2025年3月11日 星期二

cathartic performance , catharsis, Now comes a moment of catharsis—or another round of brutal punishment alt, salt shaker/saltcellar , shortness, sense, Satori, illumination, salting, Denglisch; Foods heavy in sodium vs. potassium. Replace salt with potassium to cut risk of heart disease

For ten days, since the shouting-match in the Oval Office, Ukraine has been scorched by Donald Trump’s wrath. Now comes a moment of catharsis—or another round of brutal punishment

To get a deal in Jeddah, Ukraine must first make peace with Donald Trump

With a cathartic performance, Nathan Chen exorcises four-year-old demons

The Last Supper, c. 1520, by Giampietrino, oil on canvas, in the collection of the Royal Academy of Arts, London.[c] This full-scale copy was the main source for the 1978–1998 restoration of the original. It includes several lost details such as Christ's feet and the salt cellar spilled by Judas. Giampietrino is thought to have worked closely with Leonardo when he was in Milan.

Cautionary narratives offer catharsis, hope, and sometimes humour in troubling times.

The rise of apocalyptic novels

 FACT: Most people consume too much salt.
You can take care of you and your loved ones by not adding salt during the preparation of food, and not having salt shakers on the table.
German has taken on quite a lot of English words. The on-line, user-written Wiktionary lists some 900 of them. The definitions begin with abgefuckt ("in a sorry state") and end in der Zoom (the feature on camera lenses). The liberal salting of English words into German sentences is called "Denglisch" (Deutsch and Englisch), and it tends to annoy traditionalists http://econ.st/18AqDyz

Tomoharu Saito, who took part in Tokyo with his wife Miki days before they were set to file for divorce, said crushing the rings felt cathartic.


Biblical sound and sense: poetic sound patterns in Proverbs 10-29 - Google 圖書結果

Thomas P. McCreesh - 1991 - Religion - 164 頁
It has been well described as having shortness, sense and salt.1 For example, there is the English proverb 'Grasp all, lose all'. It is crisp and compact, ...

For Catholic Schools, Crisis and Catharsis
With yet more Catholic schools about to close, proponents of American Catholic education say decisive action must be taken, and soon.

Satori in Paris and Pic: Two Novels (B-541) (Paperback)
by Jack Kerouac "SOMEWHERE DURING MY TEN DAYS IN PARIS (AND Brittany) I received an illumination of some kind that seems to've changed me again, towards what I..."

2. on Page 3:
"... changed me again, towards what I suppose'll be my pattern for another seven years or more : in effect, a satori: the Japanese word for "sudden illumination," "sudden awakening" or simply "kick in the eye."-Whatever, something did happen and in my ..."

戴他去Orly 機場的計程車司機 Raymond Baillet

Duration of the ride: 65 mn Average fare ride: 7,50 € The bus will take you to
Place de l'Opéra. From ORLY Airport : Air France Bus Duration of the ride: 35 ...
gold bracelets and perfume) or the waiter who told me "Paris est pourri" (Paris is rotten) or the performance of Mozart's Requiem in old church of St. Germain des Prés with ..."

cathartic︰名詞為瀉藥,形容詞指淨化的、有宣洩作用的。例句︰The woman gave on last cathartic sob.(那女人最後抽泣了一聲,總算哭個痛快。)
Inducing catharsis; purgative.

An agent for purging the bowels, especially a laxative.

[Late Latin catharticus, from Greek kathartikos, from kathairein, to purge. See catharsis.]

  • [kəθɑ'ːrsis]  [名](複 -ses 〔-siz〕)[U][C]
1 《精神医学》(精神療法の)カタルシス, 浄化法, 通利療法;(感情の)浄化.
2 《美術》カタルシス, 浄化:特に悲劇などによる観客の感情の浄化.
3 (下剤による)便通, 排便.

