
[Latin hyperbolē, from Greek huperbolē, excess, from huperballein, to exceed : huper, beyond; see hyper– + ballein, to throw.]


━━ n. 【修辞】誇張(法); 【修辞】誇張表現.
()() ━━ a. 誇張(法)の; 【数】双曲線の.
hyperbolic function 【数】双曲線関数.

1 (古くからの)言い伝え, 伝説;(現代の)伝説的人物;[U]民間伝承

Chinese legends
in legend
That pitcher's fast ball is (a) legend.
2 ((英))(記念碑・紋章・絵などの)題銘, 銘語, 題;((古風))(写真などの下に添える)説明文;(一般に)文字.
3 (地図・図表などの)凡例, 記号一覧(key).
4 《貨幣》銘刻, 銘字.
5 逸話集.
[中ラテン語legenda(legere読む+-dus過去分詞語尾+-a名詞語尾=読まれるべきもの). △LEGIBLE, LECTURE]

(ŏb'jĭkt, -jĕkt') pronunciation
  1. Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing.
  2. A focus of attention, feeling, thought, or action: an object of contempt.
  3. The purpose, aim, or goal of a specific action or effort: the object of the game.
  4. Grammar.
    1. A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence.
    2. A noun or substantive governed by a preposition.
  5. Philosophy. Something intelligible or perceptible by the mind.
  6. Computer Science. A discrete item that can be selected and maneuvered, such as an onscreen graphic. In object-oriented programming, objects include data and the procedures necessary to operate on that data.

v., -ject·ed, -ject·ing, -jects. (əb-jĕkt') v.intr.
  1. To present a dissenting or opposing argument; raise an objection: objected to the testimony of the witness.
  2. To be averse to or express disapproval of something: objects to modern materialism.
To put forward in or as a reason for opposition; offer as criticism: They objected that discipline was lacking.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin obiectum, thing put before the mind, from neuter past participle of Latin obicere, to put before, hinder : ob-, before, toward; see ob- + iacere, to throw. V., from Middle English obiecten, from Old French objecter, from Latin obiectāre, frequentative of obicere.]
objector ob·jec'tor n.
SYNONYMS   object, protest, demur, remonstrate, expostulate. These verbs mean to express opposition to something, usually by presenting arguments against it. Object implies the expression of disapproval or distaste: "Freedom of the press in Britain is freedom to print such of the proprietor's prejudices as the advertisers don't object to" (Hannen Swaffer). Protest suggests strong opposition, usually forthrightly expressed: The citizens protested against the tax hike. To demur is to raise an objection that may delay decision or action: We proposed a revote, but the president demurred. Remonstrate implies the presentation of objections, complaints, or reproof: "The people of Connecticut . . . remonstrated against the bill" (George Bancroft). To expostulate is to express objection in the form of earnest reasoning: The teacher expostulated with them on the foolhardiness of their behavior. See also synonyms at intention.

object[ob・ject][名] 〔bdikt | b-〕

1 (五感で知覚できる)物, 物体
a tiny object
a luminous object
2 (思考・感情・行動などの)対象, 的(まと)((of ...))
an object of worship
an object of research
3 ((ふつう単数形))(…の)目的, 目当て((of ...))
for that object
attain one's object
with the object of rescuing the flood victims
4 (みじめな, ばかげた, いやな, みっともない, おかしな)やつ, もの, さま.
5 《文法》(他動詞・前置詞の)目的語.
6 《哲学》対象, 客体;客観(⇔subject).
no object
Money (is) no object.
━━[動] 〔bdékt〕 (自)[I([副])](…に)反対する, 異議を唱える;(…を)嫌う, いやがる((to ...))
He objected to the proposal. [=The proposal was objected to by him. ]
Do you object to my [me] smoking here?
━━(他)[III that節]〈…であると〉反対する
Some objected [=It was objected] that the new tariff would worsen diplomatic relations.

object lesson

アクセントóbject lèsson
〔…の〕(教訓となる)実例 〔in〕.
