2011年8月24日 星期三

Place, barque, farewell, jet lag, embarked on a mass gastric cancer screening program

Place 有時指街/廣場
晚至泰維斯托克地方( Tavistock Place)的小戲院聽戲,甚易了解。餘此後將常往也。十一月一曰星期日晴上午赴徐子俊君處,與遊溫德渥茲卡門( Garman ...

◤ JeudiDelacroix ◢
Avez-vous une idée de quel lieu aurait pu inspirer ce "Paysage : une rivière avec une barque et deux arches d'un pont en ruine" ? Un indice : il s'agirait d'une vue la Seine près de Paris...
Can you guess from where this "Landscape : a river with a barque and two arches of a ruined bridge" might have been drawn? Here is a hint: it could represent the Seine close to Paris...

Pope embarks on his first visit to the Middle East

11.06. - George Bush Embarks on Farewell Tour of Europe

Europe will be welcoming a new US President next year, but will it have an
effect on trans-atlantic trade ties?

The DW-WORLD Article


Pronunciation: /bɑːk/ 


1sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.
1.1literary A boat.


Middle English: from Old French, probably from Provençal barca, from late Latin barca'ship's boat'.


━━ vi. 乗船する; 飛行機に乗り込む ((on)); 船出する ((for)); (事業に)乗り出す ((on, upon)).

━━ vt. 船に乗せる; 従事させる ((in, on)); 投資する.
 em・bar・ka・tion ━━ n. 乗船, 搭乗; 貨物の積み込み; 積み荷; 着手 ((on, upon)).
 embarkation card 出国カード.

(embark on/upon) Begin (a course of action):she embarked on a new career
  1. To cause to board a vessel or aircraft: stopped to embark passengers.
  2. To enlist (a person or persons) or invest (capital) in an enterprise.
  1. To go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey.
  2. To set out on a venture; commence: embark on a world tour.
[French embarquer, from Late Old French, probably from Medieval Latin imbarcāre : Latin in-, in- + barca, boat.]
embarkation em'bar·ka'tion or em·bark'ment n.


━━ int., a., n. さようなら; 告別の(あいさつ).
 bid [say] … farewell / bid [say] farewell to … …に別れを告げる.

relating to the stomach:
gastric juices
a gastric ulcer

noun [U] SPECIALIZED ━━ n. 胃炎.
an illness in which the stomach walls become swollen and painful

gastric━━ a. 胃の(近くの).
 gastric cancer 胃がん.
In terms of cancer screening, Japan once was the world leader. Regrettably, however, it now lags far behind other industrialized countries. In the 1960s, Toshio Kurokawa (1897-1988)--a professor of medicine at Tohoku University who later assumed the presidency of the Sendai-based university and also that of the Japan Academy--and his team embarked on a mass gastric cancer screening program in Miyagi Prefecture.

 gastric juice 胃液.
 gastric mill 【動】胃咀嚼(そしゃく)器.
 gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍(かいよう).

This voluntary recall is intended to address a quality issue. In in-vitro tests, the disintegration time of some tested samples in gastric fluid-like ...美國在1999年仍然有45,000名這種病人必須接受一種極端的減肥手術-胃迴路手術(Gastric Bypass)。這種手術的目的在於先使用胃間隔術使胃容量減至十分之一左右,再把這個縮小的胃接到小腸,同時使小腸的有效吸收長度剩下一公尺左右(正常者4至5公尺長)。這種手術是現在公認最為有效的減肥方法,在美國已蔚為主流。

jet lag noun [U]
the feeling of tiredness and confusion which people experience after making a long journey in an aircraft to a place where the time is different from the place they left:
Every time I fly to the States, I get really bad jet lag.jet lag: hastens death in aged rats, as do rotating schedule shifts (story)

Monster founder McKelvey resigned from its board. The career-services company said he declined to be interviewed in its options probe. McKelvey's counsel said he misunderstood earlier questions due to illness and jet lag.


(Abbr. Pl.) A public square or street with houses in a town.
(通例P-))広場;(短い)通り, 街区, …. ▼しばしば地名に用いる. (略:Pl.
Irving Place アービング町.