さとり 0 【悟り/覚り】
(2)〔仏〕 迷妄を去って、真理を会得すること。また、その真理。開悟。菩提。覚。

Satori (悟 Korean ohJapanese satori (from the verb satoru); Chinese) is a Japanese Buddhist term for enlightenment. The word literally means "understanding". It is sometimes loosely used interchangeably with Kensho, but Kensho refers to the first perception of the Buddha-Nature or True-Nature, sometimes referred to as "awakening". Kensho is not a permanent state of enlightenment, but rather a clear glimpse of the true nature of existence. Satori on the other hand is used to refer to "deep" or lasting enlightenment. It is therefore customary to use the word satori, rather than kensho, when referring to the enlightened states of the Buddha and the Patriarchs.
According to D. T. Suzuki, "Satori is the raison d'être of Zen, without which Zen is no Zen. Therefore every contrivance, disciplinary and doctrinal, is directed towards satori."[1]
Satori is also analogous to the concept of creativity, in the sense that it reconciles apparent opposites. It is also known as the "Eureka!" moment of discovery - upon the clarification of a paradox, which is a moment of catharsis, or purification.

Foods heavy in sodium vs. potassium.
Replace salt with potassium to cut risk of heart disease, analysts say
Chan School researchers clarify cardiovascular threat posed by high sodium intake.

(sôlt) pronunciation
  1. A colorless or white crystalline solid, chiefly sodium chloride, used extensively in ground or granulated form as a food seasoning and preservative. Also called common salt, table salt.
  2. A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals.
  3. salts Any of various mineral salts used as laxatives or cathartics.
  4. salts Smelling salts.
  5. Epsom salts. Often used in the plural.
  6. An element that gives flavor or zest.
  7. Sharp lively wit.
  8. Informal. A sailor, especially when old or experienced.
  9. A saltcellar./ salt shakers

An English glass salt cellar, circa 1720

salt cellar (also called a saltsalt-box and a salt pig) is an article of tableware for holding and dispensing salt. In British English, the term is normally used for what in North American English are called salt shakers.[1][2] 

  1. Containing or filled with salt: a salt spray; salt tears.
  2. Having a salty taste or smell: breathed the salt air.
  3. Preserved in salt or a salt solution: salt mackerel.
    1. Flooded with seawater.
    2. Found in or near such a flooded area: salt grasses.
tr.v., salt·ed, salt·ing, salts.
  1. To add, treat, season, or sprinkle with salt.
  2. To cure or preserve by treating with salt or a salt solution.
  3. To provide salt for (deer or cattle).
  4. To add zest or liveliness to: salt a lecture with anecdotes.
  5. To give an appearance of value to by fraudulent means, especially to place valuable minerals in (a mine) for the purpose of deceiving.
phrasal verbs:
salt away
  1. To put aside; save.
salt out
  1. To separate (a dissolved substance) by adding salt to the solution.
salt of the earth
  1. A person or group considered as the best or noblest part of society.
worth (one's) salt
  1. Efficient and capable.
[Middle English, from Old English sealt.]


Pronunciation: /sɔːlt, sɒlt/
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  • 1 (also common salt) [mass noun] a white crystalline substance which gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for seasoning or preserving food: season with salt and pepper
    • Alternative name: sodium chloride; chemical formula: NaCl
  • literary something which adds freshness or piquancy:he described danger as the salt of pleasure
  • 2 Chemistry any chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or other cation.
  • 3 (usually old salt) informal an experienced sailor: he was one of many old salts who lined up to volunteer


  • 1impregnated with, treated with, or tasting of salt:salt water salt beef
  • 2(of a plant) growing on the coast or in salt marshes: the region is rich in salt plant communities and reed beds


[with object]
  • 1 (usually as adjective salted) season or preserve with salt:cook the carrots in boiling salted water
  • make (something) piquant or more interesting:there was good talk to salt the occasion
  • 2sprinkle (a road or path) with salt in order to melt snow or ice: local authorities worked to improve travel conditions by gritting and salting roads
  • 3 informal fraudulently make (a mine) appear to be a paying one by placing rich ore into it: I shall want to see some evidence that there really is a seam—no salting it, no faking
4 (as adjective salted) (of a horse) having developed a resistance to disease by surviving it.



(usually saltings) British
an area of coastal land that is regularly covered by the tide: they nest on the drier parts of the saltings
