2021年10月24日 星期日

bite, contemn, reproach, backbiting, catalyst

Her marriage to Mr. Motherwell in 1958 gave the couple an art-world aura. Like her, he came from a well-to-do family, and “the golden couple,” as they were known in the cash-poor and backbiting art world of the time, spent several leisurely months honeymooning in Spain and France.

In self-imposed exile from the backbiting Parisian art world, Pablo Picasso changed his art dramatically.

A short trip to an ancient village was the catalyst for a profound shift in Picasso’s work – but it is often overlooked. Alastair Sooke finds out more.

As Apple Feels Bite, Hon Hai Looks to Diversify



他喪禮採用聖詠 (Psalms作傳的人說是選得很恰當的

Land and Labour in China by R. H. Tawney《中國的土地與勞力》



King James Version: Psalms Chapter 15

1 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?

2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.

3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.

4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own


  • 発音記号[kəntém]
[名]hurt, and changeth not.

5 He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.


  • 発音記号[ripróutʃ]
1 〈人の〉あらを探す;〈人を〉(…のことで)責める, 非難する, とがめる, しかる, 叱責(しっせき)する((for, with ...))
reproach a person for not answering
have nothing to reproach oneself withover] ...
I have many things to reproach him for.
He reproached me forwith] carelessness.

Definition of bite
verb (past bit /bɪt/; past participle bitten /ˈbɪt(ə)n/)

[with object]
  • use the teeth to cut into (something):the woman’s arm was bitten off by an alligator [no object]:Rosa bit into a cream cake
  • use the teeth in order to inflict injury on:she had bitten, scratched, and kicked her assailant
  • (of a snake, insect, or spider) wound with fangs, pincers, or a sting:while on holiday she was bitten by an adder
  • [no object] (of an acid) corrode a surface:chemicals have bitten deep into the stone
  • [no object] (of a fish) take the bait or lure on the end of a fishing line into the mouth: I marvel at how easily and eagerly a chub will bite
  • [no object] informal be persuaded to accept a deal or offer:a hundred or so retailers should bite
  • informal annoy or worry:what’s biting you today?
  • 2 [no object] (of a tool, tyre, boot, etc.) grip or take hold on a surface:once on the slab, my boots failed to bite
  • (of an object) press into a part of the body, causing pain:the handcuffs bit into his wrists
  • cause emotional pain:Cheryl’s betrayal had bitten deep
  • (of a policy or situation) take effect, with unpleasant consequences:the cuts in art education were starting to bite
  • North American informal be very bad, unpleasant, or unfortunate: it bites that your mom won’t let you go


  • 1an act of biting something in order to eat it:Stephen ate a hot dog in three big bites
  • a wound inflicted by an animal’s or a person’s teeth:Percy’s dog had given her a nasty bite
  • a wound inflicted by a snake, insect, or spider:my legs were covered in mosquito bites
  • an instance of bait being taken by a fish:by four o’clock he still hadn’t had a single bite
  • Dentistry the bringing together of the teeth so that the jaws are closed.
  • Dentistry an imprint of the position of the teeth when the jaws are closed, made in a plastic material.
  • 2a piece cut off by biting:Robyn took a large bite out of her sandwich
  • informal a quick snack:I plan to stop off in the village and have a bite to eat
  • a small morsel of prepared food, intended to constitute one mouthful:bacon bites with cheese
  • a short piece of information.
  • 3a sharp or pungent flavour:a fresh, lemony bite
  • [mass noun] incisiveness or cogency of style:the tale has added bite if its characters appear to be real
  • a feeling of cold in the air or wind:by early October there’s a bite in the air

báckbìte[báck・bìte][動](-bit, -bit・ten)(他)(自)(人の)陰口をきく;(人を)中傷する.


Definition of backbiting


[mass noun]
  • malicious talk about someone who is not present: members have grown tired of the backbiting in the group [as modifier]:there were backbiting accusations among some sections of the press





