2020年2月11日 星期二

impromptu, lighten up, pillow fight, hysteria, En garde

Pillow Fight by Richard Scarry

En garde
The prospect of an Asian arms race is genuinely frightening, but prudent concern about China’s build-up must not lapse into hysteria.
Baldwin Channels Jack Donaghy Alec Baldwin gave an impromptu speech on capitalism at the Occupy Wall Street protests, after being asked his thoughts on "ending" the Federal Reserve.
In Paris, he took the famous photograph of the Fab Four having a pillow fight at the George V Hotel; he shot their groundbreaking first visit to the United States, the full impact of New York hysteria, their famous appearance on The Ed Sullivan show, the band in Florida, including their surprising encounter with Cassius Clay; as well as on the set of A Hard Day’s Night. The relationship continued in 1966, including George’s honeymoon in Barbados and their notorious US tour, under the shadow cast by Lennon’s comment that the Beatles were “bigger than Jesus Christ.”

《中英對照讀新聞》In flight entertainment:A stewardess starts pillow fight at 20,000ft 飛行中的娛樂:空姐在2萬英尺空中掀起枕頭戰

They say the Germans have no sense of humour. But as a video of a pillow fight posted on YouTube shows, when it comes to flying at least, they have finally learned to lighten up.
A spontaneous pillow fight broke out on a Lufthansa flight as a stewardess handed out the complimentary pillows.
Rather than order everyone to stop she joined in and could not stop grinning as she threw the white cushions around.
The passengers responded by throwing them back before an all-out pillow war across the cabin broke out to whoops and shrieks of joy.
As the pillow fight ended and the stewardess ran off to the galley where a colleague pretended to haul her to safety, applause broke out and passengers rocked back and forth with laughter and slapped their thighs.
The impromptu incident took place at 20,000ft onboard the Lufthansa flight LH687 from Tel-Aviv to Frankfurt earlier this month.
A male passenger who was in the cabin said:"It certainly relieved the tension," "everyone had a grin on their face and for the rest of the flight we were all in a good mood."
lighten up:動詞片語,放輕鬆。例句:Just lighten up and don’t worry so much. We’ll cross the bridge when we get there!(就放輕鬆,別那麼擔心,船到橋頭自然直。)
Become or cause to become less serious or gloomy, and more cheerful. For example, Lighten up, Sam--it'll turn out all right. This slangy expression transfers reducing a physical weight to a change of mood or attitude.
run off:動詞,逃跑。例句:The robbers disguised as cops and ran off.(搶匪偽裝成警察跑掉了。)

impromptu:形容詞,即興的、臨時的。例句:He hastily arranged an impromptu dinner party for the unexpected guests.(他倉促地為這群意外的訪客臨時安排了一場晚宴。)
(ĭm-prŏmp'tū, -tyū) pronunciation

  1. Prompted by the occasion rather than being planned in advance: an impromptu party.
  2. Spoken, performed, done, or composed with little or no preparation; extemporaneous: a few impromptu remarks. See synonyms at extemporaneous.
With little or no preparation; extemporaneously.


  1. Something, such as a speech, that is made or done extemporaneously.
  2. Music. A short composition, especially for the piano, performed in an offhand or extemporized style.

[French, from Latin in prōmptū, at hand : in, in; see in-2 + prōmptū, ablative of prōmptus, readiness, from past participle of prōmere, to bring forth. See prompt.]

 En garde
 (äN gärd') pronunciation
Used to warn a fencer to assume the position preparatory to a match.

[French : en, on + garde, guard.]

  • 発音記号[ɑːŋ gɑ'ːrd]
