In This Industrial Design Class, Students Eat Their Homework
The Rhode Island School of Design uses recipes to teach the trial-and-error process of tweaking and refining a product.
The goal is to understand iterative design, a method of improving products through repeated cycles of testing and tweaking. In other words, Designing Food is one of the rare college classes where you really can get credit for being the most improved.
- 因為那時必有大災難,是從宇宙開始,直到如今從未有過的,將來也不會再有;
- 並且那些時日如不縮短,凡有血肉的,都不會得救;但為了那些被選的,那些時日,必將縮短。
- 那時,若有人對你們說:看,默西亞--彌賽亞---在這裏,或說在那裏! 你們不要相信,
- 因為將有假默西亞和假先知興起,行大奇蹟和異蹟,以致如果可能,連被選的人也要被欺騙。
In Matthew 24 Jesus states:
- For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. [Matthew 24:21, 24 NKJV]
In the world of the yakuza, the infamous custom of cutting off fingers is well known. If a member causes problems to his yakuza group, he cuts off his finger and presents it to the group in a sign of penance.
We’re all a little shy. Adulthood forces us out of our introversion, and there’s a sweetness to that:
"Why did you burn the Constitution and become an emperor?" Stephen Colbert asked President Obama.
Christmas edition archive: The great Austrian astronomer Johannes Kepler, the man who showed that planets move round the sun in ellipses, not circles, thought that the Star of Bethlehem was probably a nova or a supernova, a star brilliantly blowing up. There are many theories about what it was that foretold the birth of Christ. Here's another
Fluent in French, Colloquially
French restaurants have spread in New York recently, most of them
bistros. But their American chefs have been more likely to tweak than
adhere to French tradition.
“Where I feel the most productive and engaged is when I’m buried in code, buried in some project, tweaking some designs,” he said. “I’m certainly introverted.”
After Paris and Moscow, Deng went back to China, and before long had ceased being “a cheerful, fun-loving extrovert.”從莫斯卡回國之後不久,他就不再是一位“快樂的、愛玩鬧的、開朗的”小夥子了。
Don't Call Introverted 內向 Children 'Shy'
By Susan Cain
Society rewards extroverts, but quiet types have a hidden strength all their own
Lindsey Vonn Makes Fun of Tiger Woods Too!
By Sean Gregory / Whistler
taking the downhill gold medal in a historic run, Lindsey Vonn joins
the rest of the country in tweaking Tiger Woods. Why just being herself
may make her a star
For many weeks I had been tweaking fetchmail rather incrementally while feeling like the interface design was serviceable but grubby—inelegant and with too many exiguous options hanging out all over. The options to dump fetched mail to a mailbox file or standard output particularly bothered me, but I couldn't figure out why.
1 (…の)表れ,きざし,兆候((of ..., that節));《医学》徴候
3 身ぶり,手まね,合図;(…せよという)合図((to do))
6 (十二宮の)星座(a sign of the zodiac)
7 (神の)しるし,奇跡((of ...)).
8 ((通例~s))((米))(野生動物の)通ったあと,足跡.
1 (…の)表れ,きざし,兆候((of ..., that節));《医学》徴候
a subjective sign
2 ((しばしば否定文))こん跡,形跡自覚徴候
3 身ぶり,手まね,合図;(…せよという)合図((to do))
by signs
4 標示,標識;看板身ぶりで
a road sign
5 符号;(音楽などの)記号道路標識
6 (十二宮の)星座(a sign of the zodiac)
7 (神の)しるし,奇跡((of ...)).
8 ((通例~s))((米))(野生動物の)通ったあと,足跡.
━━[動] (他)
1 〈手紙・書類に〉署名する;〈名前を〉署名する
[名] to do]〈人を〉(契約書に署名させて)雇う
3 [III[名] /that節]…を身ぶり[手まね]で知らせる;[V[名] to do/III[名] ([副] )]〈人に〉(…するよう)合図する((for ...)). ⇒(自) 2
4 …を十字を切って祝福する.
1 〈手紙・書類に〉署名する;〈名前を〉署名する
a signed article
2 …とサインして契約する;[V署名記事
3 [III
4 …を十字を切って祝福する.
1 [I([副] )](同意・債務・受領などのしるしとして)(…に)署名する((for ...))
[副] )/II to do]身ぶり[手まね]をする;(人に)(…せよと)合図する((to, for ...))
3 (…と)契約する,契約書に署名して雇われる((for, with ...))
1 [I(
sign for a registered special delivery letter
2 [I(書留速達便に受領の署名をする.
3 (…と)契約する,契約書に署名して雇われる((for, with ...))
be signed and sealed/be signed, sealed and delivered
sign ... away [over]/sign away [over] ...
sign in
[sign ... in/sign in ...]
sign off
sign off on ...
sign on
- extrovert
- 《心理学》[名]外向性の[社交的な]人, 外向型の(⇔introvert).━━[形]外向性[型]の.[ドイツ語Extravert←(ラテン語exta-外を+verter向く). △VERTEX...
- extroverted
- [形]外向的な, 社交的な.
Line breaks: intro|vertDefinition of introvert in English:
Pronunciation: /ˈɪntrəvəːt /
Pronunciation: /ˈɪntrəvəːt /
mid 17th century (as a verb in the general sense 'turn one's thoughts inwards (in spiritual contemplation')): frommodern Latin introvertere, from intro- 'to the inside' +vertere 'to turn'. Its use as a term in psychology dates from the early 20th century.
Sagittarius (♐) is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert 外向) sign.
1 《天文》いて(射手)座(the Archer).
[名][形]人馬宮[射手座]生まれの人(の).Sign of the Bull |
"I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical." — Arthur C. Clarke
tweak Show phonetics
noun [C]tr.v., tweaked, tweak·ing, tweaks.
━━ n., vt. ひとひねり(する); ぐいと引く(こと); 〔俗〕 【コンピュータ】(機器・プログラムを)微調整する(こと).
[with object]
tweak Show phonetics
noun [C]tr.v., tweaked, tweak·ing, tweaks.
- To pinch, pluck, or twist sharply.
- To adjust; fine-tune.
- To make fun of; tease.
- A sharp, twisting pinch.
- A teasing remark or action; a joke.
[Probably variant of dialectal twick, from Middle English twikken, from Old English twiccian.]
tweaky tweak'y adj.━━ n., vt. ひとひねり(する); ぐいと引く(こと); 〔俗〕 【コンピュータ】(機器・プログラムを)微調整する(こと).
Pronunciation: /twiːk/
Definition of tweak