2024年12月20日 星期五

stopgap, step closer, at odds, in an instant. stopgap Bill. "transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work"

"transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work"
U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will bring the short-term stopgap government spending measure for a vote on the floor on Thursday, he said on Monday. "We have to fight it with creativity and curiosity."
Researchers in Stanford's Prakash Lab are working with collaborators around the world on a range of COVID-19 response projects, including design of stopgap #PPE. Anyone can join, support or replicate their efforts: https://stanford.io/2yzW981

Photographs: Homeless in an Instant

As Lagos aims to become a premier business center, the city's poor and homeless are becoming the government's enemy.
Global Finance Chiefs at Odds
A weekend gathering of the world's top finance officials deepened—rather than eased—conflicts among some of the largest economies, raising fresh doubts about boosting the flagging recovery.

at odds[at odds]
(…のことで;…と)相争って((over ...;with ...))

odds over economic issues

Cancer breath test 'step closer'

Could a breath test detect cancer?

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A breath test that can sniff-out cancer is a step closer to reality, according to a preliminary study.
Researchers found an "electronic nose" was able to identify chemical signals of cancer in the breath of patients with lung or head and neck cancer.
A cancer charity said it would take years of research to see if the breath test could be used in the clinic.
About 80 volunteers took part in the Israeli research, published in the British Journal of Cancer.
Of these 22 had various head-and-neck cancers, 24 had lung cancer and 36 were healthy.
The prototype breath test uses a chemical method to spot markers of cancer present in the breath.
The hope is that one day such a test could be used in a GP's surgery to give an instant diagnosis.
'Urgent need'
Researchers at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - are working on a device called the nano artificial nose.

Head-and-neck cancer

Around 9,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with head-and-neck cancer each year
Cancers include those of the eye, mouth, voice box and food pipe
They looked at head-and-neck cancer, which is often diagnosed late, making it more difficult to treat successfully.
Lead researcher, Professor Hossam Haick, said: "There's an urgent need to develop new ways to detect head-and-neck cancer because diagnosis of the disease is complicated, requiring specialist examinations.
"We've shown that a simple 'breath test' can spot the patterns of molecules which are found in head-and-neck patients in a small, early study.
"We now need to test these results in larger studies to find if this could lead to a potential screening method for the disease."
Dr Lesley Walker, of Cancer Research UK, said it was incredibly important to spot the disease as soon as possible when it was easier to treat successfully.
She added: "These interesting initial results show promise for the development of a breath test to detect head-and-neck cancers which are often diagnosed at an advanced stage.
"But it's important to be clear that this is a small study, at a very early stage, so many more years of research with patients will be needed to see if a breath test could be used in the clinic."

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So Japan's economy is trapped: A high yen penalizes exports; low births and sclerotic firms hurt domestic growth. The lesson for us is that massive budget deficits and cheap credit are at best necessary stopgaps. They're narcotics whose effects soon fade. They can't correct underlying economic deficiencies. It's time to move on from the debate over "stimulus."

Stopgap Budget Bill Prompts Latest Shutdown Fears
The House and Senate are again at odds over government spending.

South Korea paid about $1 billion last year for hosting U.S. troops. Trump was asking for as much as a five-fold increase.

stop·gap (stŏp'găp')
An improvised substitute for something lacking; a temporary expedient. See synonyms at makeshift.

Serving as a stopgap: a stopgap budget bill to keep the government running.

n. - 權宜之計, 臨時替代人, 補缺者


in • stant
instants (複数形)
the instant, (全1件)
1 [C]((ふつう単数形))瞬間, 瞬時(moment);[U]…の瞬間((of ...))
an instant too late
in an instant
at the instant of retreat
There is not an instant to be lost.
2 [U]今の今;今, まさにその時(▼this, thatを冠して副詞的に用いる)
Turn off the TV this instant.
I decided that instant.
3 ((略式))即席食品(インスタントコーヒーなど).
the instant (that) ...
((接続詞的))…するとすぐ, …するやいなや
I knew it was him the instant I saw him.
1 すぐの, 即時[刻]の
an instant answer
instant death
instant lottery
The firm was an instant success.
2 (緊)急の, 切迫した
in instant peril
3 ((限定))〈飲食物が〉即席の, インスタントの
instant coffee
4 今月の(略:inst.)
his letter of the 10th instant
━━[副]ただちに, すぐに, 即刻(instantly).
[ラテン語instāns(in-近くに+stāre立つ+-ANT=すぐの). △INSTANCE
