2015年11月5日 星期四

johns or tricks, trickwork, rapists, pedophiles, sex trafficking

...this being the heyday of trickwork on the London stage.

Definition of TRICK WORK

:  work involving a trick or knack or the use of tricks and especially artificial devices; specifically :  literary or artistic work characterized solely by technical dexterity

  1. 1.
    a cunning act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone.
    "he's a double-dealer capable of any mean trick"
  2. 2.
    a skilful act performed for entertainment or amusement.
    "he did conjuring tricks for his daughters"
  1. 1.
    cunningly deceive or outwit.
    "many people have been tricked by villains with false identity cards"
    synonyms:deceivedeludehoodwinkmislead, take in, dupefooldouble-cross,cheatdefraudswindleoutwitoutmanoeuvre, catch out, gullhoax,bamboozlebeguileMore
  2. 2.
    sketch (a coat of arms) in outline, with the colours indicated by letters or signs.
  1. 1.
    intended or used to deceive or mystify, or to create an illusion.
    "a trick question"
  2. 2.
    liable to fail; defective.
    "a trick knee"

Definition of TRICK WORK

:  work involving a trick or knack or the use of tricks and especially artificial devices; specifically :  literary or artistic work characterized solely by technical dexterity
  1. [名]
  2. 1 (人を欺く)たくらみ,策略,計略;ごまかし(deception)
  3. 2 卑劣な[ばかげた,恥ずべき]行為,ひどいこと
  4. 3 (通例悪意のない)いたずら,悪さ,悪ふざけ
    • the tricks of fate
    • 運命のいたずら
  5. 4 巧妙なやり方,(…する)こつ,呼吸,秘訣(ひけつ)((of ...)). ▼knackがふつう
  6. 5 妙技,(調教された動物の)芸当;手品,奇術,早わざ;技巧を要する事;《映画》トリック
  7. 6 幻覚,錯覚(illusion)
    • visual trick
    • 目の錯覚
    • a trick of the light
    • 光線の具合い,光の加減.
  8. 7 (…する)癖;(文体などの)癖((of doing))
  9. 8 《トランプ》
  10. (1)((集合的))トリック:場に出された1回分の札(通例4枚).
  11. (2)点.
  12. (3)勝ち札.
  13. 9 (仕事の)交替勤務(時間),割り当て;《海事》舵輪(だりん)勤務(時間)(▼ふつう2時間)
    • do one's daily trick
    • 毎日の割り当て仕事をする
  14. 10 ((米略式))子供;(かわいい)女の子.
  15. 11 ((米俗))売春;売春婦の客
    • turn a trick [tricks]
    • 売春する.
  16. 12 《紋章》(色を使わない)下絵.
  17. 13 ((米))つまらない飾り,玩具(がんぐ);((~s))小間物類,身の回り品.
  1. a trick worth two of that
    • ずっといい方法[手].
  1. be up to one's (old) trick
    • ((略式))いつもの悪だくみを考えている,悪いくせを出す.
  1. can teach [show] a person a trick or two
    • ((略式))〈人より〉経験豊かである.
  1. do the trick
    • ((話))目的を達する,間に合う,うまくいく.
  1. How's tricks?
    • ((話))((あいさつ))調子はどうだい.
  1. know a trick or two
    • 〈人が〉抜け目がない.
  1. never [not] miss a trick
    • ((略式))どんな小さなことも見逃さない.
  1. trick or treat
  1. turn the trick
    • do the TRICK.
  1. use every trick in the book
    • ありとあらゆる手を使う.
  1. ━━[形]((限定))
  2. 1 芸当[曲芸,奇術,早わざ,トリック]の;奇術用の
  3. 2 〈人が〉気どった,いきな.
  4. 3 〈問題が〉迷わせる,〈試験問題が〉落とし穴のある;((米))〈骨の関節が〉調子の狂いがちな
    • a trick knee
    • がくがくするひざ
  1. ━━[動](他)
  2. 1 〈人を〉だます,欺く,かつぐ,〈人を〉だまして(…)させる((into ...))(⇒CHEAT[類語]);〈物が〉〈期待などを〉裏切る
    • trick a person into consenting
    • 人をだまして承諾させる.
  3. 2 〈物を〉だまし取る;〈人を〉ぺてんにかけて(物を)巻き上げる((out of ...))
  4. 3 ((通例受身))…を(…で)めかす,〈部屋などを〉飾る((out, up/in, with ...))
    • be tricked out in jewels
    • 宝石で身を飾りたてている.
  5. 4 ((米俗))〈女が〉〈客を〉とる.
  6. 5 〈紋章を〉線画で描く.
  1. ━━(自)
  2. 1 だます;(…で)いたずらをする,(…を)もてあそぶ((with ...)).
  3. 2 手品[曲芸]をする.
  1. [古北部フランス語←ラテン語trīcārī(たくらみを演じる)]
  1. trick・er
    • [名]

Prostitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The clients of prostitutes are also known as johns or tricks in North America and punters in the British Isles. These slang terms are used among both prostitutes ...

Prostitution by country - ‎Sex worker - ‎Prostitution in Nevada - ‎Prostitution in India

Actress/director Jada Pinkett Smith is a passionate advocate for children and has teamed up with CNN for a special report on sex trafficking in the United States. She’ll be here at 4p ET to talk to you about the report “Children for Sale: The Fight to End Human Trafficking.” Have any questions for Jada? Ask them in the comments below.
