2024年12月18日 星期三

deus, Homo Deus, deus ex machina explained, Ex Machina【#逐字學英文國際日報】07:lengthy non-sequiturs and an appearance by the author himself , as a deus ex machina .

A decade after his first TASCHEN book, Deux ex Machina, master photographer Ralph Gibson returns with an exquisite collection of nudes, combining the best of his recent work with an in-depth interview by Eric Fischl. Strikingly graphic, meticulously composed, and loaded with subtle provocations, Gibson’s mysterious, dreamlike images pay homage to greats such as Man Ray and Edward Weston, while continually pursuing new frontiers.

位於倫敦的巴比肯藝術中心 (Barbican Center ) 策畫的《航向未知:一場科幻之旅》展覽(Into the Unknown: A Journey through Science Fiction ) 請來作家暨歷史學家Patrick Gyger擔任策展人,收羅了超過八百件科幻作品的相關手稿、影片、繪畫及裝置作品,遠至科幻小說先驅凡爾納 (Jules Verne) 、瑪莉‧雪萊 (Mary Shelley),近至《星際效應》(Interstellar)、《機械姬》(Ex Machina) 等電影,縱橫古今,橫跨文學、影視、漫畫多種類型,許多展品都是首次在英國展出,展期自即日起至9月1日止。

Silius Italicus: Information From Answers.com
binding when Claudian wrote. They were never seriously infringed, except by Lucan  , who substituted for the dei ex machina of his
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: Biography and Much More Fro..
illustrations, lengthy non-sequiturs and an appearance by the author himself , as a deus ex machina .Many hostile reviewers found

Aristotle regards drama as a subsection of poetry, but he does analyze also the relations between character and action, speech, plot and the story. He gives examples of good plots and examines the reactions the plays awake in the audience. Many of his "rules" are often associated with "aristotelian drama", where deus ex machina is a weakness and where the action is structured economically. Many key concepts of drama, such as anagnorisis and katharsis, are discussed in Poetica. Lately Aristotle has been applied in numerous tv- and filmwriting guides, and the courses of "basic dramaturgy" usually rely heavily on Aristotle's thoughts.

讀Concise Oxford History of Music, p.478 一段  竟然不知作者在說什麼:

It is not a "deus-ex-machina" but a "deus-cum-machina".
Twelve new artists join the Studios community today. New residents include artist and music producer Beatrice Dillon, all-female, independent publishers OOMK, visual artist Maeve Brennan, producer, programmer and hacker Venus Ex Machina and curatorial music platform Album Corp.


The main character is trapped. There's no way out. They are surely doomed. The movie is over. Then all of a sudden, ...

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The term "Machina" may refer to:

See also[edit]

Ex Machina is a portion of the phrase deus ex machina, meaning "god from the machine".
Ex Machina has been used for:

See also[edit]

Deus ex machina is a Latin term meaning "god from a device", and is used to indicate a person or event which provides a sudden, unexpected solution to a story.

Deus ex machina may also refer to:

《人類大歷史》新作Homo Deus將於今年9月出版。這位猶太裔歷史學家寫下大膽預言-人類未來簡史,預測人工智能時代,人類將出現後工作世代及無用階級。在接受《衛報》的訪問中,他解釋為什麼這次不是「狼來了」。


deus ex machina

Pronunciation: /ˌdeɪʊs ɛks ˈmakɪnə/ 
 /ˌdiːəs ɛks məˈʃiːnə/ 


An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as acontrived plot device in a play or novel.


Late 17th century: modern Latin, translation of Greek theos ek mēkhanēs, 'god from the machinery'. In Greek theatre, actors representing gods were suspended above the stage, the denouement of the play being brought about by their intervention.

deus ex machina

  1. 〈ラテン語〉〔古代劇の〕デウス・エクス・マキナ[マキーナ・マシナ・マシーナ]◆古代ギリシャ・ローマ劇において、困難な状況に陥った主人公を救い出すために、舞台上方からつり下ろされてくる神。
  1. 〈ラテン語〉〔小説や日常生活における〕救いの手[神]◆複雑な状況を突然にまたは強引に解決する人、もの、出来事など。

Chiaheng Wu 如刺在喉,不吐不快
我對於把deus ex machina翻譯成「機器神」很有點意見,因為這跟「機器」沒有必然關係,甚至跟「神」也沒關係。會把這個詞翻成「機器神」,我覺得是不求甚解的結果,因為在這個詞裡頭,deus跟machina是相對的,而非「機器神」所暗示的,把兩者結合在一起。
machina這個字很麻煩,也如同很多西洋的名詞,當出現了一個新東西,就從希臘文、拉丁文裡頭找命名的根據,有時候後來的意思就扭曲或掩蓋了原本的本意,再經過翻譯,也就更遙遠了。這類例子不勝枚舉。像是telephone是把希臘文的 tele(遠)跟phone(聲音)結合在一起,中文取其以電驅動,翻成「電話」,而沒有翻成「遠聲」。「基因」是gene的音譯,源自拉丁文,聖經裡說基督是神所生(gentum)而非神所造(factum),這兩個字區分了基督與神的創造物在本質上的不同,後來遺傳生物學發現了能傳遞生物特徵的物質,就命名為gene。
machina的狀況也類似,這個詞指的是某種規律、法則、機制,所以ex machina的意思是「規律法則之外」,用在戲劇中就是人世難題無法解決,最後神明或某些人力所不能及的力量出現,使出「規律法則之外」的手段(比方說讓人死而復生,或是暴龍出現),在這個意義下,跟「機器」並沒有關係,只是後來歐洲人發明人造裝置,借用古字machina來稱呼,其實machina的涵義遠遠超過「機器」,在戲劇中的表現也不是非動用到機器不可。從這段影片來看,這層認識應屬常識,「機器神」雖然是誤譯,但我們對此不能不有個正確的認識。
