United Nations Biodiversity ·
The beauty of aboveground biodiversity wouldn't be possible without the hidden heroes of belowground biodiversity! #SoilHealth
From fungi to bacteria, the soil is teeming with life that keeps our planet healthy and thriving!
Via Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Natural History Museum, London 在 Natural History Museum, London 。
We are facing a biodiversity crisis - one million animals and plants now face extinction. To protect nature, we need to know as much about it as possible.
That's why our scientists have described more than 400 new species in the last year.
Overfishing, tourism and pollution are the most immediate perils disrupting reefs’ ecosystems
To protect marine life, the world needs to protect coral reefs
Though pollution and overuse are damaging corals, their biodiversity offers…
"An informal exploration of the field of biography, from key organizations to staple institutions, provides the most obvious explanation for the lack of diversity in its subjects: the authors, publishers, and editors of biographies are, themselves, overwhelmingly white."
We are facing a biodiversity crisis - one million animals and plants now face extinction. To protect nature, we need to know as much about it as possible.
That's why our scientists have described more than 400 new species in the last year.
Overfishing, tourism and pollution are the most immediate perils disrupting reefs’ ecosystems
To protect marine life, the world needs to protect coral reefs
Though pollution and overuse are damaging corals, their biodiversity offers…
"An informal exploration of the field of biography, from key organizations to staple institutions, provides the most obvious explanation for the lack of diversity in its subjects: the authors, publishers, and editors of biographies are, themselves, overwhelmingly white."
Thais Cast a Wide Net for Diverse Tourists
Thailand is the only Asian country, travel industry analysts say, that
has a government-sponsored campaign aimed at gay and lesbian travelers.
It is also marketing itself to Muslims.
Study Sees Wall Street Pay Tilted Toward White Men But the study, by the City University of New York's Center for Urban Research, also found that the financial industry's work force was becoming more diverse.
Obama’s War Speech Wins Over Some Skeptics
By JAMES DAO While opinions on the war in Afghanistan remained diverse, President Obama managed to persuade a significant number of people on both sides of the political aisle.
生物多様性(せいぶつたようせい、英語: Biodiversity)とは、生物に関する多様性を示す概念である。生態系・生物群系または地球全体に、多様な生物が存在していることを指す。生態系の多様性、種多様性、遺伝的多様性(遺伝子の多様性、種内の多様性とも ...
win over
Persuade, gain one's support, as in It won't be easy to win him over to our point of view. [Late 1800s]
diverse(dĭ-vûrs', dī-, dī'vûrs')
- Differing one from another.
- Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements: "Prague ... offers visitors a series of excursions into a rich and diverse past" (Olivier Bernier).
[Middle English divers, from Old French divers, from Latin dīversus, past participle of dīvertere, to divert. See divert.]
diversely di·verse'ly adv.diverseness di·verse'ness n.
showing a great deal of variety; very different:a culturally diverse population subjects as diverse as architecture, language teaching, and the physical sciences
(dĭ-vûr'sĭ-tē, dī-)
n., pl., -ties.
- The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
- A point or respect in which things differ.
- Variety or multiformity: "Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection" (Scientific American).
- 発音記号[dáivərz]
- [形]((やや古))いくつかの;いろいろの, 種々の.